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With a recently uploaded popular mod, there is an option of higher res textures on an external site called Gumroad which asks for "purchase". Thankfully we can input $0 to get a download but it also asks for an email address although thankfully I only needed to type one in and didn't have to interact further. So nothing bad happened in that moment. But it got me thinking about the Nexus rules about this stuff so I was wanting to ask: Would it be against Nexus Terms of Service if an author used external site which used monetization? Like what if they made people go through an Ad Fly or Captchas with ads, or sign up with a shady website? Or say people had to go to a linked YouTube video to find a download link in the description, thereby providing it with views and the author with (potential)ad revenue?


While I think the mod itself is fine some people in comment section expressing concerns got me thinking about this stuff so I thought I'd ask so I know for future reference. If hypothetically anybody ever did stuff like put their content behind Ad Fly links I would like to report them but I thought I'd ask here in advance. Perhaps the Terms of Service could have a bit added covering this, which could reassure those users as well as warn in advance any uploaders who might have considered doing something like this? I have noticed stuff like Adfly and certain sites themselves putting in anti-adblocker measures. These measures prevent access to the content unless adblocker is disabled which I feel is an unacceptable risk as these will oftentimes have malicious advertising and allowing these ads to even load risks your PC getting a virus which can easily infect a PC even without any clicks needed just from being displayed in a browser. I always run an adblocker and choose to support sites like Nexus directly.



there are other versions for all browsers and it works for me. also, pretty sure Ublock also has filters to block adfly but I haven't turned off the skip addon to check for sure

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@fftfan; Forcing members to go through an external paywall (or an adfly type monetization mechanism) in order to d/l a mod being "offered" on the Nexus is a violation of our terms of service.


Report it when you find it. We will deal with it.


Very good. I will report any who do this. I will also reply on that mods comments that these potential monetization schemes are in fact violating the terms of service



With a recently uploaded popular mod, there is an option of higher res textures on an external site called Gumroad which asks for "purchase". Thankfully we can input $0 to get a download but it also asks for an email address although thankfully I only needed to type one in and didn't have to interact further. So nothing bad happened in that moment. But it got me thinking about the Nexus rules about this stuff so I was wanting to ask: Would it be against Nexus Terms of Service if an author used external site which used monetization? Like what if they made people go through an Ad Fly or Captchas with ads, or sign up with a shady website? Or say people had to go to a linked YouTube video to find a download link in the description, thereby providing it with views and the author with (potential)ad revenue?


While I think the mod itself is fine some people in comment section expressing concerns got me thinking about this stuff so I thought I'd ask so I know for future reference. If hypothetically anybody ever did stuff like put their content behind Ad Fly links I would like to report them but I thought I'd ask here in advance. Perhaps the Terms of Service could have a bit added covering this, which could reassure those users as well as warn in advance any uploaders who might have considered doing something like this? I have noticed stuff like Adfly and certain sites themselves putting in anti-adblocker measures. These measures prevent access to the content unless adblocker is disabled which I feel is an unacceptable risk as these will oftentimes have malicious advertising and allowing these ads to even load risks your PC getting a virus which can easily infect a PC even without any clicks needed just from being displayed in a browser. I always run an adblocker and choose to support sites like Nexus directly.



there are other versions for all browsers and it works for me. also, pretty sure Ublock also has filters to block adfly but I haven't turned off the skip addon to check for sure



I am on chrome, I was blocking them before somehow(I think just regular Adblock) but recently it stopped working, an message appears saying "You are using an adblocker, you must disable it to continue" instead of the continue button. I downloaded an ad fly skipper addon, so far it's working but I am sure the people running ad fly would keep changing the code to stop people bypassing it.


My Ublock doesn't right now but I guess I could be needing an update.

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@fftfan; Forcing members to go through an external paywall (or an adfly type monetization mechanism) in order to d/l a mod being "offered" on the Nexus is a violation of our terms of service.


Report it when you find it. We will deal with it.


Very good. I will report any who do this. I will also reply on that mods comments that these potential monetization schemes are in fact violating the terms of service


Well, I would advise against that last part. Just report your findings, leave the talk to staff. Otherwise these things too quickly turn into vigilantism even without your intention.


