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This is the site feedback/questions section


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There are some great things with the new site and some elements of functionality and interface that I miss or don't like.


Stuff that is broken or not supported...


1. Numbered lists no longer work using [ list = 1 ]

2. External URL's don’t work because www.nexus.... Is inserted in front of the URL (really frustrating when you want to link to Bethesda Softworks Forum topics)


Stuff I miss...


1. Right-clicking an image from the Image Library list to open it in a new Tab. Takes very much longer to view selected images that have been posted because you need to keep using the back button - all in all, what I used to be able to do rapidly, now takes a very long time and has become tedious.


2. Right clicking items from the Latest Files and New Today list - all the same reasons given for the above.


3. No longer being able to see who endorsed a file unless they have left a comment


Interface stuff


Great structure and fresh looking. Would like to see a way of exposing some of the links from the drop down menus so I can access the frequently used ones easily. For me, Latest files, New Today and Image Library.

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First, I am using Mozilla Firefox 6.0.


Title of bug: Confirmation of login without actually logging in.


Location: Main page of all 5 nexusnetworks (TES, F3, NV, DA, and W2).




When I went to check out the TES "skins," I decided to log-in via the main page's "Login" feature near the top of the screen (above the hot file image). However, I accidentally clicked "login" before I typed my username or password. After I had clicked "login" the site showed this message (changed the page, not a pop-up).




You have been logged in successfully


After repeating this twice more, I did the same thing to the other 4 networks. All the same, same message for logging in/not actually logging in.


Please forgive my ignorance, but how do you take "screenshots" of webpages and/or desktop screen? I have seen people post pictures of webpages or desktops, but I do not know how. Will someone please tell me so I can better present future bugs?



Lieutenant Slicer51b

Advanced Technology Adaption Division

Terran Starship Command

Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus

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Please forgive my ignorance, but how do you take "screenshots" of webpages and/or desktop screen? I have seen people post pictures of webpages or desktops, but I do not know how. Will someone please tell me so I can better present future bugs?

Just use the "print screen" button on your keyboard. it's between "scroll lock" and "pause" :biggrin:


EDIT by LHammonds: Actually, ALT+Print Screen is better because it will only capture the current window instead of the entire desktop. Then go into an image editor such as MS Paint and press CTRL+V to paste the image. Save as JPG and upload somewhere like Photobucket. Once you copy the Direct URL to the image, paste it in your post as a link or surround it with the IMG tag to display directly on the page.


You could also download my WindowCapture utility which will create a JPG of the current window when you click just the Print Screen button and then upload that image.

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A suggestion to the Site Administrator to add a Sub Forum dedicated as a

a step by step Guide to using Mod Load Ordering Software i.e. Wrye Bash and BOSS, and other Utility's if applicable.



Apologies if this is posted in the wrong section .

Edited by moodseeker001
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I'm not sure how to check if javascript is enabled. I don't know about noscript or other add-ons either. I just need a simple way to check if anyone can help.

Simple way? Go to portableapps.com and grab ANY of the browsers in their Internet section. Install only extracts them to a folder and they are ready-to-run without the need to install them. When I tested every one yesterday, they all did equally well with default settings.


7thSeaLord, what you are describing sounds a lot like JavaScript is being blocked. Try one of the portable browsers as I mentioned in prior paragraph.


Modseeker001, that is what the Wiki site is for. The mods, images, tutorials and whatnot are mainly community-driven. This site is about enabling community members to share and participate.



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Been Asking this whin the new site staeting!!!!!!!!!!


Click on file name: Screen grays out nothing happens

Click on file name: Screen grays out, small white popup box with circular loading graphic appears and disappears, nothing happens


HOW DO I FIX IT????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/

Edited by Tom21
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Since the redesign went into effect, my news RSS feed has stopped linking me to the news post. The latest files feed still works, though. I tried adding it again from the site but it gave me this message:


XML Parsing Error: junk after document element
Location: http://www.tesnexus.com/rss/news.php
Line Number 2, Column 1:<b>Warning</b>:  main(/home/tes/public_html/modules/members/reminder.php) [<a href='function.main'>function.main</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/tes/public_html/includes/mysql.php</b> on line <b>104</b><br />

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I don't know if this is where i'm supposed to post this, but I'm haveing problems downloading files. I go through the steps like before, but once I instructed the computer to download the file, it jumps to the download sites (Dallas,washington,etc) then closes that before I choose, and then goes back to the discription page of the file. If it did download the file I can't find it. (in the download history it shows that i did download them.)

Any Ideas on where to look?

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