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Wisdom in six words


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"Politics can't raise the Colorado River." - from a debate on allocating the dwindling water resources of the Colorado River and Hoover and Glen Canyon Dams. 

From that same debate:

"Ridiculing scientists won't stop climate change."

"Climate change affects the entire watershed."

"Looking away doesn't make ugliness disappear."

"Denying science doesn't change our reality."

"It's simple, no precipitation, no river."

"Too much demand, not enough water."

"Water crops and people get thirsty."

"More drinking water means crops die."

"Choose both and nobody is satisfied."

"It's about water, not election winners." - I substituted election winners for an individual's name.

"More money won't make it rain."

"Definitive, decisive and immediate action required."

"Procrastination just makes the problem worse."

Edited by ScytheBearer
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