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[LE] Renovate your House with console


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I think this has been asked before, but what do we do about invisible bookcases? I deleted one but I can still activate it, and its still in the way so to speak. I can still run into it. Theres nothing I can do, is there....

As of right now I don't believe there is no. All you can do is just pretend it's not there and not try and run through it to keep immersion or reload an old save.


Also I remember someone asking a while back and I found these while poking around so here they are.


Blue Palace Dual Staircase: 6cda7

Large Dome: 6ce42 (it's actually 1/4 of the dome you'll have to lay 4 and adjust the z axis)

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I think this has been asked before, but what do we do about invisible bookcases? I deleted one but I can still activate it, and its still in the way so to speak. I can still run into it. Theres nothing I can do, is there....

As of right now I don't believe there is no. All you can do is just pretend it's not there and not try and run through it to keep immersion or reload an old save.


Also I remember someone asking a while back and I found these while poking around so here they are.


Blue Palace Dual Staircase: 6cda7

Large Dome: 6ce42 (it's actually 1/4 of the dome you'll have to lay 4 and adjust the z axis)


Bah. Well s***. My last save is from 24 hours before the f*#@up. And I did far too much questing and other misc stuff in that time. Whatever. At least its a minor mistake.

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you know how mouse scrolling cycles through the id of things you clicked on? perhaps you could try clicking on the invisible part and deleting each formid 1 by 1. some have to be markfordelete-ed though.


ok, so we have markath ( dwe ) and solidtude ( sol/smd, i think ). im gonna try to find riften and winhelm's. probably gonna fail

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Shaw got a question dude. I'm seeing ID's in your list that look like this,




Got any idea how to actually spawn these?


Noticed that too, didn't like being extracted and then put into php.. But in most cases you can take out the 0 and subtract or add 1 to the end digit.


Like, for example, 6.30e+75 = 63e74. SMDECeiSol03.


Hope that helps, trying to fix that, not sure why it happend.

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0009CDD1 RifRmSmPartitionDoorBase01

0009CDD0 RifRmSmPartitionDoorTall01

0009CDCE RifRmSmPartitionDoorFirst01

0009CDC7 RifRmSmPartitionBeamBase01

0009CDC6 RifRmSmPartitionBase01

0009CD7C RifRmSmPartitionFirst01

0009CD7B RifRmSmPartitionBeamFirst01

0009CD5E RifRmSmPartitionEdgeTall01

0009CD5D RifRmSmPartitionTall01

0009CD5C RifRmSmPartitionBeamTall01

0009CD5B RifRmSmBaseWall01

0009CD5A RifRmSmBaseFloor01

0009CD59 RifRmSmBaseCorOut01

0009CD58 RifRmSmBaseCorInRHalf01

0009CD57 RifRmSmBaseCorInLHalf01

0009CD56 RifRmSmBaseCorIn01


Found the cache of Riften wood walls and basement walls.

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000AB402 RifRmSmBaseFloor02

00096FA7 RifRmSmSecondFloor01

00094ECA RifRmSmSingleMidWall01

00094EC9 RifRmSmSingleMidWallHalf01

00094EBC RifRmSmSingleFloor01

00094EB8 RifRmSmExSm01

00094EAB RifRmSmSingleCorInRHalf01

00094EAA RifRmSmSingleCorInLHalf01

00094EA9 RifRmSmSingleWallWin01

00094EA8 RifRmSmSingleWall01

00094EA7 RifRmSmSingleMid01

00094EA6 RifRmSmSingleCorOutR01

00094EA5 RifRmSmSingleCorOutL01

00094EA4 RifRmSmSingleCorOut01

00094EA3 RifRmSmSingleCorInR01

00094EA2 RifRmSmSingleCorInL01

00094EA1 RifRmSmSingleCorIn01


000AB46C RifRmSmBaseWallSecretDoorFrame01

000AB45C RifRmSmBaseWallGrateFrame01

000AB450 RifRmSmPartitionBase02

000AB439 RifRmSmBaseCeilingStairs01

000AB417 RifRmSmBaseFloorStairs01

000AB403 RifRmSmBaseCeiling01

000AB402 RifRmSmBaseFloor02

000AB3FD RifRmSmFirstMidOpenCorOut01


more riftenhouse-themed walls floors. all i could find

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Awesome guide you've got going. Links to the video provided are super helpful as well. Thanks a lot! Can't wait for the Kit, but this is fun as hell till then.


Load FoMM and you have the entire Object director in your hands.. If you go to something like GRUP (CONT) you will see a drop down and a bunch of things with terrible descriptions, on the right of each item is their id under FormID. Good luck, it's messy as hell but about all we got to work with right now.


See Bethesda? Every day that goes by without a kit is one more day some savvy modder pulls your game apart and dissects your work. They're pretty ruthless like that.

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