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Can't get into Skyrim... my reasons why.


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I can understand OP's anger...there are some points in what he says, but overall this game is amazing.

There was this thread arround here somewhere with the name "RPG's arent numbers" i suggest for the OP to read it, its an interesting view on this whole "where are my stats and sheets" argument.

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If games are being dumbed down for consoles it is a problem. The game is purposely being made worse so console players can deal with it.


The removal of attributes is a problem. You have less customization, end of story.


Anyways I posted my full rant in another thread.

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If games are being dumbed down for consoles it is a problem. The game is purposely being made worse so console players can deal with it.


The removal of attributes is a problem. You have less customization, end of story.


Anyways I posted my full rant in another thread.

Yeah i agree with this, i myself am dissapointed by many things, but overall its still a nice experience.


Sadly, i think this is going to be worser with each new bethesda game...they probably will go all console sooner or later...i hope im wrong though.

Edited by pavy
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The attributes affected a lot besides just health, stamina and magika.


Depending on wich ones you raised first, you could have two chars ending with all your attributes at 100 and a different amount of health/stamina and magika.

A char with poor speechcraft skill but high personality would be able to persuade as well as another char with high speechcraft skill and poor personality and I could go on and on and on with this.


I wouldn't have said it exactly the same way, I never though it was because of the console gamers that they did that, I don't think that console gamers are more dumb than PC gamers.

But I completely agree with the disapointment, I feel the same.


It's more like they are changing the ES series in an action/FPS game and not an RPG anymore.

You just have to look at the quest system, no more journal now you are told exactly what to do, where, when and how to do it.



I'm enjoying the game don't get me wrong, but once I'll have finished it once, maybe twice I'm pretty sure I won't play it again, as it happened with Oblivion.

Morrowind on the other hand I'm still playing it and I'll ontinue doing so as long as my computer will be able to run it. I even downloaded arena and dagerfall and had a blast with those despite the poor graphics and combat system.

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Maybe i'm elitist maybe i'm not, my friends *censored* at me for being to hard on games (Only about 3 games are 10/10 in my opinion) so don't wanna hear those remarks if you comment on this post.


Skyrim is dumbed down, extensivly from earlier elder scrolls games, no medium armor, crossbows, axe skills etc and this new perk tree system is kinda dumb in my opinion, I find myself training up skills i don't use to get up a level so i can put another perk into my tree, it would have been much better to have a slower skill progession and have perks auto-unlock in my opinion.


The UI has taken a step down from earlier games aswell but i do find the quest system i liked best to be oblivion's, skyrims suffers from it's terrible UI and Morrowind was way too cluttery and hard to read (My opinion).


But lets not forget what Skyrim has added, duel weilding, actuall choice and consiquence and more.


So no i don't agree with you in the regard of not being able to get into Skyrim, you can just look past it's flaws (Like every bethesda game really) and you'll find an enjoyable game.

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In my hones opinion, I don't think stats is that important in singleplayer games like TES. Increasing damage by 1% every now and then won't really matter. I understand it in games like WoW or other MMORPGs because you have to have every advantage you possible can to succeed at what you're doing, in games like these it doesn't really matter that much. I think exploring is what's fun in TES. Just roaming around the land finding huuuge caves uncovering great treasures. That's what I think makes a good TES. And damn, skyrim improved greatly, all the unique dungeons, compared to the others.
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I have a lot of sympathy for the OPs position, while the game is fun it lacks any kind of depth. They have improved the writing and dialogue from TES 4, not that they could have made it any worse. There are also some choices now where Oblivion had none once you'd hit "Done" on the character generator. It's a shame that they've gone backwards in other areas, the levelling system, those silly stones, the removal of yet more skills, no spell making and ridiculously short quest lines. Given the choice between Oblivion and Skyrim I'd take Skyrim, Oblivion did have the better levelling system and longer quests but the whole thing felt bland and vacuous. That said I'd take Morrowind over both of them.
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