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@StarshipGhost; You have to "Close" your current account.

Simply post the request from the account itself as a reply in this topic: Account Closure Requests

Well I still couldn't use my email.


Your account has not yet been Closed. If it had been, you wouldn't have been able to post.

(It takes our Community Manager a little while to get around to all the requests.)

And until it is, you won't be able to register a new account using the same email address.


NOTE: I just checked, and you have not yet submitted a request in the forum I linked above. So not sure why you expected anything to happen. :huh:

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I take it the "D" word(think of a what beavers create) is grounds for a warning? Because it seems I've got warned twice for that now since being a member here. Honestly, though I think someone just doesn't want me posting here. :/


Edit: Well No Profanity is no profanity. But none of my warnings(so I can see what the offending post actually was, instead of guessing) were added here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/


I guess that's reserved for really bad posts.


As it stands..with 2 strikes, if I don't want to get banned, I can't post.

Edited by Rasikko
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I take it the "D" word(think of a what beavers create) is grounds for a warning? Because it seems I've got warned twice for that now since being a member here. Honestly, though I think someone just doesn't want me posting here. :/


Edit: Well No Profanity is no profanity. But none of my warnings(so I can see what the offending post actually was, instead of guessing) were added here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/188-forum-rules-and-warnings/


I guess that's reserved for really bad posts.


As it stands..with 2 strikes, if I don't want to get banned, I can't post.


You were issued two informal warnings by two different staff members. Think of those more as kind of "nudge" to think about what/how you've said or done something. You won't get banned for a few informal warnings.

You have to be issued three formal (public posted) warnings before anything close to a suspension is thought about.


To note: neither informal was for the word damn.

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@StarshipGhost; You have to "Close" your current account.

Simply post the request from the account itself as a reply in this topic: Account Closure Requests

Well I still couldn't use my email.


Your account has not yet been Closed. If it had been, you wouldn't have been able to post.

(It takes our Community Manager a little while to get around to all the requests.)

And until it is, you won't be able to register a new account using the same email address.


NOTE: I just checked, and you have not yet submitted a request in the forum I linked above. So not sure why you expected anything to happen. :huh:


To simplify on what Dante said, keep your posting to more of a PG13 level, try and not be crude, rude or vulgar. If you feel the need to cuss use $#%&! and such. It helps to keep threads becoming toxic wastelands of useless information. You can still rant and rave in the correct thread just keep it between the ditches.

Edited by ZippyDSMlee
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For years now I have been dependent on my download history so I can refer back to old mods and check for updates or redownload them because of playing a new game. Now I noticed the history is lumped together of all the different games I play!?!


Also searching by categories no longer searches by most popular, most downloaded?


Are these going to be address or changed or is this new format the end??


Can't say I'm a fan of the new format. :(

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For years now I have been dependent on my download history so I can refer back to old mods and check for updates or redownload them because of playing a new game. Now I noticed the history is lumped together of all the different games I play!?!



It only does that if you look at your download history from the "Nexus home" page here: https://www.nexusmods.com/ .


Checking it from the individual game sites will only show the mods from that site.

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