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Yes, this is the "web site" feedback, not the Oblivion Mod Troubleshooting forum...I will delete these posts after a while. However, I wouldn't be surprised if you re-installed Oblivion and went back to version 1.0 and did not patch it to 1.1 or 1.2...most mods created with the newer Construction Set will never act like they were "activated" in Data Files because the internal version number is higher in the plugin than what Oblivion knows about...and thus discards the plugin. So you'll either need to patch Oblivion or back-rev the plugin.



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Please stop the attack/malware ads.


Repeating: Dark0ne cannot find the same ads you see, because he is in a different area and the ads are random anyways. Take a screenshot of the ad you want removed, and send it along with its URL to Dark0ne. He can then contact the ad provider (No, the Nexus does not deal directly with advertisers, there is a middleman company that collect advertisements for distribution) to have them removed. Unless you do this, he cannot do a thing about it.

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ok just say you that i did not download any patch....

Huh? That sounds like backwards Yoda speak. I don't really understand what you just said.


I assume you are saying that you did not download a patch. But if you looked at the article I linked you to (about installing Oblivion with patches), you would see that you "might" have a version called Game of the Year that installs with the latest version...thus not requiring any patches...or you may have Oblivion 1.0...I don't know and I can't tell you which you have...you have to look at the version number on the menu (bottom left-hand corner IIRC).


i was asking IF a patch would solve my problem.

If you looked at the Back-Rev tutorial I linked you to, it explains how to tell if a plugin requires a patched version of Oblivion or not as well as modifying the plugin so that it does not require a patched Oblivion in order to work (however, if the plugin uses 1.1 or 1.2 scripting features, it could be problematic)



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This is a bit crazy and minor, but a while back I could middle-click download links to control where the tab opens (ie. not in the last tab a download opened so I don't have to search through dozens of tabs to get to it). Now I can't do that anymore, middle-clicking just opens a copy of the mod's page, not the download. Is it possible to have the feature back? I'm using firefox 3.6 for extra info.
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Repeating: Dark0ne cannot find the same ads you see, because he is in a different area and the ads are random anyways. Take a screenshot of the ad you want removed, and send it along with its URL to Dark0ne. He can then contact the ad provider (No, the Nexus does not deal directly with advertisers, there is a middleman company that collect advertisements for distribution) to have them removed. Unless you do this, he cannot do a thing about it.


Any chance that I could find out who that middleman agency is? I've been attempting to advertise on newvegasnexus through Google AdWords a million different ways, and at most I get a few (like 5-ish) impressions a DAY -- at an outrageously high bid. At least I could (a) bump up the bids, and (b) give some variety over the same two (TDU and WoW) ads I see 99% of the time :P

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Hey....I just started playing Dragon Age Origins. I'm an 'old' dude who used to be into the original dungeons and dragons. My question is, 'how' can I adjust my settings in order to access 'adult content mods'....??? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm also having a pretty hard time trying to figure out how to use the combat tactics....I don't know why, I simply can't 'grasp' how the whole thing works yet. I like the game a lot, but as of yet, I'm kind of playing 'randomly' with almost zero control of the combat tactics. I'd really like to add some of the major 'mods' before I go much further, and would appreciate any help.
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Log into the file site, then hit the link to member area, scroll down to "change your site preferences....and make the changes you want.and hit submit.


Now the important part, log out of the site, an close your browse [this is essential depending on you browser configurations].


Give it a minute to completely close, then relaunch and log back into the file site, this will set a new session cookie with your new preferences.


Let me know how it goes !



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