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Fallout 4 modding already in decline?


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I actually think it's simply being spoiled by the Skyrim modding. It has everything (large percentage ONLY possible because of SKSE - oddly enough people will shy from mods made with SKSE if the author isn't a 'big name' author), so it's expecting FO4 to immediately have a ton of innovating mods now.

Edited by TummaSuklaa
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I understand that F4SE is in it's infancy. I wouldn't have posted this except for the Skyrim Remastered release. If Skyrim wasn't getting remastered I'd be sitting on my hands and waiting. This is in part because I see Skyrim as a much better game base to start off with. New Vegas has more, and better mods than Fallout 3, and not because it was relaised two years later. New Vegas is simply a much better game in terms of storytelling, world building, companions. Look I love the Brisa mod for Fallout 3, but she has no voice and all the personality of a wet fart. There simply not a lot you can do with the base Fallout 3. Someguy would never have created the someguy series for Fallout 3 because the world of Fallout 3 ultimately isn't that interesting. The best world buuilding bits are all pre-war. New Vegas is a living world, and it inspires complex living mods. The best quest mods for Fallout 3 are Devil's Wish and a Quest fro Heaven (all parts). Neither of them have any choice or deep dialouge or stand out storytelling. There's a reason why mods like Autumn Leaves and Project Brazil were made for Vegas and not Fallout 3. Fallout 3 doesn't attract or inspire the way New Vegas does.


Fallout 4 is actually worse than the Fallout 3 in that Bethesda's Fallout games are soley about being a murderhobo. Skyrim is lively enough you can hang around in town and forget that out in the "SANDBOX EXPLORATION WORLD" your character is basically a serial killer with a kill count that the Einsatzgruppen would be proud of. New Vegas is the same. Fallout 3 and 4 don't have enough story to even create ludonarrative dissonance. If I could mod my way out of a wet paper bag, and I can't, I would mod Skyrim or Vegas. Those are fun worlds to be in. They inspire. Fallout 3 and 4 don't, although I'm glad enough there are people who disagree with me.

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On the decline, hardly. The numbers speak for themselves. FO4 will soon surpass FO3 in available files then NV. It has already surpassed FO3 in DL's, however, if what you're asserting were true, there are some possible reasons for a perceived slow down:

1. The CS (should still be called the GECK damn it!) has been out for four months

2. Good mods take time to make

3. It's summer

4. Could be more mods available than what Nexus hosts (I don't know because I won't use Bethesda.net, and really dislike . . . okay, HATE the new forums)

5. I can only speak for myself on this. I have some learning to do, as I haven't touched the GECK since NV, and some things are different/new.


As for the game, Beth really could have done better considering how long they worked on it. I do like the new PA direction they went in, and the world seems so much more alive. On the other hand, the interactions/dialog are very weak compared to 3 and NV . . . even Skyrim (which I do like). The voice acting addition could have been better but it would have been more costly to bring it up to the level of NV or 3. The voice acting could be an immersion breaker when your character is speaking throughout the game until you start a quest mod that involves dialog, and suddenly you have nothing to say lol. The game is also lacking in varied choice beyond faction siding, but that's another paragraph I won't bore you with. I didn't fall in love with the game, and was somewhat disappointed on release. However, with some time and many mods it has grown on me (still don't love it) but NV is still my favorite :wub:


In a dream Beth would hire on the team that created NV and give them time to give us another FO game.

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I understand that F4SE is in it's infancy. I wouldn't have posted this except for the Skyrim Remastered release. If Skyrim wasn't getting remastered I'd be sitting on my hands and waiting. This is in part because I see Skyrim as a much better game base to start off with.

First, so there is no misunderstanding, my post wasn't directed specifically towards you but to a wide range.


This remaster - this is worrisome because you and so many other people are maybe having high expectations of this. I urge you to lower them just a bit. Remember, this is Bethesda we're talking about here. They are all badass to everyone when they release something(finally) but then anger floods hard when their trademark mess ups ruin peoples' enjoyment.


