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The WORST Game Ever


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never played spore but the worst game i saw would have to be aquaman one of my friends showed me that game and i have to say there is no bigger waste of time energy brainpower and money. from what i saw there was no point to the game not even a main story line all you do is swim around fight something swim some more fight some more etc... the only thing i liked about that game was that it made a good target to shoot at.
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Ah everyones heard of ET and Superman 64 by now for me it would be Ascension to the Throne a poorly made, never advertised piece of download crap from Germany the game is absolutley awful graphics look like something from the early 90s but it was developed in early 2000, plot was barebones you are a king or something teleported somewhere after your castle fell then you fight to get it back, wonderful. Dialogue was horrendous bad gernglish left and right, numerous grammar/spelling errors, bad camera and a poor framrate with some of the worst visuals ever to grace my eyes how did it have a poor framerate looking like that on my quad core o_O


And the combat ugh the most broken part, its a strategy game based on a grid like FFT only horribly broken and slow, you get to buy units that can occupy up to 8 slots on a grid or 10 i forget, anyway the units come in various shapes and sizes and uses some can cast magic others are melee either way none of it matters halfway into the game you get furies and from this point all you need to do is recruit more furies because everything else sucks. You can add talent points to your main character making him a melee, spellcaster either way your kinda forced into spellcasting since everything else sucks for the main character if he dies in melee combat its game over, his attacks suck as melee, furies do everything anyway so he may aswell stay back and heal/cast, 99% of enemies you face are strong against melee. Now the strategy element is totaly missing from this strategy game, you know what it amounts to sheer blind luck. You got a character in the wrong slot when a fight starts your gonna lose, for example as part of the story this mage joins you in the first act if she dies its game over, if you enter a fight on the open map and say shes in a certain position and the enemy moves first shes gonna die, she dies in one hit from anything and the bullshit is melee opponents can move to the back rows to kill your casters/archers IN THE FIRST TURN ARGH. And god help you if you dint have a second save before entering that fight, the game autosaves everytime you enter one and their is absolutley nothing you can do if shes in that position the enemy will always go first and always go for the same target your only option is to reset the game and start all over again. Combat is rediculously unforgiving, you need to save gold for troops while saving at every second step ofcourse thats until you get furies then its just a godamned joke.



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Crap graphics

ZERO Dialogue

Crap Cinematics


X-Blades -- Some douche bag standing there in the entire of a cinematic going hmmmmmmmm........ every 3 seconds


Blue Dragon:


Blue dragon -- The graphics would almost make you want to pluck your own eyes out with a spoon.


Definately some of the worst games in existance.





Another game I didn't like, I thought was crappy: Dark Sector


Oh.. my god.. SO BORING


Great Graphics, Crap Storyline, controls were painful, the weapons sucked. Oh and the gay-est ending ever.

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  • 1 month later...
Oblivion, oh my god that game is just terrible.

Obilvion are you kiding me. 99.99999999 procent people in this forum likes oblivion if you could you provide a reason???

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