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Guys who play girl characters


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quite simple really, i play most of the time in 3rd Person and I dont wanna look at some guys ...behind all the time :).


Besides, have you seen the guys running around in Skyrim? they are build like mountains...i am not saying i am jealous but...i am jealous!


Just kidding....i guess i play a female character because its a single player game so i dont have to represent myself to anybody (the AI sure dont care) and to me as a guy, woman in nice Armor is quite some nice eyecandy.


Theres of course always the possibility that i am a weird guy who secretly wishes to be a woman...nah..then I had to deal with these monthly issues women have!


P.S. and on a more serious sidenote to all who say "guys playing as girls should be ashamed". I am far to old and to tired to be ashamed of something as trivial as this. I am ashamed of voting for the wrong politicians, i am ashamed of letting people die of Hunger in our highly civilized world, i am ashamed of bigotry, racism, pointless hate, lies and "dumbness" that goes around, thats what I am really ashamed of.

Edited by Arcadiast
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I agree with ludux ^^.

Anyway, I like playing female characters because they are just so much more heroic to me. In fact, I am more of a roleplayer, and I observed that I usually play males when I want to be treacherous and sneaky, and females when I want to play a more respectable character.

A male character being a warrior or somehting like that is just expected. He's just expressing his hormones ^^. Of course I reckon it can be also an interesting char to play.


In Skyrim I play a female nord, and she is feeling very angry when somebody adresses her as "whelp" or something like that, and she usually finds a way to retaliate. I guess that in my next game, i will choose a male char to make a magician, physically weak, but cunning.


And in unreal 1, hmmm I don't remember what I played^^.

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I'm a guy. I like females more than males. I play female characters.


It also depends on the class...The only one I could really see myself playing a male for is a Monk - something about beating the crap out of people with your fists is much more satisfying as a male.

Or just a lone hunter living in the woods with nothing but the clothes on his back and his trusty bow.

Everything else is female.

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Because there is something deeply satisfying with being a female badass who wrecks the opposition and does what she wants, without being a supermodel or a exhibitionist. For once to experience fantasy where the woman is not merely eye candy or a plot device, but a sword wielding, heavily armored woman filled with unending rage towards whatever meager blade is drawn with the pitiful idea that it would be enough to put her down.

To be the anti-thesis of the nubile lightly clad femme, who looks like she's straight off the catwalk, yet somehow manages to effortlessly lift a twohander? Yes! I very much enjoy that.


And that's putting it into very strong words. In reality I don't really put that much angst into it. But it is to some extent a counterreaction to the idea that fantasy females are supposed to be 'hot' and not rugged hardcore adventurers.

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As most people have said, it's often simply because most male gamers find females attractive (especially if they're slender, athletic and look like top models), or play as a male because they can feel related to their character. I'm a 'gaymer', and I play as a male because I identify myself with males more than females and I would rather stare at a guy's backside instead of a girl's.
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I am a happily married man with a BEAUTIFUL wife and two small daughters. My favorite character to play as is a female woodelf.


Since someone asked here is why: First, I love to play stealthy assasins and thiefes and lets face it guys, women are much more cool calm calculating and therefore DEADLY! :ninja: The other half of why I play a female is content and appearance based. Just look at how much more content (clothing, armor, body textures etc.) that people made or modded for oblivion. And yes, I would much rather see a hot female woodelf than a beefy nord for hours on end. I'm actually glad someone asked this cause I let my wife read this reply and she laughed and said she agreed! LOL (She plays a female in skyrim too) :D

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I always pick female characters. For the obvious reason that I'm a girl myself. It's just this instant choice really. Well I did had a male character back when I used to play WoW, but hmm. Cartoony vs kinda realistic... It's not the same. Also armor tends to look way better on females. :) And I don't like playing with too huge characters either. There you have it. But I must admit, if I haven't advanced so far in Skyrim as I did now, and I could make my char look like Vilkas, I'd start right over. x_x


But in any case I can understand why men play female characters, hell, it's way more fun to look at for +150 hours imo. Bewbs! <3 And women that kick ass with a huge hammer can't be wrong. Ever.


Anyway, play what fits you, what fits your story behind your character, if you care for it (I know I do), and enjoy. :) Go nuts.

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I play a male and when ever possible i make him look as much like myself as i can, I'm not interested in seeing some action hero i made up or playing the role of a hot elf. This character is an extension of myself and I'm pretty awesome. as such i want my character to be just as awesome as me only with really bad ass armor and a sword and shield.


That said i also try to play in First person unless its for a Screen shot to show off how awesome i am :P

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