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Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath


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In response to post #43750325. #43752825, #43753040, #43753130, #43755445 are all replies on the same post.

BirdofPrey101 wrote: Can't seem to get the 'Stay Offline' mode to work. Tried to manually add mods from my hard drive to NMM, but everything is just queued and that's it. Using the resume/queued button just results in the login screen popping up and we're back to square one.
Katherynliza wrote: Which queue is it in (Downloads or Activation Queue)?
BirdofPrey101 wrote: Never mind, got it to work...finally! :)
BirdofPrey101 wrote: Katherynliza, it was the download.
RampagingGamer wrote: Mind sharing how you fixed it? :)

Same problem here.. it's queued in the download list and than i have to log in.
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In response to post #43704355. #43704855, #43705060, #43705660, #43705780, #43706130, #43706985, #43708130, #43726865, #43728095, #43728415, #43729040, #43730410, #43731650, #43735705, #43755265, #43755795, #43756055 are all replies on the same post.

ThyHarrowing wrote: ***************************************************************
Just something I'd like to share for new and returning Nexus users regarding SSE and its future, coming from a user just like you:

We, the community, need to be very patient and respectful as modders navigate this exciting but turbulent time brought on by SSE. There are many hurtles that modders will need to jump, some more than others, to bring their original Skyrim content to SSE, as well as some things many of them need to wait for (e.g. SKSE to be rewritten for SSE, etc). We need to be respectful and appreciative of their efforts and time, not only because of what they do for us, but also because if we are not then some of them, understandably so, may leave the SSE modding scene (as some of them left the original Skyrim scene). If that begins to happen then there is, in my opinion, no chance that SSE will surpass original Skyrim (even despite 64-bit, Dx11, etc).

Let us not forget the Nexus staff either! The guys who work around the clock, particularly during heavy traffic times like this, who make it all possible. Skyrim wouldn't be what it is without the modders but if it weren't for the incredible people running The Nexus what many of us have come to take for granted would have never been possible in the first place! They have worked just as hard as Skyrim's modders and I feel that they get the short-end of the stick, in terms of appreciation, because the focus is often directly on modding/modders of Skyrim, not so much on the site that hosts them. So we must also be appreciative and respectful of the Nexus staff, especially now more than ever as they are currently experiences higher volumes of site traffic than ever before and have a lot of work cut out for them to manage this situation brought on by SSE.

Spread that message/sentiment far and wide around the community because it is a very real possibility that SSE could splinter this community more than it will breathe new life into it; the deciding factor is, in my opinion, ultimately how we, the community, treat the modders and Nexus staff that have gone to such lengths to make Skyrim what is today!

THANK YOU to all modders, you guys and gals are amazing people! AND HUUUUGE thanks to the entire Nexus Mods and Mod Manager team for everything you do. This community and game certainly wouldn't be what it is without you guys too!
cRunchTM76 wrote: I agree with and mirror your statements :thumbsup:
Rebel47 wrote: I always love reading your essays (sorry did I say essays, I meant posts ;) )

I do fully agree with your points though, many of the mods I have grown to love over the years have lost their original author through one way or another, It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who thinks we need to band together as a community and work to heal the rift that has been made by the past misjudgements of others.
ThyHarrowing wrote: HAHAHA, nice to see you again Rebel! It's been awhile, I've barely touched Skyrim/modding in a couple years besides periodic check-ins lol. Yeah I'm back so look forward to more essays!

Sent you a PM btw
luvboox wrote: Well said.
knctrnl wrote: Thanks for the info, it all makes sense now. Skyrim SE draws a bit of a crowd for sure. on the other hand good stress test for the servers. Good luck and keep up the awesomeness...
wigpidgeon wrote: Agreed! Skyrim and the modding community wouldn't be what it is today without the Nexus guys!
thunderlord2200 wrote: fun

i agree i could not play skyrim base or fallout with out this site and there love for making mods and helping out. i wish i could help out and support or pay monthly but i really dont have the money.. i am unable to work.
ThyHarrowing wrote: Thankfully from what I have seen the good vibes users are sending to the Nexus staff and modders have outweighed the bad... Let's keep it going!
alt3rn1ty wrote: "There are many hurtles that modders will need to jump" ..

