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Bob's Armory: Skyrim


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Well... I couldn't resist... besides, my boss wants to see this one done too lol. He is a Lightwave guy and laughs every time he hears me swearing at Max's bugs. Edited by Mr. Dave
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Quick in game test... I may have to leave off the environmental textures. They create some very unnatural shadows and highlights at certain angles. Edited by Mr. Dave
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Pushed ahead in the line up: the Atlantean and Conan's Father's sword from the original movie. So much BS has been going around regarding permissions that I said hell with it and decided a few weeks ago to include both in Bob's.

For the record: No one who has ever uploaded the Atlantean sword for Morrowind, Oblivion, or any other game is the original author of that mesh, or texture. It was downloaded by those people for free from 3dcafe. The fact that several individuals claimed to have made it just makes plagiarizers out of them. If you are wondering what I'm on about, simply peruse Morrowind and Oblivion mod sites of any kind and you will see the exact same model uploaded over and over, with almost every person claiming to have made it. I am including this rant here due to people having their uploads for Skyrim, even though they said outright they were not the original authors, removed from Nexus, while the plagiarizers claiming IP who uploaded it for Morrowind and Oblivion go unpunished. Absolute idiocy.

That said, I had a WIP shot to upload, but I keep getting "Error this upload failed" warnings... so I guess no preview of a brand new Atlantean.


EDIT: Atlantean is finished and looks perfect in Max. Cryin' shame the convoluted way Bethesda chose to handle textures this time around causes me to have to spend 5+ hours per item just trying to get them lo show up in game. I have the sword in, but its normal map isn't working. The specular is, but not the normal. Pretty pointless considering the engravings on the ricasso are in your face in first person. I even tried renaming it to .msn but that didn't work. Only its specular is reading still... it's been 6 hours of messing with it. If this continues to be the case, Bob's may not happen. I ain't wasting 150 hours + just to fight with NifSkope trying to get my content showing in game.

Edited by Mr. Dave
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EDIT: Atlantean is finished and looks perfect in Max. Cryin' shame the convoluted way Bethesda chose to handle textures this time around causes me to have to spend 5+ hours per item just trying to get them lo show up in game. I have the sword in, but its normal map isn't working. The specular is, but not the normal. Pretty pointless considering the engravings on the ricasso are in your face in first person. I even tried renaming it to .msn but that didn't work. Only its specular is reading still... it's been 6 hours of messing with it. If this continues to be the case, Bob's may not happen. I ain't wasting 150 hours + just to fight with NifSkope trying to get my content showing in game.


Glad you got it sorted man! I have already installed and am waiting for the time to expire to hit that endorse button.


Don't know why I couldn't find this thread before but I am glad I finally did!

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Haha I found out why. It apparently has to have a released mod associated that has 1,000 downloads, or something like that, before it can be found on a search. Or at least that's the rumor going around. :D


Cokla should have a non replacing, 1 and 2 hand craftable setup for the Atlantean up sometime in the next 24 hours. :)


The Atlantean and both of Conan's father's swords are up now for "premature evisceration".


Edited by Mr. Dave
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Awesome Work (as always).

But i must add, the markings on the Silver Yataghan Don't really mean anything in Arabic/Farsi or anything that it seems to be based on. just my 2 cents.

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Nope... they say, in English, Bob's Armory, as they did in my previous versions with Arabic and Daedric writings for Morrowind and Oblivion, considering they are just font decorations (like DS Celtic Border) for a fantasy game. Pretty much any time you see a foreign script, save for Sanskrit, it will be like that.
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Staffsword in progress... only a couple hours into it, so it's still pretty basic for now. We are preparing to move the office, so my time has been redirected to that endeavor...

EDIT: Changed pic to current state of development. Still a Max render, so is unreliable for in game comparison.

Edited by Mr. Dave
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Hey, Dave, sorry about the year long break from the Nexus. Good to see you're still hard at work. Really awesome models btw. Really looking forward to what you've got cooking.
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