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Skyrim Remastered Interview with GameSpot


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If you don't feel like reading it yourself I'll fill you in. Skyrim was chosen for two reason: 1) It was highly successful and much more likely to sell. 2) It was easier to remaster since it was newer and because they had already ported parts of it over to X1/PS4 for testing purposes. Oblivion and Morrowind were considered, but they would have required as much effort as an entirely new Elder Scrolls game to remaster, so the choice was either remaster Skyrim or make an entirely new game(Something they already have planned, but need better tech to achieve what they want to do.)

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upcoming special edition; anyone know if ENB will work? Static Mesh Improvment mod still be an improvment?


Generally speaking, any mod that does not rely upon SKSE to function (e.g. MCM menu support) WILL work. Now the remastered version has improvements that are "ENB-like" already baked in, but you should still be able to add your favorite ENB. As for the Static Mesh mod, sorry, I don't know if it will make a difference.


Edit: I should further clarify that a mod that relies heavily on the 32-bit engine (again, mostly SKSE reliant mods) may not work properly on the remastered version's 64-bit engine.

Edited by LeddBate
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Generally speaking, any mod that does not rely upon SKSE to function (e.g. MCM menu support) WILL work.



There are mods that require SKSE that don't use MCM, BTW, FYI.



I know, that's why I said "e.g." as in "for example".



The vanilla Skyrim UI is so abysmally awful that I consider SkyUI porting to be more important than the 64-bit powers of the SSE engine. I for one won't be moving over until/unless that moves over, the vanilla UI is that horrendous.


Couldn't agree more. Some people LIKE the vanilla UI (looks at Lachdonin and shudders.) J/K -Please don't hate me!


Well, I feel confident that the Silverlock team will dig into the new version as soon as they can. I give it a 75% chance that any Skyrim mod in the top 200 that is still being updated will get a 64-bit version once the new 64-bit compatible SKSE is released. The most likely thing that might prevent an active modder from making a new version of their mod is a lack of time to do so. After the new Skyrim gets released in October, I might drop the Silverlock team an email asking when they might have a chance of getting around to updating for it. Of course, if any of the team are reading this thread, please chime in!


Of course, it's possible that some mod authors might not even wait for an updated SKSE and update their mod without it. I don't know jack about modding, but some mods MUST be able to be updated without the SKSE being necessary. Am I right?

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I'm worried that Remastered edition might use new format for meshes and npc pathfinding from Fallout 4. In such case a lot of mods will require porting it to new engine. We just have to count on bethesda's laziness and doing as little rework as possible.

They said textures and shaders in the trailer. You can still watch it and see that there is hardly any changes in the meshes and folders should work the same. There is no reason to rework the ai in a visual upgrade.


Don't quote me though.

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I'm worried that Remastered edition might use new format for meshes and npc pathfinding from Fallout 4. In such case a lot of mods will require porting it to new engine. We just have to count on bethesda's laziness and doing as little rework as possible.

They said textures and shaders in the trailer. You can still watch it and see that there is hardly any changes in the meshes and folders should work the same. There is no reason to rework the ai in a visual upgrade.


Don't quote me though.



Well I believe that modifying the meshes would require A LOT of testing, troubleshooting, and patches. They aren't going to do that.

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