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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Hey Qwinn, currently playing dalish elf origin (rogue), no problems so far. However, I am not playing Ultimate Edition, but regular DAO patched to 1.05. In Improved Atmosphere mod I noticed some restorations to Tamlen dialogue (and some fixes that prevented abrupt dialogue ends) while searching the mirror cave. Maybe you could put those in 3.1.

Anyway, great work.

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Hey shades01, thanks for trying it out! Glad you're not having any issues.


I actually played through the Dalish origin and didn't notice any issues with Tamlen, but since you asked I'll take another look.

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It's not an issue exactly, but more of makeover. You can ask Tamlen many questions again and again, but in IA mod, you can ask and reply only once. It's not really important, because it's not really a bug. Keep up the good work...

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Yeah, I took a look, and gotta agree there's no actual bug involved, which means it's out of the scope of the mod. If picking an arbitrary dialogue path locked you out of seeing all the possible dialogue, I'd fix that, but as far as I can tell, all the dialogue is accessible, and I don't really see any signs of "abrupt" conversation endings... either he ends the conversation properly, or you can say "Let's get going" in every branch I'm seeing. Not seeing anything I can really do for it under the scope of bug fixing OR restoration, sorry.

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  • · Global:
  • - If wearing a massive armor, the NPC's face could occasionally get blocked during conversations by the massive shoulder pads on the armor. This has been fixed. (New in v2.0.)

Would love to know how he did this on a "global" level. The only conversation I did this for specifically was Kolgrim's, because it was insanely bad with him.


  • · City Elf Origin:
  • - You will be able to ask Soris and your Father more questions, and thus see more of their lines before you get forced out of the conversation. Don't worry; I made sure the lines were not out of place. (New in v2.0.)


  • · Dalish Elf Origin:
  • - No longer will the PC-initiated conversation with Tamlen in the ruins abruptly end. It is now clear when it will end. (New in v2.0.)
  • - Certain questions that you can ask Merill will be available at all times. You will no longer be forced to restart the conversation to ask them. (New in v2.0.)
  • · Dwarf Noble Origin:
  • - Gorim should no longer forcefully cut you out of the conversation with the silk merchant. (New in v2.0.)


All these seem to me as not-a-bug same as we just discussed re:Tamlen.


  • - It is now possible to only injure Mandar Dace instead of fighting him to the death. Bioware always planned for this to be in the game, but for some reason never provided the option. (New in v2.0.)
  • - If you choose to only watch the fights (instead of participating in them), you should no longer get magically teleported from one floor to the other without actually wanting to. (New in v2.0.)

Restored, and fixed (albeit in a different manner) in v3.0.


  • · Mage Origin:
  • - Fixed several errors in Jowan's and Irving's dialog where you would get forced out of the conversation before seeing all the options. (New in v2.0.)

Sounds like a Tamlen tweak.


  • - A plot flag that told the game that PC had betrayed Jowan wouldn't get properly set. This has been fixed. (New in v2.0.)

Fixed in v3.0.


  • · Lothering:
  • - The chanter responsible for "feeding" the holy brazier should now turn back around to face the brazier when you are done speaking. (Added in v1.3.)

I didn't concern myself with ambient-movement related issues like this all that much as they seemed low priority to me, but if I have reason to revisit the area, I'll take care of it at some point. Probably.


  • · Redcliffe:
  • - Fixed a few bugs in Bella's dialog where she would fail to recognize that Owen has been killed and that she's the new owner. Additionally, if PC decides to kiss Bella after the siege, Lloyd will no longer be present if dead, and a patron will no longer look like he's holding an invisible mug. (Revised in v2.0.)

All but the invisible mug bit are fixed in v3.0. I thought the invisible mug thing actually made that scene funnier, not inclined to fix it.


  • - Revered Mother Hannah should now actually turn away (as the cutscene seems to suggest) after you're done speaking with her. (Added in v1.3.)

Ambient. Someday, probably.


  • - Fixed a couple of bugs in Eamon's dialog where he would act as if Alistair was still your party member even when he was not. (Revised in v2.0.)
  • · Denerim:
  • - Gorim will acknowledge Oghren in all instances (before he wouldn't recognized Oghren unless he was in your party during the initial conversation you had with him). (Added in v1.0.)


Fixed in v3.0.


  • - Restored Slim Couldry's store. He will sell some interesting wares, and also buy all types of items, as originally intended. (New in v2.0.)

