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Oblivion ruined Skyrim for me


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Skyrim's main flaw in terms of exploration is the many impassible mountains. With out any way to legitimately climb or fly over them, they really frustrate efforts to explore Skyrim. Oblivion was just much easier to move across. That is nothing compared to how crappy the new UI is though. Oblivion may not have been great but it was a masterpiece compared to Skyrim's gimped UI. Did they really expect us to keep an eye on our watches to keep track of how long an enchantment would last? :wallbash:


Skyrim really, desperately needs to have the CK released. All arguments are moot until then because everyone who mods their game agrees that vanilla Skyrim is crap compaired to modded Oblivion.

Edited by justwannaddl
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Oblivion was a great game in its own respect, yet as I put in another topic thread, Skyrim is not Oblivion 2.0, it is Morrowind 2.0! I put close to if not more than 1000 hours into Morrowind and I still am playing and modding it. Oblivion has been uninstalled from my computer since 2009 - and I do not own a xbox or ps3 or such. Skyrim is much better on so many levels to me it is mind boggling. Oblivion was a great game, had and still has great mods from what I read about them and see on youtube.


But those of us who started on MW think this way. Generally people who started in the middle of the Elder Scrolls series on Oblivion think differently. So I don't hate because of it, I say for the record Skyrim is better than Morrowind, which is better than Oblivion.

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Every game Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim I have a severe love/hate relationship with the games but one thing for sure is I logged in enough time in all of them to know none of them are actually better just different. Not going to even bother going into the whole modded vs unmodded cause well that's not even a fair fight. Deciding which is the best game I can't even do because they all have their own special qualities that make them all great games. Skyrim did ruin my gaming for Oblivion at the moment because everything is still new but I know down the road in a few months I'll hop on back for awhile. I did the same thing for the morrowind oblivion jump and the fo3/fnv jump as well.
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Regarding mountains making exploring too difficult in Skyrim. Um, yeah, they're mountains. Does this not add to the realism a little bit? I mean having to find a way around mountains (while tedious) makes it feel like more of an adventure. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I finally manage to make my way to my destination after looking for a mountain pass for a while. I think there's enough to do and explore all ready that there's no need to make every single spot on the map accessible.


That being said levitation would be great.

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I find Skyrim to be far superior to Oblivion. I literally could not make myself play unmodded Oblivion. The level scaling and some other oversights really ruined the experience for me. Skyrim I have played excessively with only minor (texture) mods.


The graphics of Skyrim are a whole different story. Oblivion was pretty impressive in 2006. Skyrim is VERY lackluster for 2011. Graphics are, thankfully, the least important aspect of a fun gaming experience though.

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!Spoilers to those who haven't done guild questlines!


~Skyrim's Pros~


-The NPC's are still idiots but they're improved idiots... somewhat.

-The Landscape and dungeons are nicely done detailwise.

-Thieves guild was wonderfully done compared to it's Oblivion counterpart.

-Dragonshout's were a pretty creative idea.

-The main questline was alright, it wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad.

-Being able to marry, while simple at least they put it in.

-The way the horses work is very realistic, and they're more useful than they ever were in Oblivion.


~Skyrim's Cons~


-The first several times fighting a dragon is fun, but after that it's just plain annoying.

-Magic system lacks variety and choice and ends up falling far too short in its damage output compared to meleeing

-While the graphics are nice.... I feel like I'm playing the game in black and white, the lack of color in this game is awful. I know it's mostly a snowy landscape but for God sake... it still feels bland as heck to me.

-The cities are tiny, heck even Oblivion's cities were bigger.

-Almost every single quest is a dungeon run, this isn't supposed to be a dungeon explorer game... People say the dungeons in Oblivion were copy and pasted... which if you looked at the WIKI page you'd know that actually isn't true, each dungeon has a similar look but the map isn't the same. Really, Skyrim doesn't do any better in this category at all, oooo dungeons have water in them... uhh Oblivion's did too. Theres like three types of dungeon looks, after that point they all look the same, including the Dwenmer which seems to be Skyrim's version of the Oblivion Aylied's.

-The guild questlines... They're downright AWFUL. I'll branch off on that.




*The Dark Brotherhood questline ended the same way it did in Oblivion, talk about uncreative. There is no mention of the Blackhand either and the fact that you're the last Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary thats left, doesn't really give you that much of an epic feeling. All of it's characters are easily forgettable, Lucien Lachance was a great character, so they had to use an OBLIVION character to bring life to this questline... he had more backround to him than all the people in the Skyrim Darkbrotherhood Sanctuary put together. Also they brought back Shadowmere, once again they used another OBLIVION character to breathe life into this dry questline. Oblivion's DB questline kicks this ones butt in every single way that it's just downright insulting.


*The Companions... oh God, this was just plain awful. All of the quests are about revenge rather than honor. To finish the whole questline you are FORCED to become a werewolf, if you tell them you don't want to be one, then it won't let you continue... that ticked me off! Kodlak's journal was the only somewhat saving grace on making your character feel important. There really isn't much to say as this questline is dry as heck and easily forgotten. The Oblivion one just... beats the living crap out of this in both content, quality, quantity, and plot.


*Winterhold... In my general opinion, the Mages Guild was one of the BEST guild questlines in Oblivion, so of course I wanted to see if Skyrim could top it. It didn't even come close... it was done after doing around four quests, when it was done I was busy wondering what the heck just happened, the only cool thing was you got the keep the arch mages quarters... Incase you seriously have to ask why Oblivion's was better, you had to work hard to even get into the mages college, it was blantanly obvious on what the threat was (the necromancers), you had to actually use your brain on several of the quests (specifically the one where you ventured into the ruins and had to figure out what spells to cast to open the door to the relics.), I could go on but that should be enough.


*Stormcloak and Imperial Legion, well... the questline is logical but it's still repeative. What annoys me grately is the NPC's in game seem to be more worried about the war between these two factions rather than the return of DRAGONS!


*Got nothing to say about the Thieves guild as it seems to be the only questline that didn't suck!


*Bard College isn't even worth mentioning.



Edited by Pixeldust
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Really the only thing that oblivion had ruined (or should I say spoiled) Skyrim from me was the magic system, which in Oblivion had a larger spell list and customization which Skyrims sadly lacks (if they try to sell that to me as a 10$ DLC I'll be pissed)


I agree with this, I won't be super thrilled but I will be happy they are least giving it to me if they make custom spells a DLC. It is sorely needed.

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I was hoping Skyrim would render Oblivion obsolete for me, but it didn't. In fact, if anything, it's made me appreciate Oblivion even more.


Aside from being an intensely depressing and unattractive setting, there's something about Skyrim that is just...wrong. :unsure: Even though I wasn't a big Morrowind fan, it and Oblivion both share a certain 'feel'.


Skyrim just feels like Fallout - which I really hated. That doesn't make it bad game, it just makes it completely wrong for my taste.


I'm sticking with Oblivion and also hoping to try out Morroblivion soon.


I will also add, my dislike of Skyrim has nothing to do with lack of mods. I loved Vanilla Oblivion. (Obviously modded is infinitely superior, but if it's a choice between Vanilla Oblivion or Vanilla Skyrim, I'd still take Ob every time.)


It's great if people love Skyrim, but it's already dead in the water for me. Will let it linger a bit longer on my pc, but pretty soon it and Steam are getting the chop :whistling:

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