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Skyrim is crap


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or so many people claim.


Just what game am I missing then? Please do not mention another TES game. I have played them and Skyrim is better by any modern standard. I am actually just starting a game of Daggerfall on Dos-box but I am talking about a modern game here.


My all time favorites are Baldur's Gate and Planescape: Torment but they are way to dated to consider at this point. I am talking about a game released in the last 2 or 3 years that even comes close to Skyrim. PC only please. I do not own a console.


What am I missing?


A bad attitude and obnoxious sense of entitlement?


or maybe they have a differing opinion?

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I think one reason some people are expressing dislike for Skyrim may be because of a lack of any sort of tool to tweak the game easily. (Creation Kit, Construction Set, whatever they plan on calling it.) Everyone got used to going into the Oblivion Construction Set to spice up/fix whatever they needed right then and there. With the CK being pushed back, most people are sitting on their hands just waiting...which may cause distaste and, therefore, hate. *pushes up scientific glasses* :geek:


Personally, I'll be happy as a clam when we get the CK. Ready to convert all my eyes and such. ^_^


The game is far from perfect. We can rebuild it. We can make it stronger. :dance:

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I think that pretty much covers some of us here. If nothing else the long list of issues and complaints gives us all motivation to slam out fixes and new content once we do finally get the CK, and perhaps will even motivate some of the better modders to jump in and be a superhero to us all. :whistling:

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Bethesda games all suffer from awkward ass animation. Battles are so disappointing, I get through most fights by tricking the dumb AI getting between rocks etc because otherwise it boils down to ROGUE style, ie, you have higher specs you win. They should study up on Assassins Creed for fights, heck even iphone Infinity Blade has better fight system. Voice acting is not pro -I mean the bard singing is horrendous obviously they hired someone that doesn't know a thing about singing "voice wielding !!!!!POWER!!!!!! of the ancient..". The artistic direction is bad, the faces look horrible. The story lines are borderline childish. After all these years, they really need to fire their graphics department, look at games like Bioshock, Bordelands, Arkham Asylum these games are older than Skyrim but look way better because they have inspired model designers. Bethesda's models are stiff and not that cool. It's the same crap with higher polys. Some of the monster designs are good. Look at the face animation in LA Noire and then look at Skyrim -yuck. Bethesda said it was doing a ground up on their engine for Skyrim but it's more like a big update. The physics suck, they should compete with havock. Their ragdoll system is dated. The only thing they got right was the landscaping, and the sense of discovery when you find a new location. But as soon as you interact with something, the immersion is gone. I'm writing all this because everytime Bethesda puts something out, I fall for the hype that it's going to be something great, but it becomes the same old thing of trying to do so much in a game, and doing most of it poorly.
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Bethesda games all suffer from awkward ass animation. Battles are so disappointing, I get through most fights by tricking the dumb AI getting between rocks etc because otherwise it boils down to ROGUE style, ie, you have higher specs you win. They should study up on Assassins Creed for fights, heck even iphone Infinity Blade has better fight system. Voice acting is not pro -I mean the bard singing is horrendous obviously they hired someone that doesn't know a thing about singing "voice wielding !!!!!POWER!!!!!! of the ancient..". The artistic direction is bad, the faces look horrible. The story lines are borderline childish. After all these years, they really need to fire their graphics department, look at games like Bioshock, Bordelands, Arkham Asylum these games are older than Skyrim but look way better because they have inspired model designers. Bethesda's models are stiff and not that cool. It's the same crap with higher polys. Some of the monster designs are good. Look at the face animation in LA Noire and then look at Skyrim -yuck. Bethesda said it was doing a ground up on their engine for Skyrim but it's more like a big update. The physics suck, they should compete with havock. Their ragdoll system is dated. The only thing they got right was the landscaping, and the sense of discovery when you find a new location. But as soon as you interact with something, the immersion is gone. I'm writing all this because everytime Bethesda puts something out, I fall for the hype that it's going to be something great, but it becomes the same old thing of trying to do so much in a game, and doing most of it poorly.



"it saddens me you can't see reason"


everyone is entitled to their opinion :whistling:

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Other guy was on to something; No part of the game is actually very good- but together, it's something rather epic.


Animation: Crap, basically.

NPC Interaction: Same as oblivion, but shinyer....

Quests: All basically the same...


It goes on, but all this together, makes something good- like adding negative numbers?

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Animation: Crap, basically.

Uhm.. what?

The animations are pretty good. No, they are not Gears of War animation, but they are solid. Consider what engine is used, it is quite well done.

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Animation: Crap, basically.

Uhm.. what?

The animations are pretty good. No, they are not Gears of War animation, but they are solid. Consider what engine is used, it is quite well done.


Good is something entirely different. There are some surprisingly good animations among a mass of average to below average ones. For example, I'm always wondering why developers don't get a grip on something as basic as running. So that's not entirely Bethesda or Skyrim related either, but with every new game I'm hoping against hope to finally see a human instead of an ape.

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Good is something entirely different. There are some surprisingly good animations among a mass of average to below average ones. For example, I'm always wondering why developers don't get a grip on something as basic as running. So that's not entirely Bethesda or Skyrim related either, but with every new game I'm hoping against hope to finally see a human instead of an ape.

No matter how you look at it, it's a huge stepup from Oblivion. We are playing a game that hosts up to 300 houres, and even then there is more to do. Bethesda does what they can with what they got. As you might know, the engine used in all Bethesda games are not the best. Heck, it's crap compared to stuff as Cryengine. Thus the animations is as they are. Calling them crap is not right, as it is a huge upgrade from what we used to have. Do you remember the running animation when walking an angle?


My point: Of all things we can complain about, animations are not one of them.

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