Definitely not a bug. Was definitely cut intentionally.


  • - You can sleep with Isabela even if you already beat her at her game. In fact, you don't even require a persuade skill to do it, which makes sense since she's already impressed with you for winning the game. (New in v2.0.)

Tweak, not bug..


  • - If you spared Caladrius, Soris would fail to acknowledge that "Unrest in the Alienage" quest has been completed. This has been fixed. (Added in v1.3.)

Fixed in v3.0.

  • - Tweaked Eamon's dialog to flow more naturally. For example, he will no longer be about to end the conversation only to continue with a line that is totally out of place. Now it will end for real. Additionally, some PC responses will no longer disappear if you ask the "wrong" questions first. This is actually a bug fix, since these responses should in fact be available until you clearly state that you would like to move forward. (New in v2.0.)

I'll take another look at this, but I did look for this before and couldn't quickly find what he was referring to.


  • - During your first encounter with Ser Cauthrien (in the Arl of Denerim's castle), you now have an option to surrender without fighting even if you expose Anora (in which case she betrays you). (New in v2.0.)

Tweak, not bug.


  • - Forced the guard helmet to stay on the PC and Alistair (if present) when disguised as a guard during the "Captured" quest. (New in v2.0.)

You can't remove the helmet when running around already, so I dismissed it as "can't duplicate", but it now occurs to me there's a dialogue cutscene with the commander where they're possibly being removed. I'll take another look and will fix if so, as it makes sense.


  • - Fixed a bug in Ser Cauthrien's dialog where the plot condition was checking for a high poison skill instead of a high persuade skill. (New in v2.0.)
  • - During the Epilogue, Eamon will now properly acknowledge if Connor has been possessed by the desire demon (if your PC made a deal with it) or not. Before he always acted as if he was possessed. (New in v2.0.)

Both fixed in v3.0.


  • · Mage Tower:
  • - Fixed inappropriate PC response in desire demon's dialog, as well as made it possible for all party members to comment on the situation. (New in v2.0.)

The latter doesn't seem to me to be a bug. The former I reviewed and couldn't figure out what it was referring to. I'll look again.


  • · Dalish Camp and the Brecilian Forest:
  • - Fixed a few errors in Cammen's and Gheyna's dialogs. Gheyna should now sit back on the bench if you sleep with her. Before she would just stand right in the middle of the bench (with her legs clipping through it). (Revised in v2.0.)

I fixed TONS of bugs in their dialogues, but as for the ambient thing - same as before, maybe someday.


  • - Cammen will give you his book even if you've slept with him, while before he did so only if you ruined or reinforced his relationship. (New in v2.0.)

I don't think this necessarily qualifies as a bug. Quite possibly intentional. I'll take another look.


  • - Edited Sarel's dialog so that hunters sitting near him will remain on the bench when you end the conversation. Also fixed several bugs (codex entries and fixes related to the Dalish PC) in the file. (Revised in v2.0.)

The former is ambient - maybe someday. The latter is fixed in v3.0.


  • - All party members will now comment on the strange camp in the forest (previously, only a single member would say anything). Additionally, with the right combination of party members (like Wynne, Morrigan, Shale, Alistair and Sten) and dialog choices, you can now resist the Shade's spell even if you examine all of the clickable objects in the camp. (New in v2.0.)

Tweak, not bug, IMO.


  • · Orzammar:
  • - The conversation you can have with the restored retired Ash Warrior has been greatly improved. While the conversation was already functional, it was missing a stage and any kind of gesture animations (which means it looked very plain and therefore uninteresting). I rectified this and also added a few lines for Dog (he had none before). (New in v2.0.)
  • - Fixed a few minor bugs and inconsistencies (like conversations ending before you asked everything you could) in several smaller dialogs (New in v2.0.)

The Ash Warrior merchant was definitely cut intentionally. No plan on restoring him.


  • · Urn of Sacred Ashes:
  • - Fixed Kolgrim's cutscene camera angles so that if PC is wearing a massive armor, his face is no longer blocked from sight. (Added in v1.0.)
  • - The conversation that takes place the first time you meet Genitivi is a bit of a mess. If you're not careful in choosing the right responses, you may be forced to ask the same questions several times to get everything you can out of him. Additionally, he will send you to get the medallion even if you already have it and have told him so beforehand. This has all been fixed. (New in v2.0.)

