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Since threads about individual mods are created automatically by a bot, would it be possible to automatically add author's name to the title? I often only check authors' posts and don't pay that much attention to all the spam around, but it's a bit tough to remember tens of names, so being able to quickly refresh my memory by looking at the thread name would be really useful.

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What's with the site wide 'file not found' errors? This is pretty much constant behavior across the website, to the point that the NMM is useless as a tool.

Edit: Downloading manually also generates the same errors across multiple servers. :down:

Edited by Brennan
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I love all new additions to the site, but I'm having an issue with how notifications are handled. When tracking files across multiple Nexus networks, it is impossible to stay up to date on one particular game's mods. I'd like to see notifications stay sectioned off by game pages.


200 Skyrim Notifications

2 Morrowind Notifications

4 Oblivion Notifications

58 Fallout: New Vegas Notifications



Instead of: http://i.imgur.com/FTmKbNb.jpg



After you click the notification button, the count is reset to 0. But what if I only want to see what Morrowind mods were updated? I think you guys see my problem.

Edited by Yingerman
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I'm sure someone has mentioned this before (it's similar to what sszydelko said a couple of posts earlier) but I really have to say it:


It's a horrible headache that many links don't work,instead they lead to the front page. Older threads have become useless by this problem because the links that people have posted to assist others simply don't lead anywhere.

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Also, what's up with someone's forum profile showing last activity few days ago when in fact he posted today? Looks like a bug to me.

The last activity date only changes when someone logs into the Forums themselves.

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That makes little sense because you need to log in in order to post, don't you?


Also, search is completely broken. It's impossible to search for user's posts and have the results sorted by date. I know for a fact he has tens of posts in last weeks, and yet on the first page I get results from 2012 or older.

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Already possible






Or do you mean "Show the alphabet and allow user to select a letter"?


In that case, the user would already have an idea of the mod's name (else how to know what letter to select?) and could put that term in the "file name contains" field. And the usefulness would be limited to the user knowing the first letter in the name anyway... :huh:


If you just want a way to skip through the entire collection more-or-less at random, click the "[nn Pages]" at the top of the list to the right of "[1] [2] ... [>] [>>]" That opens an entry box and you can hop to whatever page number you like. :yes:

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