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BioWare Continuity Network (BCN) - Preserving the BSN


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Ah, okay, we did not port forum links, specifically. We only ported projects, so that explains why they aren't listed.


Please toss up a list of Nexus links to your mods in a post and I'll get them added. Thanks!

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I will have a few more mods made available this week. I've also updated the Defender Armors (again) and I hope to avoid doing that from here on out making those the final versions. I've got a new weapons pack coming that's at least as large as the last one. I should also be uploading the recon hood as well.

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@Deadmeat --


What I'll likely do since you didn't technically release projects (which all have a distinct ID) is create a single spreadsheet entry for you (per game). It will link to your Nexusmods file profile for that game, and have a short note explaining you released your mods on the old forums and not via the Projects interface.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone. I recently discovered that the legacy BSN was shut down. I had several textmods hosted on the projects section of that site that I will by uploading to nexusmods. I went by sentinel_87 on the old BSN and uploaded some textmods I made for Tali as well as an improved smoke screen today. I will try to get through the rest of what I have in the coming days.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone. I recently discovered that the legacy BSN was shut down. I had several textmods hosted on the projects section of that site that I will by uploading to nexusmods. I went by sentinel_87 on the old BSN and uploaded some textmods I made for Tali as well as an improved smoke screen today. I will try to get through the rest of what I have in the coming days.


I've inserted linked for the two mods you have up on Nexus. As you add more, just insert a comment with the relevant link. Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Hello all,


I read through all I could, hope I'm not breaking a rule here.


Just back to DAO after many years. I was able to find almost all the mods I'd downloaded but there is one. I can't find it here I'm sure it's out there...


I belive it was called "Massive Battles" or something like that. It contained a few more zones with just increasingly tough battles with huge number of enemies.

I remember it started i a field, you had to blow you way through rocks with explosives and , cross a bridge ala Red cliffe and then go into a large castle, each room being larger and harder than the next.


Can anyone remember this, couldn't find it in the project inventory, it's not on Nexus. The author had a European sounding name, lol as if that's a help.


Anyone remember this mod?



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