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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585, #41276745, #41277095, #41278320, #41278875, #41281935, #41282870, #41282905, #41301515, #41302665, #41318530, #41344390 are all replies on the same post.

J Allin wrote: If it aint broke, don't fix it... ;)
pedantic wrote: Sage advice :)
sonogu wrote: Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work :)
HadToRegister wrote:

Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work

This is the first I've heard about it?
sonogu wrote: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12539/?

These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.
piotrmil wrote: That is very, very true. I do hope that the authors will give us options instead of shoving the new design down our throats.
michaelspicer16 wrote: Agreed
graymaybe wrote: Compared to what it could be, it's pretty broke tho.
Thallassa wrote: Luckily nexus was pretty broke. I'm looking forward to the fix.
HadToRegister wrote:


These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.

I missed all of those, I was busy doing clinicals at a hospital all that time
janishewski wrote: Advice for the weak. Everything is broken because nothing is perfect, therefore everything can always be improved. This look far superior to the old site design.
janishewski wrote: Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
pedantic wrote: Nothing to do with being timid, weak, or an under achiever. Neither is it how it "looks" that's important to me (The same can be said for a good game). It's how it functions for everyone which should be a sites' primary concern. Fix what's broken by all means, adopt new technology by all means. But it seems to me, in this day and age, that actions are taken simply because they can be taken and for no other practical reason. So, instead of fixing what's broken a little at a time, we're plunged into months of constant change while the little necessary changes are incorporated into a premature overhaul to make the Nexus look like every other site. I love the Nexus because it isn't like every other site. The new "random" mod idea smacks of PSN and the rest looks just like, as others have said, (ugh..) Bethesda. The download shortcut might cause issues, too, for mod makers. It's a great idea but poorly thought through imho. However, if the shortcut were to take folk to the mod description page, similar to the current preview, then maybe the install instructions, requirements, and README.TXT (which so many don't) would be adhered to more often, leaving our brilliant mod makers to do what they do best. I can see the benefit of the shortcut if, for whatever reason, I'm re-downloading a mod. Hey, there's an idea: The shortcut only goes live if you've previously downloaded said mod - the same way you're not able to endorse a mod prior to download. Me? I love change but not simply for the sake of it.
EnaiSiaion wrote:
Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
So how's Windows 10 treating you?
sevencardz wrote: People where I work use this philosophy all the time. Also known as "Don't reinvent the wheel". It's fun to watch them struggle along with square wheels all day while I zoom right past them.

EDIT: Oh and Nexus, please fix your emoticons. I mean... who wrote the parsing algorithm that thinks my capital D was meant to be a smiley face?
endgameaddiction wrote: @sevencardz

It's the reason why I don't use emoticons. And I disable it. But really that's not the solution if you like using emoticons and not having your brackets translated into a smiley face when using it outside of the context of a emoticon.

I make sure to put a space in between " and D if I quote something
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In response to post #41360610. #41362365 is also a reply to the same post.

UniversalLibrary wrote:

Has anyone noticed the slow and/or partial loads of the Nexus site recently? I am almost exclusively on F4 portions, and a good many of the mod main images on the main page for that game refuse to load. It takes a while for the site to finally consider itself complete, and there are a ton of X where mods ought to be. Cleared a lot of browser stuff, and my other sites work as intended.

HadToRegister wrote: I'm having that problem too, which is why I'm worried about the new bandwidth hungry layout.

I've waited for up to 2 minutes for Files to show on a mod page recently, and when switching between tabs on a mod page it can be very slow.
To the point I get frustrated and leave the page.

I have also been experiencing the same issue. It is very frustrating. Modders should understand that if they want their mods used they should be concerned about how reliable the delivery system is (that would mean Nexus. I know there are others but Nexus is the 800 lb. gorilla in this field), how easy it is to use and how well it displays their product. Nexus does a good job now in terms of ease of use, It needs to devote more resources on reliability and focus their resources on reliable delivery to avoid people leaving the site (and not downloading mods) because they cannot get things to load or it takes too long, et al. Spending resources on cosmetic changes is pretty much a waste. I for one, am not here to see the Nexus website, as much as I treasure the service they provide; I am here to see and potentially download the mods. To a certain extent, the more invisible Nexus is, the better they have done their job. This is a showcase for the mods not for someone to market Nexus, besides Nexus doesn't need any marketing, they have built a better mousetrap and people have come because of that, so stick with what got you here Nexus. If you need to change stuff to take advantage of technology changes do it but keep it as invisible to users as possible. This will no doubt raise the techy ire but so be it, technology should be for the benefit of the user. Edited by NeoNord
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In response to post #41360610. #41362365, #41366355 are all replies on the same post.