Relevant part of the ToS:


Anyone who feels that user-generated content uploaded to Nexus Mods is objectionable or breaks these terms of service is encouraged to notify a member of the moderation team at Nexus Mods immediately via the appropriate means. If you believe someone has posted any content that is against these terms of service please report the content but do not contact the offender by any means. Leave disciplinary action to the staff of Nexus sites or you may well be punished for engaging in vigilante behaviour.


If you think it's an honest mistake and a little talk to them would help, you can do that, although I would still advise rather not doing it in public even then. In all other cases these sorts of "public accusation" will only get down to becoming a problem themselves.

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@fftfan; See also this from the ToS:


Do not be a vigilante
Being a vigilante means performing a moderator's job or impersonating a moderator by telling someone they have done something wrong or against the rules. There is a "Report" button underneath each and every post on these forums -- if you believe someone has broken the rules please use this feature and a moderator will be there to sort it out pretty quickly. It is not your job to tell others what they can and cannot do on these forums.
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@fftfan; Forcing members to go through an external paywall (or an adfly type monetization mechanism) in order to d/l a mod being "offered" on the Nexus is a violation of our terms of service.


Report it when you find it. We will deal with it.


Very good. I will report any who do this. I will also reply on that mods comments that these potential monetization schemes are in fact violating the terms of service


Well, I would advise against that last part. Just report your findings, leave the talk to staff. Otherwise these things too quickly turn into vigilantism even without your intention.


Relevant part of the ToS:


Anyone who feels that user-generated content uploaded to Nexus Mods is objectionable or breaks these terms of service is encouraged to notify a member of the moderation team at Nexus Mods immediately via the appropriate means. If you believe someone has posted any content that is against these terms of service please report the content but do not contact the offender by any means. Leave disciplinary action to the staff of Nexus sites or you may well be punished for engaging in vigilante behaviour.


If you think it's an honest mistake and a little talk to them would help, you can do that, although I would still advise rather not doing it in public even then. In all other cases these sorts of "public accusation" will only get down to becoming a problem themselves.





@fftfan; See also this from the ToS:


Do not be a vigilante

Being a vigilante means performing a moderator's job or impersonating a moderator by telling someone they have done something wrong or against the rules. There is a "Report" button underneath each and every post on these forums -- if you believe someone has broken the rules please use this feature and a moderator will be there to sort it out pretty quickly. It is not your job to tell others what they can and cannot do on these forums.


Duly noted. I will not comment this way on an offending file. I will simply Report the offending file & move on.

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I quote myself in a post I made on: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6117498-nexus-site-feedback/

I didn't know that exist this post (nor i saw it haha, sorry about that), so you can close that thread.



Hi, so i've encounter a malfunction of the filter function when making a query. Maybe it's me, I didn't tried it on another browser than Chrome.

- When filtering the mods by a range of dates, the pagination doesn't work correctly. Example, use the range date filter, try to change between pages, and the query return for instances 42 findgins, but after moving to another page to see more (20 per page for standard users), the query return 0 findings.

- A suggestiong would be that apart from putting the creation date of the mod, also put the last update date, so when your are filtering by "updated", you don't need to enter the mod to see when it's changed. (The best way would be by the date range filter, but it's not working as intended, or so I suppose).

- And for feedback, i'm enjoying the new layout, thanks.



Plus: This was on the new site of skyrim. Other sites weren´t tested.



Edited by empomeitor
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Does the one month Premium Membership auto renew every month or do I have to renew it myself.


Thanks :smile:


It depends on whether you specifically selected the "Recurring" option in the drop-down menu when paying. It is not the default paying option, and it's done via Pay Pal. So if you didn't pay via Pay Pal then it's definitely not recurring. If you did, login to your Pay Pal account and check if it made a subscription :)

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Just my 2 cents worth.


The old Tracking center allowed for 25 tracked mods per page while the new tracking center only allows for 20 tracked mods per page, with the ability to change it as a premium-only feature. I get it, it helps encourage people to go premium. My beef is that the number of my tracked mods pages has now doubled (I obviously track quite a few). It's kind of a pain.


Couldn't you just up it back to 25? Not cool to diminish features.

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Just to get the attention.


We don't directly "create" the sites for specific games (or new versions of games) in advance.

Does that also applies for games bought on GOG.com?


If not then I request a separate forum for games bought on GOG.com. Why I ask is simple, I bought Settlers 3 Ultimate Collection earlier this Summer since I haven't play it for almost 20 years.



Also, I would like to remind anyone from staff about my post here since no one has replied yet.

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