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A kind of random question occurred to me today, about File Blocking. This doesn't pertain to anything that has actually happened but a topic I read got me generally curious about it as I try to be knowledgeable about the site rules and I didn't really know how stuff works with file blocking.

Technically speaking, is there such a thing as misuse of the file blocking system? Anything a user could do if they had actually gotten blocked for literally nothing? Not a case where a user's downplaying or misrepresenting the situation but for literally nothing like the author simply had a bad mood or dislikes their avatar or name? Like let's say hypothetically all I did was say "Thank you for your contribution, <Mod Author>. I really like your mod!" and got blocked for it or I politely make a simple request and got blocked for it. Or worst case I never commented at all and got blocked anyways(IDK how this works?)? Or if hypothetically I look in the comments section of a file, someone commented "I love your mod!" and author replied with "Blocked." should I report that? Would it be considered abuse of the feature if a user has never ever made any toxic or rude post ever yet got file blocked?


The topic got me curious so I checked in the Terms & Policies, did not find anything about this. My understanding after finding it not present is that it would be fair game to do so?

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A kind of random question occurred to me today, about File Blocking. This doesn't pertain to anything that has actually happened but a topic I read got me generally curious about it as I try to be knowledgeable about the site rules and I didn't really know how stuff works with file blocking.


Technically speaking, is there such a thing as misuse of the file blocking system? Anything a user could do if they had actually gotten blocked for literally nothing? Not a case where a user's downplaying or misrepresenting the situation but for literally nothing like the author simply had a bad mood or dislikes their avatar or name? Like let's say hypothetically all I did was say "Thank you for your contribution, <Mod Author>. I really like your mod!" and got blocked for it or I politely make a simple request and got blocked for it. Or worst case I never commented at all and got blocked anyways(IDK how this works?)? Or if hypothetically I look in the comments section of a file, someone commented "I love your mod!" and author replied with "Blocked." should I report that? Would it be considered abuse of the feature if a user has never ever made any toxic or rude post ever yet got file blocked?


The topic got me curious so I checked in the Terms & Policies, did not find anything about this. My understanding after finding it not present is that it would be fair game to do so?



My understanding (and please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken) is that a block can only be instituted against someone who has commented on a mod, and only the authors can institute the block. So by that information, you won't be blocked for looking and leaving.


As for rules for using the block feature by an MA, there do not appear to be any. I looked too, and couldn't find any rules or limitations. It is assumed (and yes, I am aware of the old saw about 'assume') that the MA will use good judgement, good sense and show appropriate restraint when using the feature. But alas, in as much as there are no codified rules accompanying the implementation of the MA Block feature it's use is somewhat arbitrary and capricious.

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As for rules for using the block feature by an MA, there do not appear to be any. I looked too, and couldn't find any rules or limitations. It is assumed (and yes, I am aware of the old saw about 'assume') that the MA will use good judgement, good sense and show appropriate restraint when using the feature. But alas, in as much as there are no codified rules accompanying the implementation of the MA Block feature it's use is somewhat arbitrary and capricious.

I noticed that we can see a list of who have endorsed a file. Can we also see list of who all have downloaded a file, or can the Author do so perhaps via the Statistics Tab? I'm new as a mod author so I don't really know a lot about these things. What if they used the forum's Ignore feature to Ignore a particular user, does that also institute a file block on their files against that user? People said the "you have been file blocked" notice says not to contact anyone about it, but what if it wasn't for any real reason?

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I am new too, but I have someone else's notes to work from. So one at a time:


I do not know of a way to see every person who downloads a mod. That doesn't mean you can't, it means I don't know of a way.

I do know that blocking someone in the forums does not block them from you mods, and vice versa.

As for the message, Arthmoor quoted it earlier. It is somewhat terse, but that is my opinion and my opinion is worth what it takes to read these words. As far as "wasn't for any real reason" is concerned, "real reason" in the eye of the beholder. If you get blocked from a mod i recommend you inhale deeply, swallow, exhale slowly and move on.


And if I have misstated anything, feel free to correct me. I am working from someone else's notes and I may have bad input which would make this post the GO generated from GI.

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Are you talking about mods you've already downloaded, or ones you're looking to download?


Actually, in either case I think if you choose a specific game's title I think you only see mods for that game.

I mean ones I've already downloaded

Then your question had been answered.


Choose the specific game, and tools like "History" will only show items for that game.

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As for the message, Arthmoor quoted it earlier. It is somewhat terse, but that is my opinion and my opinion is worth what it takes to read these words. As far as "wasn't for any real reason" is concerned, "real reason" in the eye of the beholder. If you get blocked from a mod i recommend you inhale deeply, swallow, exhale slowly and move on.

I've been around for close to 10 years but only this May did I upload my first files. His posts are what got me curious about this & got me to look it up in the Terms & Policies, about what if a user who did not do anything wrong got file blocked. But I re-read that topic and WastelandAssassin had a perfect answer that I consider to perfectly resolve the question I had(Is it okay if I follow up due to having found the answer?):


"Well , I've never personally heard of any mod author abusing this system

doesn't mean it's not possible , but I've never heard of such a case

but in case you believe someone may be abusing the system , this is something you can bring before the staff

there are plenty of report functions (you can report the mod author , report via the mod in which it occurred etc) , through which we can investigate and take whatever actions we deem necessary in the specific case


yes there could be a case where users abuse the blocking system

in such a case , you should report them to the staff , so that we can take a look and take whatever action we deem fitting

and in your case where you can no longer get in contact with the author , you can ask the staff to mediate for you (I would gladly send a PM on your behalf , if I felt it was appropriate)"


Thanks WastelandAssassin!

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A small, silly question but how can I add/edit the "About" section on my Nexus profile?


Click your avatar (picture). Click the "Edit My Profile" button on the upper right (about four down from the top).


Under "General Account Settings" is the heading "Profile Information". Next to that is a button labeled "Edit My About Me Page". Click that and you are there.

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