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Hi Dark0ne,


Would it ever be possible to be able to endorse a file without downloading it? Maybe by typing in Captcha code or something unique?


My situation is this: I used to own Skyrim for Xbox 360, and soon became interested in the modding community and have lurked this site for about a year making a catalogue of mods I would download in the future. I am without Xbox Skyrim now, but plan to buy it from steam and also a capable PC in the future.


After following so many great mods, I signed up to the site to show my appreciation to the mod authors. However, I learned I could not endorse files without downloading them. I browse from my phone.


It's probably not a common problem as most people here are on gaming PCs I imagine. Anyway, thanks for all you do here, it's a great community.

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If you have not actually played the mod how can you endorse it? Do you think you should endorse based on someone elses recommendation? What if they were a sockpuppet or astroturfing?

Definitions: Sockpuppet: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sockpuppet

Astroturfing: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=astroturfing


The reason for having to download, then wait to endorse is because so many kiddies were endorsing certain kinds of mods just because of the screen shots - which is NOT the purpose of endorsing mods. We really do prefer that you actually play the mod before endorsing.

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Also nothing is stopping you from leaving a "thank you" comment in the thread and saying you plan to download when you get the PC version and that you thank them for their hard work. This means just as much and sometimes more than an endorsement! :thumbsup:

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Thanks, your perspectives were helpful. I guess I was getting overzealous wanting to do something for those mod authors, based on how hard or tedious it seemed to make those mods and how much it added to the game. When I do get my gaming PC, I definitely will download, endorse, and donate, I was just worried that I would be too late by then and the authors would have moved on. For now, I'll leave thanks in the comments sections.


Thanks again! :biggrin:

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Unlike other sites, Our authors do tend to stick around and help support their work. And even those who have moved on tend to check back from time to time to see how things are progressing - So those mods will probably still be there when you do get a chance to play them.


And the authors really do appreciate the endorsements as well as the constructive comments on their mods. :thumbsup:

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This is more of an annoyance then a problem but when I review a category of mods and then click on the next page button or jump to/go to a page number, the list refreshes but not back to the top of the page.


It seems to refresh back to around three quarters of the top of the page.


I have my settings view in BLOCK mode rather then FLAT, using Firefox as the browser.

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When I use the comments feature on a mod's page, I can reply to a specific post, which shows up as "In response to post #xxxxxx" in the forum thread.


Is there a way to generate such a linked post in the forum, or do I have to use the mod's pages for that?

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When I use the comments feature on a mod's page, I can reply to a specific post, which shows up as "In response to post #xxxxxx" in the forum thread.


Is there a way to generate such a linked post in the forum, or do I have to use the mod's pages for that?

There is no way to achieve the same result on the forums side of things, yet, as far as I know.

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