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'coc' cheat for all locations?


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  • 6 months later...

here ya go: http://www.skyrimsearch.com/about.php

select 'Interior and Exterior Locations, Cells page' to lookup

COC (CenterOnCell) named cell location code names.


i wouldn't make a habit of using console COC commands as a replacement for

normal or fast travelling around Skyrim; especially, if a quest is active.

COC ignores scripted event timings and location triggers as jim_uk pointed out,

you could break your game..

Edited by xlcr
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  • 3 years later...

It's been a few years (3) since the last post, but I am having Riften COC troubles.


I have Esbern in tow. We made it through to the Ragged Flagon. As soon as I try to exit to the Ratway, I CTD. I've turned off auto save thinking that may help. It did not as I still CTD. So I did the <help rfiten 0> console command and the list is not 100% visible. There are more commands above the 4 or 5 <page ups> I can do. I've done each filter (1, 2, 3, and 4) to try to shorten the list.


COC riften ratway (and cell hex id) seems to work (no script error message), but I go nowhere.

COC riften grand plaza (and cell hex id) acts the same. It "looks" like it is working but I go nowhere.

COC riften stables (and cell hex id) is the same.


I am in the Ragged Flagon. Fast Travel is not a possibility. I should be having an attack coming up in The Ratway I do not want to miss. I'm sure this is mod related (never happened when I played vanilla), but I have easily about 50 mods running. Going through each and every one is more work than this current game is worth.


Any ideas or help would be appreciated :smile:



Upon further investigation, the command <coc riftenbeggarsrow> got me out of The Ragged Flagon just fine, with Esbern still in tow :)

Edited by AlBQuirky
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