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Why Trump Won


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Every study ever done on this issue has shown lower rates of teen drug use in countries that have limited or no drug laws. Take the illegality away and most of the fun of doing it disappears, at least for many or most teens.


Also abstinence from drug use and the teaching of it are parental responsibilities not the government's. It doesn't matter how many laws are passed trying to ignore this basic reality.

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Every study ever done on this issue has shown lower rates of teen drug use in countries that have limited or no drug laws. Take the illegality away and most of the fun of doing it disappears, at least for many or most teens.


Also abstinence from drug use and the teaching of it are parental responsibilities not the government's. It doesn't matter how many laws are passed trying to ignore this basic reality.

Maybe I'm just too old and set in my ways. I see what's around me and that's how I judge things. I've had many years on this planet and I have seen how everything has changed. Gone down hill. Drugs need to be controlled. In one form or the other. No, I don't believe that marijuana is a drug. It's a medicine. A NATURAL medicine and it works great for pain relief and eye issues. So, if it's medicine, why allow recreation usage of it? That would be like allowing recreational use of Demerol. Again. That's my opinion.

Edited by NCRForever
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IMO your argument is often heard in older generations and it ignores the larger fact. It's not a matter of "allowing" recreational drug use: it occurs in a country regardless of what laws are passed. So it's just a matter of how much money is flushed down the toilet ignoring this fact.


This is not to say I support drug dealers being able to loiter outside our schools etc, and obviously laws are required to prevent threats to public safety. But authority for these laws (as with the purchasing of gun ammo etc) exists entirely in the realm of the states not the federal government. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was one of the most overreaching laws ever passed in the U.S., it's responsible for the DEA "schedules" that still cause grown adult men and women to claim cannabis has no valid medical use, and still has cannabis on the same restriction schedule as heroin. It's also responsible for stuffing our federal prisons with recreational and non-violent drug users (last I checked it was 38% of all federal prisoners), and the U.S. having the highest incarceration rates of any country on Earth, both in total and per capita, including China which has a population four times ours. The CSA has been a taxpayer boondoggle of truly astonishing proportions, that has failed to put even the slightest dent in usage rates for recreational drugs compared to what they were in the 1970's and 80's (and 90's etc).

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Proud Trump supporter here. I supported him almost from the beginning of the GOP primary.


The political left got their ass handed to them. There is no other way to put it. This election was anti-establishment. Democrats would have been better off had they picked Bernie. But the DNC rigged it in Hillary's favor. Bernie probably could have beaten Trump, but you all chose the worst possible candidate to run. Elections have consequences, and the teenager in me wants to say "rekt". Yes, "The Wall™" is a very real possibility with a complete Republican controlled government. Whatever the GOP was before Trump showed up no longer exists. I personally think that's a good thing. I never was a fan of neoconservatism.

Edited by Beriallord
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The political left got their ass handed to them. There is no other way to put it. ... Elections have consequences, and the teenager in me wants to say "rekt".


A Trump victory 'rekts' everyone and has consequences for everyone. You do not elect an internet comment section President and expect everything to be fine.



This election was anti-establishment.


lol wat


Yes, "The Wall™" is a very real possibility with a complete Republican controlled government.


And a wall would do what? Other than make shovel, ladder and rope manufacturing boom.

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Proud Trump supporter here. I supported him almost from the beginning of the GOP primary.


The political left got their ass handed to them. There is no other way to put it. This election was anti-establishment. Democrats would have been better off had they picked Bernie. But the DNC rigged it in Hillary's favor. Bernie probably could have beaten Trump, but you all chose the worst possible candidate to run. Elections have consequences, and the teenager in me wants to say "rekt". Yes, "The Wall™" is a very real possibility with a complete Republican controlled government. Whatever the GOP was before Trump showed up no longer exists. I personally think that's a good thing. I never was a fan of neoconservatism.


I don't think it's the last time the left are going to get their arses handed to them either, Wilders, Le Pen and others are gaining in popularity as people are turning on the liberal establishment.

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On cannabis legalization, we're already way ahead in our state on job creation and revenue, just from our existing medical cannabis laws. At this point even many police departments and governors around the country (as opposed to federal DEA teetsuckers) now support it. It's saving them (us) huge amounts of utterly pointless time and energy in trying to micromanage peoples' recreational drug use. It's never worked, cannot work and will never work. The government's jobs in this matter are education and research, not dictation. Or else Constitutionalists will need to point out where in that document our federal government is given the authority to dictate what kinds of foods and drugs the people are allowed to have. The feds hang their authority for this stupidity off our interstate commerce clause and nothing else, because nothing else remotely gives them these powers.

