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Not sure if this is the correct area for this, but I am getting an error this morning uploading images.


Searching the forums for Image Shares did not show me the answers I am looking for.


Got this error:


Upload an image to the database
The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...
You can only upload 5 images every 24 hours to the site (Premium members can upload 10). This is to stop people from spamming the image share section and not giving others a chance to show off their pictures. Thanks for your understanding.
I am familiar with this rule, I have uploaded 2 images since I woke up today, and not 10 I say 10 and not 5, because Premium Membership allows 10 per day.
My question is, what time zone is the site using to determine weather or not I have exceeded my limit?
Maybe that is why it is showing that I have exceed my limit because my PST time zone does not jive well with the one the server uses, is that the issue?
Also at various times the system Does Not recognize me as a Premium Member, could that be the issue as well?
Not sure what is going on with this, any feedback would be greatly appreciated so that I may amend and keep better track of the times that I post images.
So that I can the take into account that the turn over time for the clock does not leave me with any ability to post images during the day time that I am awake.
Thanks. :smile:
EDIT: I figured out the time for me it is 12 noon PST that it resets the limits.
EDIT: I have also been getting this error when trying to download a file quite a bit as well:
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to fs-13.nexusmods.com
Did you mean: nexusmods.­com
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Considering how extremely annoying the first mentioned bug is, and how I reported it here weeks ago, I logically concluded noone gave a sh.. (yeah I am aware there are priorities and the manpower is a scarce commodity, but cmon...)


"C'mon...." what, exactly, for a FREE service?


When you say the "Main Site", you mean the mods/Files area, right? I use the Forums as my "main" nexus site.


The coding that allows for dual-display of comments across both sides of the Nexus is known to be buggy in many respects. Those bugs are compounded by the inconsistent interpretation of the code by different browsers. We are limited in what we can do by the fundamental constraintis of hte Board software (I.P. Boards, in this case.)


The comment/posting system is primarily designed for use is the "Forums" environment. So if you're having problems with it, switch to that view.



The Bug Tracker is indeed the best way to tell the coders about a problem. Just be as descriptive as you can, and include screenshots if possible.



I use FF (v29.01.1, updating to v 30.xx as we speak) and the "Mark as read" feature works perfectly for me. Dark0ne reactivated the tracking of viewed posts on the server-side a few months ago (it had been deactivated due to resource constraints.) As long as you allow the Nexus to "Remember Me" (place cookies on your system) it works well. :thumbsup:



That is a terrible attitude to have. The only reason that comment was so clean is because you're staff and trying to keep a certain ... professionalism about you. But you telling people not to expect much because it's free is unprofessional. I get that you guys probably have a lot on you and we're not owed ANYTHING, but you advertise Nexus as a community and a service that performs certain tasks for the public. So, you either need to get things in order and functional or quit advertising it as such. Or put a big fat disclaimer on the top of the front page that reads:


"The website, downloads, uploads, links and forum will either not work or work very slowly. Deal with it or leave."


I started coming here when Oblivion was last installed on my PC and that was years ago. Even then I had to click links multiple times to get them to work or wait 10-20 seconds for a forum post to register. If you guys can't get the website functional maybe you need more help or an income boost from somewhere.

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To echo Octopuss' point - whilst browsing my own mod pages I found the following weirdness:









The links all lead to my mod (the Bittercup one). Peculiar. None of the older (pre-reminder) endorsement links are wrong.

Using Firefox 30.0, if it makes any difference.


ETA: Upon closer inspection, I noticed that the mod actually called "Bound Weapon Redux" is actually the Skyrim file with the same ID number: 13643. I checked, and Wrye Bash (on Oblivion Nexus) and Liliths Sickle (on Skyrim Nexus) also share an ID number, FYI.

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What happened to the fonts on the entre site?! I don't have any problems with vision, but whatever you did, now I can barely read any text!!

I assume something was changed, because I didn't touch a thing in the options of my browser...

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I don't take drugs, I swear :blink: When I refreshed the page, the font size decreased a tiny bit, and the so did colour, possibly the background shade as well. I don't get it.



It's back in the original state. Perhaps I should switch the PC off and leave until tomorrow. Something's very wrong here, lol.

Edited by Octopuss
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Hi ! I just created an account, and I think you're the first site or software for which I read the entire registrations terms, so kudos for that, but I saw that the link for the example of what is and isn't allowed in term of "adult" content is broken and link to a 404, might wanna look into that ! :)

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