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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585, #41276745, #41277095, #41278320, #41278875, #41281935, #41282870, #41282905, #41301515 are all replies on the same post.

J Allin wrote: If it aint broke, don't fix it... ;)
pedantic wrote: Sage advice :)
sonogu wrote: Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work :)
HadToRegister wrote:

Which must have been told more than a year ago, before the hundreds of hours hard work

This is the first I've heard about it?
sonogu wrote: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/news/12539/?

These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.
piotrmil wrote: That is very, very true. I do hope that the authors will give us options instead of shoving the new design down our throats.
michaelspicer16 wrote: Agreed
graymaybe wrote: Compared to what it could be, it's pretty broke tho.
Thallassa wrote: Luckily nexus was pretty broke. I'm looking forward to the fix.
HadToRegister wrote:


These are the news I found about the redesing of the site... It's been a while and have been announced in every step.

I missed all of those, I was busy doing clinicals at a hospital all that time
janishewski wrote: Advice for the weak. Everything is broken because nothing is perfect, therefore everything can always be improved. This look far superior to the old site design.
janishewski wrote: Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
pedantic wrote: Nothing to do with being timid, weak, or an under achiever. Neither is it how it "looks" that's important to me (The same can be said for a good game). It's how it functions for everyone which should be a sites' primary concern. Fix what's broken by all means, adopt new technology by all means. But it seems to me, in this day and age, that actions are taken simply because they can be taken and for no other practical reason. So, instead of fixing what's broken a little at a time, we're plunged into months of constant change while the little necessary changes are incorporated into a premature overhaul to make the Nexus look like every other site. I love the Nexus because it isn't like every other site. The new "random" mod idea smacks of PSN and the rest looks just like, as others have said, (ugh..) Bethesda. The download shortcut might cause issues, too, for mod makers. It's a great idea but poorly thought through imho. However, if the shortcut were to take folk to the mod description page, similar to the current preview, then maybe the install instructions, requirements, and README.TXT (which so many don't) would be adhered to more often, leaving our brilliant mod makers to do what they do best. I can see the benefit of the shortcut if, for whatever reason, I'm re-downloading a mod. Hey, here's an idea: The shortcut only goes live if you've previously downloaded said mod - the same way you're not able to endorse a mod prior to download. Me? I love change but not simply for the sake of it.

Terrible advice that applies only to the timid and those that achieve nothing.
So how's Windows 10 treating you?
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In response to post #41278850. #41280030, #41300295, #41301455 are all replies on the same post.

urielz wrote: Looks great so far.

Is anything being done to improve communication between users/authors? Specifically, will users have the ability to know when someone replies to comments or quotes? I think this is a major issue with the site right now.
ForeverZer0 wrote: I'm actually kind of glad it's like this. It does wonders to keep unnecessary flame-wars that spark up in comments section from going on too long. (See YouTube comments lol)

But I can also see the benefits, so perhaps make it a setting that can be turned on/off. Or a setting that makes it so you only get notifications when a mod author from the mod you downloaded replies to your post? Idk
urielz wrote: That's true. Also adding the ability to block/ignore people would alleviate the problem.
starfis wrote: I think direct reply notifications would be nice. Sometimes you are asking something on a very old mod page and it could take months before someone answers.

Is anything being done to improve communication between users/authors?
I don't think eugenics fall within the scope of this redesign.
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In response to post #41286925. #41289200, #41299935 are all replies on the same post.

opusGlass wrote: Looks great -- one feature I'd love to see is an extra sorting option for "Endorsements per Download." Would help when looking for mods that are somewhat obscure but still high quality. Keep up the good work!
theolaa wrote: Yeah, endorsements:downloads would be a good indicator of quality instead of popularity.
opusGlass wrote: Never seems to pick up momentum though! :/

Actually, endorsements/download is a good indicator until you get to the top lists, where the unwashed masses just download whatever is the "most popular" and therefore the endorsement rate plummets.
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In response to post #41268885. #41269455, #41269515, #41270195, #41270680, #41271055, #41271230, #41271690, #41298150, #41299235 are all replies on the same post.

EnaiSiaion wrote: Yay the site is usable on phones! <3
vault75 wrote: Why would you download a mod on a phone?
piotrmil wrote: Perhaps to monitor one's page, or respond to comments? Although god knows how can one do that on a non-existent keyboard.
MokChaoticran wrote: I typed up an essay for one of my courses on my phone man, it's more feasible than you'd think.
Sacremas wrote: The site is usable on smartphones now, I used it during my holidays a week ago, made a post on Ordinator's pages and all. It just requires a LOT of zooming and messing around. And yes, typing can be painful, especially with autocorrect enabled on another language. X(
Corpsehatch wrote: @Sacremas - I sometimes post comments on mods while on break at work. Not the most ideal thing to do from a phone.
Chinamann wrote: @vault75

Maybe not download but browsing new files? That's what I do on work. Our proxy doesn't allow me to access nexus via the company's internet connection.
Andzz wrote: Ever heard of Word Flow, Swype or SwiftKey? Only sadomasochists type letter by letter, swiping is much faster.
BlindJudge wrote: This is by no means final, but these are a few screens of how it will look on a phone.

Just created these to give you all some example:


Click the image to see full screen :thumbsup:
seba1337 wrote: .... I think I orgasmed a little. This is so nice!

Why would you download a mod on a phone?
Download? I can't even get to my own mod pages from the main page because tapping on Files deploys the dropdown menu for 0.1 seconds before loading the Top Files page because phones don't have mouseover events.

This is by no means final, but these are a few screens of how it will look on a phone.
Looks great, but I'm curious how well it will scale. I have a slightly bigger phone and many sites go haywire and shrink into a corner or the navigation menu is off screen. If you can make this work, you're doing a better job than my bank!
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Someone else probably already said it but: Downloading a mod without even having a look at the description... yeah bad Idea. Not sure if that should be a feature...


Another thing that comes to mind would be to kill steams last advantage: Account bound mods. Now an integration with Nexus and its Mod Manager would be completely optional for the user but the advantage would be to never loose mods you like and also be able to automatically let NMM download mods that you chose to use on your phone. The Nexus would have a Database Table in the Background of Mods that a User uses that is synched with the NMM. To help Authors the Database only saves endorsed mods (hey what a coincident that data does already exists. hehe). That means a user has to endorse a mod to permanently let the Nexus remember that he uses this. But unlike steam the Mod Manager will not of course automatically activate the mod but keep track of these mods and automatically download them if the user allows this. This way you will never loose track of the hundreds of mods you used in different games and easily download them. Now either endorsements would represent the amount of actual userbase (unendorse = unsynch) which would have the advantage for old incompatible mods or endorsements would still be possible without a synch (the user chooses).

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Woah nice ...
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