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Pages were a little slow to load sometime yesterday or overnight US (I've forgotten what time, sorry), but it didn't last long. I did something else for maybe 10-20 minutes, and came back to pages loading normally again.
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There were reports from users encountering an 'unloadable' front page of the Skyrim Nexus in one of the news articles' comments a couple days ago. One of the site devs, AxelDominatoR I think, replied and in cooperation with more user feedback it seemed they finally fixed it.


As it only happened when users were logged in and could be fixed by them messing around with their feed preferences, the first suspicion always was it was related to something to do with their Tracked Files list or similar.

Now that it was supposedly fixed, depending on the way it was fixed it could have had other effects on the load time affected by the Tracked Files list loading when the front page opens.


Could be useful checking if it changes for you, if you again play around with the different feed preferences for the Skyrim Nexus front page here. Maybe it is related. Multiple others 'not' experiencing it is a sure sign it could be.

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I don't have premium, so I can't even set any settings that could possibly affect this, like the amount of posts or whatever showing on the front page.


The most important thing is that it worked well enough until a week or two ago. I didn't have any problems (not saying the site was lightning fast, but it was acceptable) before for a long time. I didn't change any important settings for a long time either, and suddenly the loading times increased 10 to 20 times. I think it's logical to assume it's not a problem on my end.

I had this happen before, btw. It's been some time, and I had Dark0ne log in to my account a few times to investigate. A bit later some change was apparently made which unfortunately cut the (already uselessly small) amount of posts showing on the front page in rather significant way.


Btw, while changing some settings for the front page MIGHT help/fix it, I don't understand why should I do it (not saying I wouldn't) when it's something I am supposed to have a freedom to use the way I like. The way I see it, it's clearly a bug with the site, even if it's affecting a minority of users (sadly, 99% of people having problems never report them).

Edited by Octopuss
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As before, send your details in a PM to me and we'll try and reproduce it and if necessary, fix it. You know the drill.


By the way, comments like this:




I am sorry, this is simply unacceptable. Is this the superbly upgraded technical stuff you spent hundreds of thousands on?


Are utterly unhelpful. Why even bother saying it on your first report of the issue? Maybe keep the attitude in check when you're looking for help? Or if you don't want help and just want to moan, go to one of the other sites to b&@*$ and moan about us. There's plenty of places for it!

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I know they are. But try to understand me/us. The site seems to have been drowning in technical problems since forever, no matter how much you upgrade stuff and invent new features. It's frustrating as hell. I just want to use the site.

And from our previous communication, you should know better I am not just moaning, I try to help if I can as well.


And no, I don't know the drill. You specifically say in your profile people shouldn't contact you that way.

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Yes, damnit, because I am using this thread, which is called "This is the site feedback". Admins post here, so it should be good enough, no?

Sent a PM then.

Edited by Octopuss
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You got my suggestions wrong. We 'know' it's an issue with the site or the devs wouldn't already have been on it.

It's not on your end, no, and everybody here knows that, but if it can be fixed temporarily by changing your Feed Preferences (this has nothing to do with being Premium or Supporter and is a setting every member can change directly on the front page with the small link right of the tabs), then it would confirm the suspicion about where it might be coming from, and the devs would have an easier time figuring out what exactly it is and how to possibly fix it.


It isn't the 'fix', and you're not meant to disable certain features in order to be able to use the site, but if it helps disabling them, then they will know more about the real issue and where to start with fixing it. It is part of 'diagnosing' when we ask you to do certain things and see if it helps.


And as for contacting moderators and admins through posting in here instead of using the dedicated "Contact Us" means in place for the job...

...yes, staff sometimes reads here, and yes, sometimes it will work to get in contact with staff through posting here, BUT, many times it will need more than just to 'talk' with staff about it and in a public topic no less.

Some technical information is only made available to the staff when contact was made through the specific means for it (it's a site functions thing), and some information cannot or should not be exchanged in all public (security reasons).

So if you post in here to get in contact with staff, be prepared to be replied to with a call to use PM or Contact Us instead every time.

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Yea, apparently I completely misunderstood the purpose of the thread from the very beginning.


Out of curiosity, which feed option did you have in mind? Before it was fixed (not sure what the problem was, but I can finally browse the site like before) I tried to randomly change different options and it didn't make one bit of a difference.

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I've been having trouble downloading via the NMM the past two days. When I click to download a mod with Manager, I get a "server unreachable" error message. This happens if I use the default server or if I choose either USA or UK. Switching from Chrome to Firefox didn't help either. I tried following the suggested steps for manual install and couldn't make that work, either (it downloaded, but I couldn't get my computer to extract the files with 7-zip or without). I've checked around on the site for any news of server downtime without finding any. What's up with this? I've never had trouble with NMM in the past, and I'd really love to download these mods onto my new computer because without them all my characters are naked (they're the Skyrim Immersive Weapons and Armor mods, if it matters). I'm using a PC, if that matters, too. Also, I tried one other mod, just to eliminate the possibility that the problem lies with that particular user's mods. Same problem: "server unreachable."

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