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Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath


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In response to post #43704355. #43704855, #43705060, #43705660, #43705780 are all replies on the same post.

ThyHarrowing wrote: ***************************************************************
Just something I'd like to share for new and returning Nexus users regarding SSE and its future:

We, the community, need to be very patient and respectful as modders navigate this exciting but turbulent time brought on by SSE. There are many hurtles that modders will need to jump, some more than others, to bring their original Skyrim content to SSE, as well as some things many of them need to wait for (e.g. SKSE to be rewritten for SSE, etc). We need to be respectful and appreciative of their efforts and time, not only because of what they do for us, but also because if we are not then some of them, understandably so, may leave the SSE modding scene (as some of them left the original Skyrim scene). If that begins to happen then there is, in my opinion, no chance that SSE will surpass original Skyrim (even despite 64-bit, Dx11, etc).

Let us not forget the Nexus staff either! The guys who work around the clock, particularly during heavy traffic times like this, who make it all possible. Skyrim wouldn't be what it is without the modders but if it weren't for the incredible people running The Nexus what many of us have come to take for granted would have never been possible in the first place! They have worked just as hard as Skyrim's modders and I feel that they get the short-end of the stick, in terms of appreciation, because the focus is often directly on modding/modders of Skyrim, not so much on the site that hosts them. So we must also be appreciative and respectful of the Nexus staff, especially now more than ever as they are currently experiences higher volumes of site traffic than ever before and have a lot of work cut out for them to manage this situation brought on by SSE.

Spread that message/sentiment far and wide around the community because it is a very real possibility that SSE could splinter this community more than it will breathe new life into it; the deciding factor is, in my opinion, ultimately how we, the community, treat the modders and Nexus staff that have gone to such lengths to make Skyrim what is today!

THANK YOU to all modders, you guys and gals are amazing people! AND HUUUUGE thanks to the entire Nexus Mods and Mod Manager team for everything you do. This community and game certainly wouldn't be what it is without you guys too!
cRunchTM76 wrote: I agree with and mirror your statements :thumbsup:
Rebel47 wrote: I always love reading your essays (sorry did I say essays, I meant posts ;) )

I do fully agree with your points though, many of the mods I have grown to love over the years have lost their original author through one way or another, It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who thinks we need to band together as a community and work to heal the rift that has been made by the past misjudgements of others.
ThyHarrowing wrote: HAHAHA, nice to see you again Rebel! It's been awhile, I've barely touched Skyrim/modding in a couple years besides periodic check-ins lol. Yeah I'm back so look forward to more essays!

Sent you a PM btw
luvboox wrote: Well said.

Thanks for the info, it all makes sense now. Skyrim SE draws a bit of a crowd for sure. on the other hand good stress test for the servers. Good luck and keep up the awesomeness...
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In response to post #43702785. #43703270, #43704190, #43704300, #43704350, #43704675, #43704695, #43706040 are all replies on the same post.

MickyFoley wrote: To all, complaining sarcastic & ironic about the downtime:
At 99,9%, all of you don't have this nice, shiny, green text for saying: "Hey, at least I supported the Nexus and so I can text my sadness about the downtime." This would at least be reasonable & understandable. But the service is for free. No, you don't need to support anyone. But just understand, that there are limits.

Limits, maybe not that fast broken if more people would support them. More servers, better speeds. Well, I stop here. I think, you got the message.
phell666 wrote: Amen! I couldn't say it better :D
zcul wrote: Right :thumbsup:
badkrma wrote: +1 :) this site isn't for the irrational but the enthusiast
kidshxt wrote: lol exactly.
BlueGunk wrote: +1 from me!
kapy1049 wrote: I didnt disable my ads so I can support them. $_$
luvboox wrote: I've used the site so much over the years I realized I couldn't NOT go premium. It was really overdue to be honest. A big thanks to everyone involved, both Nexus site folks and wonderful modders. Aside from a little immaturity/drama from a small percentage of users, I think Nexus has one of the best communities on the web.

Well said. I don't have the super shiny green tag you guys have, but I do what I can! My blood was starting to boil here at the people being rude and demanding. I needed your post just now to restore my faith. Thanks!
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In response to post #43706755.

xcxgamer wrote: so when can we download mod again uk time

step 1. read
step 2. don't ask questions you've already read.
step 3 Don't ask without doing step 1.

They stated clearly: then we'll shut NMM login and download services off until things cool down.
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