All fixed in v3.0.


  • - Fixed a few errors and omissions in Kolgrim's dialog. For example, certain party members had something to say about you helping Kolgrim even before you actually agreed to help him, and some PM never got the chance to say anything under certain conditions. Now they all get their chance and say things when they should. (New in v2.0.)

I tried to duplicate this and couldn't. I'll take another look.


  • - The conversation you have with the Guardian should now flow correctly. You will no longer be presented with several different questions that all lead to the same response. This makes the dialog more organized and thus easier to keep track of. Also fixed a few bugs, like skipping dialog. (New in v2.0.)

I couldn't find any "skipping dialog" on my first review. The rest is more of a tweak. I did fix a bug here where your companion responses to answering "No" to his guilt question could immediately be followed by all their "Yes" responses if you had Sten or Shale in the party. I'll take another look.



  • · Global Dialog Changes:
  • - All members in your active party should now comment on places or things they find interesting instead of just one, provided that all of their comments are unique (after all, we don't want two or more people saying basically the same thing). Delete "party_barks.dlg" if you don't like this change. (Added in v1.3.)

Definitely a tweak, not a bug. However, I may make a separate mod compatible with my fixpack that does this, as I can appreciate the desire for it.


  • - If you decided to destroy the Urn and neither Wynne nor Leliana were in your party when you did it, you will be confronted by Leliana (if she's in your party) when returning to your party camp instead of Wynne, which makes not losing Wynne a possibility. Delete " party_camp.dlg" if you don't like this change (will also affect the change below). (Added in v1.0.)

I actually fixed this as: you'll lose BOTH of them if you didn't intimidate a hardened Leliana at the scene at the time.


  • - If you killed Connor or let Lady Isolde sacrifice herself, it was previously possible to actually gain approval with Alistair if you choose the "I think it turned out quite well..." dialog option. No longer. (Added in v1.0.)
  • · Companion Dialog Changes :
  • - Fixed many smaller bugs, omissions and inconsistencies in Sten's dialog. You will now be able to get more out of Sten when you speak with him for the first time after recruitment. Also, if you learn about whom Sten killed (either from him or the Revered Mother), you will be able to select certain dialog responses that you couldn't before. (New in v2.0.)

Fixed in v3.0.


  • - If you take Morrigan to the tower and decide to help Wynne, the former will object. More approval will now be lost if you tell her to "Shut up", the default amount of approval will be lost if you try to convince her and fail, none will be lost if you succeed in persuading her, and approval will be gained (none was gained before) if you agree with her and kill Wynne. (New in v2.0.)
  • - You should now gain approval with Wynne if you successfully complete her quest (before you gained none). (Revised in v1.3.)

Entirely reasonable tweaks, but still tweaks IMO.


  • - Sten's approval should shift more sensibly. It is now a bit harder to max out his approval (though it's still quite easy). Infinite approval exploits were also taken care of. (New in v2.0.)

Infinite approval exploit fixed. (I was only aware of one). Rest is tweak.


  • - Fixed some bugs with animations in Oghren's dialog (where he would not faint even if the dialog indicated he should), as well as extended some conversations. Additionally, if you ask Oghren about Branka or how he likes the surface before you become friendly with him, additional conversations will become available once you become friendly. (New in v2.0.)

I *think* this is all handled in v3.0.

  • - If you're successful in completing Oghren's quest (convincing Felsi to take him back), you will gain his approval (in vanilla, you gained none at all). (Revised in v1.3.)

Fixed in v3.0. (I consider this a fix, whereas Wynne not getting approval boost is not, because the fact that you *can't* get friendly with Oghren without Feastday gifts makes it clearly unintended. I could probably be talked into adding a boost for Wynne - I just dislike making up arbitrary boosts, as there is none indicated in scripting comments in her dialogue - and it's not necessary to get her approval to Friendly.)


  • - During the Epilogue, Loghain will recognize Morrigan's ritual even if he didn't actually sleep with her. It is enough to inform him of its existence and what it's meant for. (New in v2.0.)
  • - Tweaked Loghain's main dialog to play the scene in which he talks about sacrificing himself to the Archdemon only if he doesn't know about the ritual. Additionally, it is now possible to become friendly with Loghain (instead of just warm). Just talk to him when your approval is at warm, and he should greet you with a unique line ("I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at your success..."). Being friendly with him does add some new lines, especially during the Climax and when asked the question, "Were you really going to kill Anora?" In addition to these two changes, Loghain will now indulge your curiosity for a bit longer before getting tired of your questions and forcing you out of the conversation. Don't worry, the conversations still flow naturally - you probably won't even notice a difference. (New in v2.0.)

