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I dont see any change in thread views lately. U get threads with the same number of views as posts and the other threads with more views than posts seem to be older ones since before the views stopped updateing. It is just what i think might be going on and i wonder if something is broken to cause that.

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I honestly don't know where to look for this, but is there a way to Change your name on the site? I've moved on from this one and prefer it to have the same one as I do in other games.


Addressed about a dozen times already in this forum.

This thread includes the SiteOwner's explanation. :armscrossed:

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I made Topics in the forums what i wish to delete as it seems to me i posted several times by mistake. How do i delete my topics (What are about my Fallout NV Mod)? :smile: because i don't want to seem if am spamming people by making a mistake.

Edited by mathew1800
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I made Topics in the forums what i wish to delete as it seems to me i posted several times by mistake. How do i delete my topics (What are about my Fallout NV Mod)? :smile: because i don't want to seem if am spamming people by making a mistake.


Send a PM to any of the Staff, and include links to the topics in question.

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