I didn't say that it shouldn't be allowed. But, people will be people. They will abuse the system. They always have and always will. Just like people pissing on themselves because someone has a different of opinion then they have.(this isn't pointed at you in anyway) I believe that medicinal use of things like pot is acceptable. I do have my pot card. But, come on. Recreational use? Really? It's going to get abused. Especially by the teenagers.


By this logic, tobacco should be illegal, as well as alcohol. We tried it once with alcohol, it did not turn out as expected.


In all reality, if we STOP spending millions, if not billions.... on policing, prosecuting, and incarcerating folks for pot, it is going to save us a HUGE pile of money. Not to mention the tax revenues that will come from LEGAL sales, a market that so far, the government hasn't been able to tap.

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Proud Trump supporter here. I supported him almost from the beginning of the GOP primary.


The political left got their ass handed to them. There is no other way to put it. This election was anti-establishment. Democrats would have been better off had they picked Bernie. But the DNC rigged it in Hillary's favor. Bernie probably could have beaten Trump, but you all chose the worst possible candidate to run. Elections have consequences, and the teenager in me wants to say "rekt". Yes, "The Wall™" is a very real possibility with a complete Republican controlled government. Whatever the GOP was before Trump showed up no longer exists. I personally think that's a good thing. I never was a fan of neoconservatism.

You all? Def wasn't a Hillary supporter. I was a Ben Carson supporter. But, he backed down from it. Anyways....


IMO your argument is often heard in older generations and it ignores the larger fact. It's not a matter of "allowing" recreational drug use: it occurs in a country regardless of what laws are passed. So it's just a matter of how much money is flushed down the toilet ignoring this fact.


This is not to say I support drug dealers being able to loiter outside our schools etc, and obviously laws are required to prevent threats to public safety. But authority for these laws (as with the purchasing of gun ammo etc) exists entirely in the realm of the states not the federal government. The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 was one of the most overreaching laws ever passed in the U.S., it's responsible for the DEA "schedules" that still cause grown adult men and women to claim cannabis has no valid medical use, and still has cannabis on the same restriction schedule as heroin. It's also responsible for stuffing our federal prisons with recreational and non-violent drug users (last I checked it was 38% of all federal prisoners), and the U.S. having the highest incarceration rates of any country on Earth, both in total and per capita, including China which has a population four times ours. The CSA has been a taxpayer boondoggle of truly astonishing proportions, that has failed to put even the slightest dent in usage rates for recreational drugs compared to what they were in the 1970's and 80's (and 90's etc).

How does it ignore the fact? It's in our faces every single day. I come home from work and see the little sobs puffing away. Recreational use. Fine. Sell it. Tax it. Police it like alcohol and tobacco.

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A Trump victory 'rekts' everyone and has consequences for everyone. You do not elect an internet comment section President and expect everything to be fine.


Trump is relatively moderate on many issues:


- He's less hostile to Russia than the average Republican is.

- He opposes traditional Republican economic policies of "free trade".

- He's less hostile toward gays than most Republicans are.

- He doesn't support the neoconservative foreign policy agenda.


Trump took the Republican Party closer to the center-left on some issues, and farther to the right on others. He's a populist. We haven't had a populist president in a very, very long time. In none of our lifetimes in fact. It wasn't a difficult choice for a lot of people. Everyone knows what Hillary Clinton is. She's a system stooge, and about as crooked as any politician in US history. Trump on the other hand is bringing something fresh into US politics.


I'm hearing the same rage infused banality everywhere I go on the internet. I find reading it somewhat entertaining. It inflates my ego, because it assures me that I'm smarter than the people writing the comments I'm reading.



lol wat


If you had your pulse on reality, instead of exclusively internet forums I shouldn't even need to talk about this. Support for candidates on both sides was a reaction against established political norms. On both the left and the right. The difference is, the right won. Bernie lost because the DNC conspired to put Hillary up. Bernie Sanders could have beaten Trump. But the DNC is so corrupt, they conspired to put a system stooge up, rather than someone who had a real chance to win. Trump won despite GOP opposition. System stooges like Jeb Bush got sent packing.



And a wall would do what? Other than make shovel, ladder and rope manufacturing boom.


A wall would provide an obstacle. Instead of just being able to walk across the border. They can put sensors in the wall to figure out if someone is climbing or trying to dig under it. As well as hidden cameras along the border combined with surveillance drones. This is 2016. The border patrol will be waiting for them on the other side for immediate deportation. I'm predicting Trump appoints someone like Sheriff Joe Arpaio to run the border patrol. If they can get past the wall and avoid Joe Arpaio's border patrol agents, and get around E-verify, then best of luck to them.

Edited by Beriallord
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You all? Def wasn't a Hillary supporter. I was a Ben Carson supporter. But, he backed down from it. Anyways....

Then I wasn't referring to you. Voting in Democratic Party primaries is usually excluded to registered Democrats only. Although in some states this isn't the case.



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