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Top 5 Games


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EVE Online(SMMORPG) Dominion through to Crucible, I've logged an officialy eight months in EVE, and I defy you to beat that number.


EVE's a space MMO of a uniquely hateful nature. It hates you. It hates your family. It hates every dream, every desire, every wish and hope in your heart, and wishes only to crush them utterly and force-feed you the smouldering pieces.. Yet somehow it's absolutely addictive, and you can't stop till you've reached the point that it can only crush your wallet, rather than your dreams. In an interesting side-note, It take 26 years of continous to reach the level cap in EVE online.


Empire Earth Gold(RTS): It eats your time like a thirsty camel drinks water, but I have no regrets. I built 117 maps for Empire Earth, and spent many an hour micromanaging my way to supremacy. Fighting your way up from the stoneage proved addictive.


Sins Of A Solar Empire(SRTS) A space based RTS of beautiful design, SOASE devoured and sometimes still devours a lot of my online time. Games here take many hours to finish, yet somehow, you can't walk away until you see how your last diplomatic attempt turned out.

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1. Fallout 3


2. Oblivion


3. Skyrim


4. Morrowind


5. C&C Red Alert 2 + Yuri's revenge


This is my list at the moment. If i would answer tomorrow, list would look different. It could have Vampire the Masquarades, Age of Empires, Dooms, Gtas and other good games i haven't played for a while.

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1. Deus Ex

2. Team Fortress 2

3. Morrowind

4. Skyrim

5. Half Life 2


Follow this list with a few others that aren't quite on the list but were very close:


Neverwinter Nights



Amnesia: The Dark Descent




Age of Empires III

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no particular order, and games i've sunk the most hours into.

P.T.O. (snes) unknown precise duration, over a year at least

StarCraft BW~unknown...2 years conservatively, though i know it's been installed on every pc i've built (incl this one) since it's release, and played.

Rappelz~5 years, still installed, rarely played now though

DDO~3 years, still played

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance~2 years, occasionally played

StarCraft 2~play at least once a week since release...2 months solid after release

X3: Terran Conflict~still played, Albion Prelude will most likely overtake it.

Forsaken World~year and a half or so (since open beta) still played

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Hmm, well technically the games I have put the most hours into may not be the same order as what I consider my "favorite", but I will bite:

1 - Fallout New Vegas modded (700+ hours)

2 - Europa Universalis III Chronicles (650+ hours)

3 - Morrowind modded (400+)

4 - Fallout 3 modded (300+)

5 - Oblivion modded (250+)


Note that list changes dramatically once you include MMOs which are much harder to count the hours invested. WoW alone would have more hours than all 5 of those combined for me before I quit near the beginning of this past year, not counting all the other MMOs I have played with massive hour counts (Ultima Online, Everquest 1&2, Star Wars Galaxies, and Horizons being the big kickers, with a dozen or so others falling between New Vegas and Oblivion).

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I don't count how much time I spend on a game but here's my best guess':


1) SimCity 4

2) MineSweeper (yep)

3) Vagrant Story

4) Fallout 3 (modded ofc)

5) Parasite Eve


Oh there was also Counterstrike and Diablo 2, but i dont think I spent as much time as i did on the games mentioned above.

Edited by d_thumb
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http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3f/Killing_Floor_Logo.jpg(Killing Floor UT 2004 mod)http://soulsocietyclan.com/e107_plugins/aacgc_gamelist/icons/Halo_Combat_Evolved.png

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Top 5 (no particular order):

Blazblue Continuum Shift

SoulCalibur II

Tales of the Abyss

Skies of Arcadia

Super Smash Bros. Melee


And then because Nintendo continuously takes over my normal top games lists:



Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time >> Wind Waker >>> Twilight Princess >>>>>> Link's Awakening >> Link to the Past >> Everything else. (Donthatemekthx)

Metroid: Metroid Prime (1), then Super Metroid, then Metroid Fusion

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