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Hi, I have a question about an armor, which I want to upload a screenshot of it on OblivionNexus Imageshare. Can I ask you whether it's OK ( of course with adult tag) or not, here?

Edited by satoshi2
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Hi, I have a question about an armor, which I want to upload a screenshot of it on OblivionNexus Imageshare. Can I ask you whether it's OK ( of course with adult tag) or not, here?

Asking "in here" of course would not be, as it would be the same as publicly posting the image for all to see without even asking to begin with.


However, you can always ask a member of staff "in private", by contacting them via PM (Private Message) on here and show the image to them inside there, where nobody else but you two can see it. So even if the particular member you asked that way will not be able to decide on their own, they will be able to relay the question and the image to the rest of staff and come back with a response that way.

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Hi, I have a question about an armor, which I want to upload a screenshot of it on OblivionNexus Imageshare. Can I ask you whether it's OK ( of course with adult tag) or not, here?

Asking "in here" of course would not be, as it would be the same as publicly posting the image for all to see without even asking to begin with.


However, you can always ask a member of staff "in private", by contacting them via PM (Private Message) on here and show the image to them inside there, where nobody else but you two can see it. So even if the particular member you asked that way will not be able to decide on their own, they will be able to relay the question and the image to the rest of staff and come back with a response that way.


Thank you very much.

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I find that when searching for mods I have to either search in all categories or just one. Is there a way to search only in 2 or more particular categories at a time?


For example:

In Skyrim mods search "dog" in the categories: Immersion, 'models and textures' and 'visuals and graphics'.

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I would like to see more of Nexus using and defaulting to HTTPS.


Why? Except for log-on credentials, (which are passed with https) what's sensitive about the Nexus that justifies the processing overhead at both the client and the server end? Almost everything on the Nexus is fully public anyway.

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I am somewhat of a noob regarding modding, have been messing around with Risen 2 recently and thought about sharing what I've got so far.


The issue is that my mod is a modification of game content (akin to a patched file). Thus I am not the original creator. I know of a number of Risen 1/2/3 texture mods, so it seems that mods of this games are tolerated by the publisher/creator.


Even so I don't think I am allowed to upload my mod here, as you are quite explicit about copyrights, correct?

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As long as a game's copyright holder supports/allows/tolerates modding of the game, you can use the game's vanilla assets in your mod for that game and upload it to the Nexus just fine. In fact, that's what the overwhelming majority of mods here are.


But for all other cases, even when the rights holder hasn't explicitly declared any restrictions, (e.g. as Bethsoft has done by saying their assets can ONLY be used for mods for the game in which they already appear) then you must obtain permission before using another's work. Our general rule is, "When in doubt, ask the author."


Hope that helps.

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