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When you add a comment under a mod, quite often you are presented with popup window with some gibberish characters (I think it's a mix of some html code and stuff), and the comment goes to the top instead of getting "threaded" as a reply to other one.


Regarding the unread stuff: since there is no way to track your own comments and replies on the main site, I use the forums as a lousy half workaround to at least see which thread has new replies in it. After I am done opening threads in the forums and opening relevant mods' pages on the main web to read the new comments, I mark the entire forum read. Well, guess what, when I open it again after some time, some thread that don't have new replies in them are marked unread. I don't think it needs to be repeated how awkward and user unfriendly the entire interface is.

I am using Firefox v30 (and whatever older version I used before).


Not sure if adding something to a bugtracker (I wasn't even aware of there being one), would be helpful when I can't say anything else than "the notifications are not working /most of the time/, and seems to stopped working maybe a week ago".



Considering how extremely annoying the first mentioned bug is, and how I reported it here weeks ago, I logically concluded noone gave a sh.. (yeah I am aware there are priorities and the manpower is a scarce commodity, but cmon...)

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Considering how extremely annoying the first mentioned bug is, and how I reported it here weeks ago, I logically concluded noone gave a sh.. (yeah I am aware there are priorities and the manpower is a scarce commodity, but cmon...)


"C'mon...." what, exactly, for a FREE service?


When you say the "Main Site", you mean the mods/Files area, right? I use the Forums as my "main" nexus site.


The coding that allows for dual-display of comments across both sides of the Nexus is known to be buggy in many respects. Those bugs are compounded by the inconsistent interpretation of the code by different browsers. We are limited in what we can do by the fundamental constraintis of hte Board software (I.P. Boards, in this case.)


The comment/posting system is primarily designed for use is the "Forums" environment. So if you're having problems with it, switch to that view.



The Bug Tracker is indeed the best way to tell the coders about a problem. Just be as descriptive as you can, and include screenshots if possible.



I use FF (v29.01.1, updating to v 30.xx as we speak) and the "Mark as read" feature works perfectly for me. Dark0ne reactivated the tracking of viewed posts on the server-side a few months ago (it had been deactivated due to resource constraints.) As long as you allow the Nexus to "Remember Me" (place cookies on your system) it works well. :thumbsup:

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Oh don't be silly, I can see where you're heading with that comment - you get s*** for free, so shut up and be grateful. And don't you dare criticize. No, sorry, that does not compute.


I don't even understand what main site is, everyone thinks of something different.

Main site for me is skyrim.nexusmods.com (or whatever the address is).


Have you ever seen what it does to comments when you post there from within the forums? I started like that when I registered here, because that's how you use forums, right? I got yelled at for doing so on several occasions until I gave up and went with the masses.


I hope this will receive some major revamp at some point, because I have never seen so awkward, illogical, and user unfriendly inteface before in my entire life.

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Recently the 'download files' methodology changed a bit, in that one now has to choose a 'preferred server'. Since this came with no readme attached, (or any documentation when the choice had to be made, nor any I can find since...) how does this actually work? Previously, I chose the server (premium, usually) that had the fewest users, unless I knew that server ran slowly... Now, what happens if the user's preferred server is chockers? Does the system choose something else for you, or are you offered a new choice? If the preferred is down? Can the user make a new preferred choice, and if so where? And would it be possible to have speed ratings for servers, at least for the premium servers? So many questions... Please feel free to answer any questions that I did NOT ask as well. Go ahead. Write me a book. (Better later than never.... tsk tsk.)

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I also have some sort of a feedback for the forum:

1) The search feature doesn't make any sense. The only way to find someone's posts in chronological order is to open his profile, click find content, and then only posts. If you use search like on every other normal forum, you click search, type in an username, and hit search (possible refining it to only look for posts beforehand). What happens when youtry to do it here is... I am not even sure, but first I see 3 posts from today, then something from april, etc. That makes no sense at all.


2) When you click on your profile and click "find content", the threads are sorted in completely nonsense way. Each page is individually being sorted in a chronological way. You see say half the page marked as unread, BUT there are unread threads on the next page(s) as well! This doesn't make any sense either. Unread threads should come first.

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Would it be possible to let people toggle the hot files section on and off? It takes away large portion of the page, and personally I am not interested in looking at anime pictures or tits twice the size of their owner all day long. Ok, I am exaggerating a bit now, but basically, it would be very nice if I could use the area for seeing more comments (or whatever!) instead.

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Did I miss a news item somewhere? Knights of the Old Republic forum hosting the State of Decay discussions?
I mean, Star Wars and zombies haven't been brought together yet afaik, but, hey.. who said zeds can't be jeds!!? :kiss:

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Regarding the recent changes in server allocation. I chose Dallas (premium) as my preferred server. Now it seems that I only get Washington, and I can't even tell if it is Washington (premium) or not. I can't fine a place to verify whether my original choice has somehow 'changed' without my intervention.


So, are you now load balancing across servers? If so, how? And if load balancing, why even give the users a choice? Really, the server issue (minor as it may seem) needs a tad bit of clarification from my point of view. Perhaps I am the only one that cares, but I STILL want some clarification. Or at least a pointer to the information that I can't seem to be able to find...

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