.. special obstacles for turtles ??? :P
AegisOfAuriel wrote: how do we get this to run offline? nmm wont even open :(

wARzdrun wrote: Thanks for the effort to all of you.
signaltome wrote: Respect and all thanks to all that can do what they do both here at the Nexus and the modders out there. If we can't be patient and wait (the SE of Skyrim was officially out just a day or so ago remember?) then we do not deserve to be here.

The Skyrim (original) modding community was not built over night, all the best mods came months and years later. If I read correctly the new CK will come next week and the SKSE will probably not be long after by what I have heard, though give them time.

I love this site, I love mods and though I sadly have no talent for creating anything relevant, I do not feel I have the right to complain either. Most of the people making things also have a life and do mods out of love in their spare time. Respec them!

Kudos and could not agree more with the statement above. Have a great day and have fun with your new Skyrim!
hedgy814 wrote: True dat man, shout out for the Nexus Staff
fredlaus wrote: Hear, hear!
ThyHarrowing wrote: @ signaltome

If I read correctly the new CK will come next week and the SKSE will probably not be long after by what I have heard

Correct, the new CK will be out next week but we don't really have an accurate idea as to when SKSE will be re-written as far as I'm aware. It won't be too long in the grand scheme of things I'm sure. What will really be a nail biter is what happens with SkyUI/MCM since Schlangster said he won't be doing the legwork for updating it. We were all spoiled for so long with MCM that it would be unbearable to go back to using in-game settings books and dialogue menus for users and mod authors alike so I think that at some point somebody will step up and do the legwork for Schlangster but the quesiton is... when?
Rebel47 wrote: SKSE will be a while honestly since they'd have to recompile it in x64 and not x86 now, but it should still be here at some point, maybe not this year though, who knows.
Zageron wrote: Well said. Thank you.

This works very well for me;

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In response to post #43750325. #43752825, #43753040, #43753130, #43755445, #43756260 are all replies on the same post.

BirdofPrey101 wrote: Can't seem to get the 'Stay Offline' mode to work. Tried to manually add mods from my hard drive to NMM, but everything is just queued and that's it. Using the resume/queued button just results in the login screen popping up and we're back to square one.
Katherynliza wrote: Which queue is it in (Downloads or Activation Queue)?
BirdofPrey101 wrote: Never mind, got it to work...finally! :)
BirdofPrey101 wrote: Katherynliza, it was the download.
RampagingGamer wrote: Mind sharing how you fixed it? :)
raldi13 wrote: Same problem here.. it's queued in the download list and than i have to log in.

Honestly, I don't know, guys. It seemed to just start working. Maybe try closing and then restarting the program. That's all I did.

Then again, after a restart, I did clear out my downloads and tried to move the files again. That's when it worked. Edited by BirdofPrey101
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Hey there, just wanted to say I think your doing a great job by keeping the servers online, however when I try to log in on the Mod Manager, it says "NMM is currently offline due to heavy server loads" I assume this is just because of the peak of people downloading???
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In response to post #43756475.

DylMan62 wrote: Hey there, just wanted to say I think your doing a great job by keeping the servers online, however when I try to log in on the Mod Manager, it says "NMM is currently offline due to heavy server loads" I assume this is just because of the peak of people downloading???

Log in on the site here and download manually. I'm having to do that for NV mods right now.
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In response to post #43756475. #43756540 is also a reply to the same post.

DylMan62 wrote: Hey there, just wanted to say I think your doing a great job by keeping the servers online, however when I try to log in on the Mod Manager, it says "NMM is currently offline due to heavy server loads" I assume this is just because of the peak of people downloading???
murderface8 wrote: Log in on the site here and download manually. I'm having to do that for NV mods right now.

NMM has been down since some time yesterday. Edited by Katherynliza
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In response to post #43756080.

techstepman wrote: any idea how much time will pass since we are able to use NMM again? a week , 2 weeks? More? most of the mods in my NMM are outdated since I haven't played fallout 4 for some time. Last Friday I had a day off work so I did all the RL related chore and expected to spend the weekend adding all the mods im interested in. Well SSE just had to launch on this particular time didn't it. I have no idea when I will ever get the time to mod the game with leisure...probably in the summer vacations cause that the only vacations I get from work. Im NOT complaining (well just a tiny bit). It was to be expected with SSE launching I just wasn't aware when that was and didn't think it would be a problem. So im asking for a probable time that NMM will be back. So I can arrange to find some free time to start browsing and downloading mods. For now I guess I will focus on working on a custom weapon model im making for fallout 4.

You can still download mods manually and install them with NMM or in my case, MO.
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