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Skyrim Remaster: What's Entailed?


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No. Unacceptable reasoning, and an unacceptable argument.


If it annoys you that much, then why even post? If you're unwilling to help, then don't help, and keep your so-called "common sense" to yourself. I too am a proponent of common sense, but what you're exhibiting is the furthest thing from common sense I've seen since paid mods.


Both of you could have answered his question with fewer words than you typed to chastise him. What is wrong with you?


Be a part of the solution. Not the problem. Your attitude is what gives the Nexus community its poor reputation in other circles.


And stop labeling people as "lazy" and "stupid" just because they seek answers from fellow mod users and authors rather than a generic Google search.

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Although the Silverlock team has indicated that they will release an updated SKSE, the SkyUI team says that they don't have the time to do an update for Skyrim Remastered. While SkyUI isn't as necessary for most mods like SKSE is, it IS required for a great many of the most popular mods. Further SkyUI itself is a fantastic mod and I really am not looking forward to doing without it.


Now one of the SkyUI guys said on the posts that they wouldn't mind if someone else picked up the ball and updated the mod, but that would require someone with serious CK chops to step up to the plate. Regretfully, I certainly don't have that skill.


Sucks that the plug-in limit will be unchanged (I thought it WOULD be expanded -but too many well-informed people here have assured me it will not.) At least we will get a more stable (and prettier) basic game. As long as you avoid mod-conflicts you should be really able to ramp up the visuals (with a good GPU) without crashing due to memory limits.


@Adipose: Don't pay attention to the sourdoughs. Most of us are glad answer questions. And we don't care if it's a "rehash." Sure I search for answers. But sometimes you just gotta ask to see if someone else has some info that hasn't been mentioned elsewhere.

Edited by LeddBate
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Although the Silverlock team has indicated that they will release an updated SKSE, the SkyUI team says that they don't have the time to do an update for Skyrim Remastered. While SkyUI isn't as necessary for most mods like SKSE is, it IS required for a great many of the most popular mods. Further SkyUI itself is a fantastic mod and I really am not looking forward to doing without it.


Now one of the SkyUI guys said on the posts that they wouldn't mind if someone else picked up the ball and updated the mod, but that would require someone with serious CK chops to step up to the plate. Regretfully, I certainly don't have that skill.


Sucks that the plug-in limit will be unchanged (I thought it WOULD be expanded -but too many well-informed people here have assured me it will not.) At least we will get a more stable (and prettier) basic game. As long as you avoid mod-conflicts you should be really able to ramp up the visuals (with a good GPU) without crashing due to memory limits.


@Adipose: Don't pay attention to the sourdoughs. Most of us are glad answer questions. And we don't care if it's a "rehash." Sure I search for answers. But sometimes you just gotta ask to see if someone else has some info that hasn't been mentioned elsewhere.

Considering how popular and important to some mods SkyUI is, you'd think they be inclined to make a 64Bit version of it. Considering SkyUI is a mod, unlike SKSE which is pretty much its own thing(Still a mod I know, but it's a different kind of mod.) and needs to be redone, I imagine all they would have to do is run it through the new CK and it'd be good to go. At least, that was how Bethesda put it. Some mods might work without being run through the new CK, while others will simply have to be run through the CK to make them compatible or at least function correctly. Though, by that same coin some random modder off the street could do that as well.

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No. Unacceptable reasoning, and an unacceptable argument.


If it annoys you that much, then why even post? If you're unwilling to help, then don't help, and keep your so-called "common sense" to yourself. I too am a proponent of common sense, but what you're exhibiting is the furthest thing from common sense I've seen since paid mods.


Both of you could have answered his question with fewer words than you typed to chastise him. What is wrong with you?


Be a part of the solution. Not the problem. Your attitude is what gives the Nexus community its poor reputation in other circles.


And stop labeling people as "lazy" and "stupid" just because they seek answers from fellow mod users and authors rather than a generic Google search.


I didnt post to help. I posted to help explain why people might not reply "nicely" to questions like these.


Expecting someone to research something on their own before asking basic questions on a forum isnt having a poor attitude.


There are always people like you willing to spoon feed tho.


Call me crazy but when i am trying to learn about something i always research on my own. If i cant find the answers im looking for or i dont understand the answers THEN i will ask in a forum......crazy concept i know........

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the SkyUI team says that they don't have the time to do an update for Skyrim Remastered. While SkyUI isn't as necessary for most mods like SKSE is, it IS required for a great many of the most popular mods. Further SkyUI itself is a fantastic mod and I really am not looking forward to doing without it.


Considering how popular and important to some mods SkyUI is, you'd think they be inclined to make a 64Bit version of it. Considering SkyUI is a mod, unlike SKSE which is pretty much its own thing(Still a mod I know, but it's a different kind of mod.) and needs to be redone, I imagine all they would have to do is run it through the new CK and it'd be good to go. At least, that was how Bethesda put it. Some mods might work without being run through the new CK, while others will simply have to be run through the CK to make them compatible or at least function correctly. Though, by that same coin some random modder off the street could do that as well.


I hope so, this can really cripple skyrim remastered.

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Answering someone's question on a public forum is not spoonfeeding them.


It's simply being courteous, and making that extra effort to not be a total crap-bag to random strangers on the internet just because I might happen to already know the answer to a question.


And I'll be damned if I'm going to let some obnoxious troll try to dissuade me or anyone else from doing so. If you don't like it, you can just not click on threads that are going to trigger your sense of search-engine justice, and let the rest of us aid other community members in peace.

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the SkyUI team says that they don't have the time to do an update for Skyrim Remastered. While SkyUI isn't as necessary for most mods like SKSE is, it IS required for a great many of the most popular mods. Further SkyUI itself is a fantastic mod and I really am not looking forward to doing without it.


Considering how popular and important to some mods SkyUI is, you'd think they be inclined to make a 64Bit version of it. Considering SkyUI is a mod, unlike SKSE which is pretty much its own thing(Still a mod I know, but it's a different kind of mod.) and needs to be redone, I imagine all they would have to do is run it through the new CK and it'd be good to go. At least, that was how Bethesda put it. Some mods might work without being run through the new CK, while others will simply have to be run through the CK to make them compatible or at least function correctly. Though, by that same coin some random modder off the street could do that as well.


I hope so, this can really cripple skyrim remastered.



hopefully, it will just be a load up the old one in the new CK, and then save it.

(mind you, that would be too easy, but hey, we can hope)

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What I am wondering most is why less than a month from release we have heard nothing about system requirements.


I would not be completely unwilling to port my mods over, provided it won't be a huge pain (like having to edit every nif individually, no thanks), but not if it means running the CK at 5 fps on my current hardware.

Edited by BigBizkit
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Answering someone's question on a public forum is not spoonfeeding them.


It's simply being courteous, and making that extra effort to not be a total crap-bag to random strangers on the internet just because I might happen to already know the answer to a question.


And I'll be damned if I'm going to let some obnoxious troll try to dissuade me or anyone else from doing so. If you don't like it, you can just not click on threads that are going to trigger your sense of search-engine justice, and let the rest of us aid other community members in peace.


People not researching on their own clutters up the forums with a bunch of nonsense that has been answered thousands of times. (thats why stickies are created)


Half the time even when the information is laid right out for someone they dont even bother reading it.


I am NOT a troll. I have quite a few posts, premium membership and hundreds of endorsements. I just dont share your point of view.

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