All but the "indulge your curiosity" bit should be fixed/restored in v3.0.


  • · NPC Dialog Changes:
  • - Added even more options to persuade the Revered Mother to free Sten. Additionally, the game now properly acknowledges how the key to the cage came into your possession – either by persuading, intimidating, or by using your coercion skill on the Revered Mother. (New in v2.0.)
  • - Some companions will reach more harshly or be more in favor (Alistair, Leliana) if you accept or refuse to defend Redcliffe. (Added in v1.3.)
  • - During certain conversations, companion approval will shift more sensibly. For example, in Redcliffe you have a chance to refuse to help defend the village, which nets a reaction from your companions. If you later decide to help the peasants anyway, some companions who previously reacted would not react again. Now, you will be able to regain some of the lost (or lose some of the gained) approval even if you decide to complete the quest the non-traditional way. Something similar was done to certain conversations taking place at Lothering. (Revised in v2.0.)
  • - No longer will you lose approval with Alistair if you tell Kaitlyn that her sword will be useful (what the hell was up with that anyway?). You will instead gain approval with him if you pay her a bit of money for the sword, and lose it if you don't pay anything. (Revised in v1.3.)
  • - When accepting Owen's quest, you will lose less approval with Morrigan if you confirm that you have no concise when he poses the question, prior to accepting the quest. (Added in v1.1.)
  • - You gain a small amount of approval with Alistair if you choose the dialog option that he likes when conversing with Priests in the Denerim Market Square. (Revised in v2.0.)

These are all mostly tweaks, the one or two I consider bugs should be fixed in v3.0.

Edited by Qwinn
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Qwinn, what can I say, except well done. Looks like you covered almost all of them sneaky bugs. Those companies should really hire you. One thing only, I thought you included barks from all party members in 3.0, like we discussed several pages before. No matter, back to gaming. Cheers

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I fixed the bug where sometimes, randomly, NONE of the party members would give a bark in certain locations. You should always now get at least one - IF you have a full party of four members (it simply can't be done if you have less than 4, as that leaves the possibility that you may not have a companion with a valid bark). But making all of them give their bark would definitely be a tweak, not a bug, and if I do implement that, it'll be as a separate mod.

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I'll be inserting this fix in next time I update due to a reported bug in my own fixes, or version 3.1, whichever comes first:


CA004: "Captured!": If escaping without rescue and wearing the disguises, your helmet(s) will no longer be removed when talking to the various guards and commanders. Credit to SpaceAlex and the readme of his Improved Atmosphere mod for making me aware of this one.



I reviewed this one again:


  • - Fixed a few errors and omissions in Kolgrim's dialog. For example, certain party members had something to say about you helping Kolgrim even before you actually agreed to help him, and some PM never got the chance to say anything under certain conditions. Now they all get their chance and say things when they should. (New in v2.0.)

And I'm just not seeing it (although it is a HUGE dialogue, so maybe I'm missing something, but I've looked pretty damn hard...) As far as I can tell, the only way you'll avoid some of those interjections is if you say something insulting enough to Kolgrim that he attacks. Maybe he's inserting the interjections by those who want you to make a deal with Kolgrim before he actually attacks? If so, tweak IMO, not a bug. It's not like the guy is so balanced that he'd be willing to let you continue to have a conversation after he's decided you're an enemy. Taking this one off the table till I get more information that comments not playing is due to *arbitrary* dialogue choices, but so far I don't see any that strike me as arbitrary.

Edited by Qwinn
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Congrats on the release Qwinn!


I'll get around to installing it later today.


The GOG version is also the Ultimate Edition. For the mods, I was thinking of Grey Wardens of Ferelden. It basically replaces all of the Grey Wardens in the game with a new set of armor so they look like they do in future games (rather than actually changing existing armor). It looks compatible to me from what I can tell from the files. Oh and I wanted to try Ferelden Elves too, but the only armor related thing that does is remove the helmets off NPC elves to avoid clipping issues. So I think these two should work fine.


BTW, your mod doesn't show up in the latest files on the front page. Not sure why not, but maybe you need a picture for it to show up there? (all the other mods do)

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