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Winds of Change


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You know when you smell that moisture smell in the air you know pretty much that a change in the weather is coming. I think I smell that same smell coming from both the Europe as well as the U.S. I think that a lot of the old tired ideas that have structured our live, for so long is about to change. I hope that if and when they do, that these changes are fair for everyone, including the rich and the poor. I think that for too long the powers that be have sued their color of thread into the fabric of society, so that they can reap the spoils of whatever passed by them.


For a long time the west has meddled in the affairs of the Middle East and now, with the Arab Spring, I think the West is setting around with puckered butt holes, hoping that these people have forgotten that the West first colonized them, then put in place dictators who were friendly to the West and sold them cheap oil. All you have to do, is look at the living standards of the Muslim people in these countries and know that very little, if any of this money, found it's way into the their pockets.


Hell, just look at the food for fuel program that the U.N. had with Iraq. We got cheap oil and Saddam got several more palaces. Did his people get food and medical supply's. I think not. Are these countries going to be as freindly to the West or are they going to rape us as they've seen their countries raped, for such a long time, and can you blame them, if they do?


I see over in Europe that their whole system is teetering on the edge of collapse and It Is to Germany that many are looking to be bailed out. Why? What are these countries doing that have placed them in so much difficulty. I've been to Europe and those people are just the same as any other people in the world. They have existed, far longer than America has, so what is going on over there. ?


Is it the same that is going on over here? Are we about to plunge ourselves into the same turmoil that is happening elsewhere.


Now we have two opposing subgroups in our country that are at odds with the prevailing mindset. The Tea Party on the right and the Occupiers on the left. Both of these entities were vilified, when they first appeared and nothing their critics have done has changed their ideals. Are these two entities about to collide? Is America and Europe about to go into a gut wrenching period of self evaluation? Will the powers tha be still be standing when we come out of this period.


I've been hearing that the world is supposed to end in 2012. Maybe it will, but will it be the entire world or will it be the world we are used to and will a better world come out of it.

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Europe is quickly heading for financial collapse. Just like the US, and for the same reason. Government Over-Spending. Yeah, we are headed for a fall, and it ain't gonna be any fun. What will come out of it though, remains to be seen. Given our past history, governments don't seem to learn from history, so, expect the same mistakes/policies/people that got us here in the first place, to be right back in place.
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I will focus on a few parts of your post.


With the Arab Spring, the protests can only escalate.


The real issue with OWS and the tea party is they are too focused on politics. If they could unite and focus on a common ground for protest, we would get a lot further.


As for 2012, a lot of people think the economy will be screwed by then. There isn't really strong evidence for a complete economic crash at a exact year, but then again most market crashes are predicted through speculation.

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Government Over-Spending

I'm pretty sick of people regurgitating this line.


Governments take on debt because other governments (and normal people like you or me) trust them to provide modest returns on their money from growth in tax revenue. Governments spend this invested money on services and infrastructure, to provide that growth in tax revenue. Done right, this allows governments to spend on billion-dollar projects that generate huge returns in ten years – something which no private company is willing to do.


At the start of the Bush presidency, the Fed lowered its interest rate to 1% and kept it there for years despite signs they ought to have raised it. In effect, the government told investors that it did not want their money, and it would not give them even the modest return they're entitled to. Investor money which would have gone to the government instead flooded Wall Street. Wall Street – lacking any place to safely put this money and not wanting to turn the investors away – put the money into unregulated, risky things like mortgages while lying that those investments were as safe as the government's. These fraudulent investments all blew up – which somehow didn't prevent Wall Street from taking its cut.


Thus the recession was caused by the government refusing to take and spend money. This has been shown time and time again. Yet somehow people insist that it was a mystical process of karmic retribution exacted upon us by the ghost of Adam Smith, as revenge for (let's see, what haven't we cut yet?) Medicare. I'm amazed every day by the stupidity this requires.


P.S. when can we expect the Indian uprising you predicted earlier?

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You know when you smell that moisture smell in the air you know pretty much that a change in the weather is coming. I think I smell that same smell coming from both the Europe as well as the U.S. I think that a lot of the old tired ideas that have structured our live, for so long is about to change. I hope that if and when they do, that these changes are fair for everyone, including the rich and the poor. I think that for too long the powers that be have sued their color of thread into the fabric of society, so that they can reap the spoils of whatever passed by them.


For a long time the west has meddled in the affairs of the Middle East and now, with the Arab Spring, I think the West is setting around with puckered butt holes, hoping that these people have forgotten that the West first colonized them, then put in place dictators who were friendly to the West and sold them cheap oil. All you have to do, is look at the living standards of the Muslim people in these countries and know that very little, if any of this money, found it's way into the their pockets.


Hell, just look at the food for fuel program that the U.N. had with Iraq. We got cheap oil and Saddam got several more palaces. Did his people get food and medical supply's. I think not. Are these countries going to be as freindly to the West or are they going to rape us as they've seen their countries raped, for such a long time, and can you blame them, if they do?


I see over in Europe that their whole system is teetering on the edge of collapse and It Is to Germany that many are looking to be bailed out. Why? What are these countries doing that have placed them in so much difficulty. I've been to Europe and those people are just the same as any other people in the world. They have existed, far longer than America has, so what is going on over there. ?


Is it the same that is going on over here? Are we about to plunge ourselves into the same turmoil that is happening elsewhere.


Now we have two opposing subgroups in our country that are at odds with the prevailing mindset. The Tea Party on the right and the Occupiers on the left. Both of these entities were vilified, when they first appeared and nothing their critics have done has changed their ideals. Are these two entities about to collide? Is America and Europe about to go into a gut wrenching period of self evaluation? Will the powers tha be still be standing when we come out of this period.


I've been hearing that the world is supposed to end in 2012. Maybe it will, but will it be the entire world or will it be the world we are used to and will a better world come out of it.


I'm posting this because it just seems so appropriate to what this thread is about and even though it was made 70+ years ago by Charlie Chaplin in the 1940 movie The Great Dictator if you didn't know that you could think it was about today. It was adapted to show just that. Strange to say but people of that era were asking themselves the very same question this thread does.



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And that was charlie chaplin? Not a role I am used to seeing him in. Nice speech though. Back in the 40's someone had a vision. Too bad it was never realized, for exactly the reasons he stated.


Also, Gee Marxist, why does it NOT surprise me that you would pic one minor aspect to discount the entire message?:rolleyes:

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The Great Dictator... you could think it was about today. It was adapted to show just that.

Yes, and then you'd be a complete tool. Blipverting pictures of every US president for the past 60 years during a speech about Hitler is the most dishonest video technique I think I've seen in my entire life.


Wow did you ever miss that by a mile , it doesn't matter what leaders were put in at that part of the video , the point of it is to illustrate that people have got to stop placing so much of their hopes in leaders that can and will never deliver and stop being sheeple . Having to explain that to someone who would choose the name Marxist Bastard is the deepest of ironies.lol

Edited by Harbringe
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