UniversalLibrary wrote:

Has anyone noticed the slow and/or partial loads of the Nexus site recently? I am almost exclusively on F4 portions, and a good many of the mod main images on the main page for that game refuse to load. It takes a while for the site to finally consider itself complete, and there are a ton of X where mods ought to be. Cleared a lot of browser stuff, and my other sites work as intended.

HadToRegister wrote: I'm having that problem too, which is why I'm worried about the new bandwidth hungry layout.

I've waited for up to 2 minutes for Files to show on a mod page recently, and when switching between tabs on a mod page it can be very slow.
To the point I get frustrated and leave the page.
NeoNord wrote: I have also been experiencing the same issue. It is very frustrating. Modders should understand that if they want their mods used they should be concerned about how reliable the delivery system is (that would mean Nexus. I know there are others but Nexus is the 800 lb. gorilla in this field), how easy it is to use and how well it displays their product. Nexus does a good job now in terms of ease of use, It needs to devote more resources on reliability and focus their resources on reliable delivery to avoid people leaving the site (and not downloading mods) because they cannot get things to load or it takes too long, et al. Spending resources on cosmetic changes is pretty much a waste. I for one, am not here to see the Nexus website, as much as I treasure the service they provide; I am here to see and potentially download the mods. To a certain extent, the more invisible Nexus is, the better they have done their job. This is a showcase for the mods not for someone to market Nexus, besides Nexus doesn't need any marketing, they have built a better mousetrap and people have come because of that, so stick with what got you here Nexus. If you need to change stuff to take advantage of technology changes do it but keep it as invisible to users as possible. This will no doubt raise the techy ire but so be it, technology should be for the benefit of the user.

Same problem the past few weeks.
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In response to post #41318050. #41335385 is also a reply to the same post.

andreitabacaru wrote: I don't really get why people complain about the proposed tile layout. The current Browse files section of the site is exactly that, but in a really bad and out-dated version, where almost one third of the screen's witdh is occupied by mod tiles, and the rest is search bar (which would be way better on top of the page) and the background image...both of which take up almost 2/3s... two damn thirds of useless space, that could be used to showcase this site's exact purpose: mods. So the new layout is really perfect!! you get to see bigger preview images to get a really quick idea about what's what... and it looks a lot more tidy which I always prefer.
On the flip side, I also don't agree with the quick download feature... I get it, faster access to great content and what not, but if you think about it, yeah, you remove one (crucial) step... but if the mod doesn't work because it had special requirements or installation processes, you're just adding OTHER tedious and unnecessary steps that could have been easily avoided. Of course, allowing authors to activate it optionally if the mods are simple and don't require extra attention would be good I guess. I would never use that feature but I can definitely see how other people would.
pedantic wrote: Personally I LIKE the current layout because it DOESN'T use full width. It's a boon when using a split screen - App. on the right, Nexus on the left. Cool beans all round in my book.

Yeah, I see what you're saying... but the new one is still going to be witdh responsive, especially if they're going with the touch control / mobile friendly design in mind... smaller width is still going to be great, it'll just have lesser tiles per row than a fullscreen one. In my case, since I use 2 monitors and a whole screen for the page, it's also going to be great... so I guess it'll fix a problem for people like me, while also still working great for people that use split screen :)
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I think it looks great. Of course there's gonna be bugs... You people need to take a chill pill. These guys do listen to the community and have been very accepting of feedback in the past. The old site is a bit clunky but functional. I know a lot of people want to avoid growing pains. One thing they did mention is that this new layout would be far easier to tweak and make changes to. I would think that if you had a site like this that has been basically remodeled over and over you end up with a hodgepodge of tons of different elements and things become very complicated. Sometimes it's better to just start over, I think this is a good idea. I think that this will continue to be the best modding website in the world and that's why I have contributed to it. A lot of people act like this is a service when it isn't. This is a community. A lot of people like to criticize everything Nexus staff does like it's a paid service. It's not. I find also find it disconcerting that most the people that complain haven't contributed anything whether it's money or a useful mod of their own.

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In response to post #41358790.

janlevkoff wrote: Have you guys considered the option of posting your changes after they've been tested and found to work properly? Nexus has been amazingly slow lately even with my 200 mb/s internet connection. I do understand you're working hard, but your users really shouldn't be watching the process. Good luck with it.

...whatever slowness issues being experienced right now are utterly unrelated to anything in this news post. Edited by Dark0ne
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While I obviously access the site on my PC when actually downloading mods, I access it on a tablet quite a bit too for browsing, answering comments and questions on my mods, etc. The current hover-based drop downs are a major pain to deal with on a touch screen. I noticed that you are sticking with hover-over drop downs for navigation. Would you consider making them work with either click/touch or hover?
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