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Just a clarification for leddbate:


Forking, in a programming context, is the practice of taking an existing codebase and building atop it in a way that diverges from the efforts of the rest of the code. By forking a codebase, the original set of code continues down it's own development path (you can think of this as one tine of a fork) while the forked copy goes down another (For reference, these 'tines' are usually called branches).


This means the skse team isn't, from your description, saying no one else can make a script extender, just that they don't want them using existing skse code to do it. There are a number of reasons for this policy, but from a modding perspective the most compelling is that it would diverge the modding base into skse and forked branch groups, reducing overall MOD intercompatibility in the long run.


It also means that the final version can be updated with confidence instead of being stained by reports actually stemming from the forked branch, facilitating maintenance, troubleshooting, and confidence in the final product.


And because I haven't said it before - thanks, behippo and team. I and the skyrim modding community eagerly await the fruits of your labor.



Thanks for the clarification!

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"or that the team allows forks of their work."




Don't do drugs kids.



Dangit, Ethreon! You made me spit soda on my monitor laughing...


Really, you laughed at one of the overly used snowclone/templates when it comes to inadequate comebacks?


Seriously though, this thread is the sole reason we need paid mods. This project is dead because of the authors' arrogance.



Because of their arrogance? The only one being arrogant here is you, kid. I don't understand some people, why is it so difficult to understand? It will be ready when it's ready, not before, and certainly not because you whine about it.





btw I liked the gerontocratic touch there. Made me remember one of my Vietnamese friends, he always, always insulted people with the "kid" word, and no, English wasn't his mother language. Has to do with lack of vocabularity I guess.

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btw I liked the gerontocratic touch there. Made me remember one of my Vietnamese friends, he always, always insulted people with the "kid" word, and no, English wasn't his mother language. Has to do with lack of vocabularity I guess.



YOU SURE LIKE TO USE CAPS, DON'T YOU? I'm not sure who you're trying to imitate. It will be finished when it's finished. If that answer is too hard to grasp for you then I'm not sure what else to say. If you think you could do a better job than them, then by all means, go for it.


Also, I use the word 'kid' when I'm being condescending, not necessarily because my lack of vocabulary. I could've just as easily used 'buddy' or 'sport'.

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Forking, in a programming context, is the practice of taking an existing codebase and building atop it in a way that diverges from the efforts of the rest of the code


Thanks for the clarification!


Collectively a group of people who fork can be addressed as "you forkers". Sometimes the group is comprised of a bunch of moms, but I can't remember the proper terminology for that particular group.

Edited by Moksha8088
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As the magic eightball might say, "Reply hazy, try again later."


Right now, the Silverlock team seems to be concentrating on the Fallout 4 script extender. When they'll get back to Skyrim is somewhat unknown at this point.

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As the magic eightball might say, "Reply hazy, try again later."


Right now, the Silverlock team seems to be concentrating on the Fallout 4 script extender. When they'll get back to Skyrim is somewhat unknown at this point.


I believe FO4 can survive without a Script Extender. But it's not the same for Skyrim SE. If they decide not to release SKSE64 anytime soon, maybe the whole project will get abandoned.

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"or that the team allows forks of their work."




Don't do drugs kids.



Dangit, Ethreon! You made me spit soda on my monitor laughing...


Really, you laughed at one of the overly used snowclone/templates when it comes to inadequate comebacks?


Seriously though, this thread is the sole reason we need paid mods. This project is dead because of the authors' arrogance.



Because of their arrogance? The only one being arrogant here is you, kid. I don't understand some people, why is it so difficult to understand? It will be ready when it's ready, not before, and certainly not because you whine about it.





btw I liked the gerontocratic touch there. Made me remember one of my Vietnamese friends, he always, always insulted people with the "kid" word, and no, English wasn't his mother language. Has to do with lack of vocabularity I guess.


BRUH!! I'm proud of you for sitting down with google and a dictionary to learn the word gerontocratic and all, but srsly, 24 days to figure that out and come up with a reply? And who cares about your Vietnamese friend? Srsly, if you're convinced that your entitlement holds some power over people who are obviously smarter and much more skilled at programming, then maybe you should spend another couple months googling hubris, chutzpah, pretension, audacity, conceitedness, contemptuousness, nerve, ostentation, pomposity, pretentiousness, self-importance, and finally learn how to f*#@ing spell. Instead of "vocabularity", try vocabulary. P.S. Big words are fun, but small ones are good too. Please shove your head back up your ass and toddle back to xbox live with the other 12 year olds, kid.

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Really?? Fallout 4???? are they serious??? they gave up on Skyrim SE??? after all this time??? Oh, the pain, the pain... William, please...

I see work on F4SE as a very positive sign for the development of SKSE64.


The team seems to have gotten stuck implementing F4SE script functions and starting on SKSE64 might have given them a new perspective. One of the team members has a preference for the Fallout series so is working on it. The others might be waiting so they can make use of what he learns before continuing work on SKSE64.


The Fallout 4 fans have been waiting longer than the Skyrim SE crowd (and Skyrim fans still have the Legendary edition with a working SKSE) so it makes perfect sense to me that they might give F4SE a bit of attention before getting back to SKSE64. Work progressing on either of those two new 64 bit extenders is effectively work progressing on both since anything learned while working on one will make re-implementing the same idea on the other that much easier.

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