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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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HI, I am looking for 2 mods to fix things that are really anoying me. 1. I am playing an archer, I get one shot off at the beginning of combat and then followers jump in front of me and I cant fire anymore cause all I do is shoot my followers in the back, is there a get out of my way mod? 2 I would really like to find a useful housecarl mod. Dont get me wrong, I have some of the mods to make my housecarls more attractive, I use them and enjoy them, but that seems to be all there is. How about a mod that makes Rayya bring in the eggs, milk the cow, churn butter, harvest the garden and green house, and other useful things instead of mining clay all day and telling me she is my sword and my shield whenever I come near her. Thanks if no mods like these exist maybe this will inspire someone to make them. If I could do it I would but I tried my hand at making mods and only made a huge mess.

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Is there a mod that allows you to sprint to the sides or backwards when in third person mode?

i.e. while my camera is facing north, I sprint to the east.


And also...


When you auto-move (by default using the 'c' key) your character constantly turns and walks as if you were holding down for forward movement: is it possible to prevent the turning part of this, so that the character just moves in the direction of the original keystroke.


I'm sure you can guess; I'm wanting to play with camera angles and dramatic cinematics while I travel long distances; I am aware that either of these modifications would be very impractical for serious gameplay.



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HI, I am looking for 2 mods to fix things that are really anoying me. 1. I am playing an archer, I get one shot off at the beginning of combat and then followers jump in front of me and I cant fire anymore cause all I do is shoot my followers in the back, is there a get out of my way mod? 2 I would really like to find a useful housecarl mod. Dont get me wrong, I have some of the mods to make my housecarls more attractive, I use them and enjoy them, but that seems to be all there is. How about a mod that makes Rayya bring in the eggs, milk the cow, churn butter, harvest the garden and green house, and other useful things instead of mining clay all day and telling me she is my sword and my shield whenever I come near her. Thanks if no mods like these exist maybe this will inspire someone to make them. If I could do it I would but I tried my hand at making mods and only made a huge mess.


Use something like EFF and tell your follower to stick to ranged combat.

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Hi guys, I'm looking for the mod that adds a crow/raven that you can perch on your shoulder (and it's not the Northern Overlord mod). As far as I remember, the mod added a bunch of miscellaneous items to the game, but I've forgotten the name of it. Can anyone help out?

One I know of is Summon Shadow Merchant. He has a spell that allows you to have a crow or raven on your shoulder. You can unsummon it if you want to remove it.


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Hyea, I'm looking for a heartfire (build your house DLC) mod that edits the housing to have treasure rooms and auto sorter. By treasure rooms I mean stuff like claw racks, elder scroll holder etc? Does anyone exist






This does seem really old and there is not mention anywhere of treasure holdings.



I don't remember specifically if it has but it's a great mod, with a lot of customization and probably the closest to what you are looking for in terms of building your own home.


Or did I misunderstand and you just want something to add treasure rooms to the existing hearthfire homes?




Yeah pretty, I love the idea of building the home but without a lil treasure room it loses its moxey. I would be great to have a place to store all those claws, scrolls etc, and ideally with some sort of auto sorter. Hell I would even drop the idea of having a BYOH if I just get an auto sorter and a treasure room. I had one called the hunters lodge or something with had a HUGE armory but it was too big

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Hi guys, I'm looking for the mod that adds a crow/raven that you can perch on your shoulder (and it's not the Northern Overlord mod). As far as I remember, the mod added a bunch of miscellaneous items to the game, but I've forgotten the name of it. Can anyone help out?

One I know of is Summon Shadow Merchant. He has a spell that allows you to have a crow or raven on your shoulder. You can unsummon it if you want to remove it.




Ah, thank you so much! :D

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I like the eyes one gets when they are turned into a vampire. Everything else about the face just needs to go. I'm requesting that someone please make a mod that allows a person to become a vampire without changing any of the facial morphology, but the eyes remain the same vampire red eyes. I know it must be a simple fix but I have no idea how to begin, and I can't find anything like what I am requesting.

Thank you.

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I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of an armor mod with a look similar to this:




From another angle:




I've tried looking at samurai armor, but nothing there really strikes my fancy. I'm not sure what else to look for.

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