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Various Nexus related things from the Skyrim SE launch aftermath


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In response to post #43771350. #43773440 is also a reply to the same post.

buzzkill05 wrote: i think you guys are doing great, i love this site and all it contains i have been with this site many years now and it has mostly been positive so problems are going to come up it is what it is you guys are doing a great job keep it up this is a amazing modding community.
achates4535 wrote: i think theyre doing admirably, considering the circumstances :]

Im gonna scrape the cash together for lifetime premium after seeing their handling of this. I have been wanting to for a while now, but this seals the deal.

If only every admin team had this kind of love for what they do!
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In response to post #43774165. #43774980 is also a reply to the same post.

kestrelhawk wrote: I understand the drain that heavy traffic is causing, but I have to ask. Have notifications been turned off in order to help? I haven't received notifications on any of my tracked files or authors in a couple of days. My setting are the same, so I wondered what's up with it.
Dark0ne wrote: Yes they have.

Thank you, that's all I needed to know. I look forward to things getting back to normal.

Keep up the great work, you and all your compadres. :)
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In response to post #43700810.

lionheartdamacy wrote: I went ahead and paid for premium for a month--only $3, really fast download speeds, and that money might help ease the burn of a million downloads per second. I'm impressed this announcement didn't ask people to sign up for this service. During this hour of need, even I (a pretty big cheapskate, shh) am willing to support Nexus Mods.

seriously? trying to bait people? A bit low don't you think...?
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In response to post #43774465.

AleniaVamp2000 wrote: This is a "Dude, you guys are awesome and thanks for keeping us informed." post.

I know you guys are getting hammered right now and some of the less... "mature" mod users are screeching like giant babies (who can't read a sticky post to boot.), but the fact that you guys somehow managed to keep this site up and running *at all* this weekend is a HUGE FREAKING DEAL, and speaks actual mountains about how on top of things you all are. I don't think there is a better ran site, with more involved and caring admin than we have right here at the Nexus.



I concur!
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In response to post #43700810. #43778580 is also a reply to the same post.

lionheartdamacy wrote: I went ahead and paid for premium for a month--only $3, really fast download speeds, and that money might help ease the burn of a million downloads per second. I'm impressed this announcement didn't ask people to sign up for this service. During this hour of need, even I (a pretty big cheapskate, shh) am willing to support Nexus Mods.
Terrra wrote: seriously? trying to bait people? A bit low don't you think...?

If trying to be high and mighty is baiting, then yes, yes he is.
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