I'd also like to say, it's fine to want more mods, or at least see this game teeming with them and that it does feel daunting when you notice overall modding progress is either stagnating, or going real slow. Playing this with only a few clothing mods and some of my own, the game is quite addicting, and I see all around the modding possibilities, but all the things missing for now to make it happen. But that doesn't mean modding will cease. Look at Morrowind. It's almost 15 years since its release and mods are still coming out for it.

Edited by TummaSuklaa
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There's a reason why mods like Autumn Leaves and Project Brazil were made for Vegas and not Fallout 3. Fallout 3 doesn't attract or inspire the way New Vegas does.


Hey, when were those relased?

Autumn Leaves: Almost 5 years after New Vegas

Project Brazil: Not Yet.


Hey, how long has Fallout 4 been out?

3/4 year.





Wait... wasn't this about stats...

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Project Brazil began as a mod for Fallout 3 then switched to NV when it was released and traffic on FO3Nexus came to a screeching halt. FO3 modding got the short end of the stick because everyone goes with the new shiny. If NV had been released in 2012 instead of 2010 it would be a whole different ballgame.
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Project Brazil began as a mod for Fallout 3 then switched to NV when it was released and traffic on FO3Nexus came to a screeching halt. FO3 modding got the short end of the stick because everyone goes with the new shiny. If NV had been released in 2012 instead of 2010 it would be a whole different ballgame.

Well doesn't that mean I have point? Because Skyrim Remastered is going to be the next new shiny? As far as I'm concerned it's the same game, but if it's successful is drawing in people....

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Project Brazil began as a mod for Fallout 3 then switched to NV when it was released and traffic on FO3Nexus came to a screeching halt. FO3 modding got the short end of the stick because everyone goes with the new shiny. If NV had been released in 2012 instead of 2010 it would be a whole different ballgame.

Well doesn't that mean I have point? Because Skyrim Remastered is going to be the next new shiny? As far as I'm concerned it's the same game, but if it's successful is drawing in people....


Mods for FO3 could fairly easily be ported to NV, crossover worlds, and until Chucksteel and the boys start working on The Tale of TESOUT(Chuck do I need to TM this lol) that won't happen. The remastered Skyrim will not have the same draw as FO4 for modders. It may detract some mod makers from FO4, but not to a large extent IMO.


In all reality RM Skyrim as you stated is the same game, allbeit with better graphics mainly for consoles.

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I think the immediate thereafter hype bubble collapsed a bit, that's all, given the likely criticisms of fallout 4 that I'm sure we all already know something about, I can see why someone would worry about it
but from what I can see I don't think that it's going to die, the kinds of mods that originally came out in a rush were basically bug fix types, and they were made to deal with immediate, small, NAGGING issues, perfect situation for pushing massive numbers of immediate mods and growing the population interested in them

now however, the mods coming out are bigger, more ambitious, these kinds of works take a lot more time for the evidence of effect
in other words, from a naive standpoint, the mods have less bang (immediate downloads and usage) for the mod author's buck (time spent)
but that's an illusion of slowing down and the game dying (not a great one either, no offense to those fooled) because all the super easy low hanging fruit was already picked, the tree however is 2 stories tall :D

now if it were only the baseline game I could understand, it was missing, something...but the DLC adds stuff to it all, I could say that it's trussed up mod author utilities put together with a minor story but the truth is that they're also adding new themes and aspects that the community might not have thought about, which opens up peoples' minds on the matters, and gives hints at possible new directions, so it inspires new kinds of mods or thinking about mods

as people said, the assault rifle in nuka world trailer might've been added to give a new animation set to deal with the issue of modern real world assault rifles' reload animations not being so hot so it's likely bethesda IS in fact listening to the community as well (regardless of the frustrations etc, even if they're not listening a lot or very well, my point is simply that they are doing it at all)

and because the baseline lacks a lot in the way of story element world-building, the kinds of mods that are needed most are frameworks and world-building stuff, quest mods, new areas, and those from what I hear are some of the most time intensive things around, if not THE most time intensive aside from making the actual game originally as bethesda!

so it might just be all chalked up to the nature of the mods (quest ones) being slow to make, because the gunplay is already pretty decent etc and those are easier to make

Edited by tartarsauce2
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