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is that dragon armor worth for 11 perks?


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I you go down the light armor pathway you can get to dragon smithing with 5 perks, if you go the heavy armor route it takes 6. You'll also probably put a point in the skill that lets you improve enchanted gear. So you're talking 7 points on the upper end.


Whether or not that is worth it I'm not sure. Daedric is the best heavy armor in the game. The dragon armors look pretty ugly imo, but I may still use pieces of it, like the light dragon gloves/boots.

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Without mods, I would say no, it's not worth it unless you use light armor. With mods, I've changed the appearence of it, plus the dragonbone weapons mod actually increases the armor rating of it, giving it slightly better than daedric. So with certain mods, I think so yeah.
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Maybe it's just me, but the base armor of Daedric is better, but Dragonplate is tougher improved.


Dragonscale, yeah, it's the best light armor.


As for appearances, I disagree, I like the look of Dragonplate AND Dragonscale with the exception of the helmets. Daedric still looks best.

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Best light armour no matter what anybody is saying.


I'm having less and less trouble in battles now. Ancient Dragons are about the only real threat and I don't think it matters what you wear for them.


Getting all the smithing perks also helps you become very wealthy. I'm over 400k now since I enhance every item I find before selling it.


Go for it, you've got plenty of points and won't regret it.



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Why would the hardest armor to get suck? being the last perk in the tree. base armor will be avg with others but when you max smithing and all those boosters it gets insane. :biggrin: + your armor skill and what not... Edited by Guss
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