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Why Trump Won


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What scares me most about Trump is his proven record of blaming anyone and everyone for problems, other than ourselves and our own federal government. E.g. proposing tariffs as a solution for China insults the intelligence of any nine year-old, since their totalitarian regime dictates the value range for their own currency. Is it possible that nobody has yet explained this to Trump, and if someone has, why does he continue pushing for them?


So imo Trump has already exposed himself as a shill for the same multinational machine that's been in control of not only the RNC but the DNC as well for 45 years now in our country. If he wasn't, he would not have secured the former's party blessing for his campaign. Just as a lack of walls and fences isn't the actual problem with Mexico, a lack of tariffs is not the problem with China. China is not the country who's violating their own moral and business (not to mention environmental and 1000 others) standards, since they have none, it was our own federal government who opened this infernal gate to global pollution and child labor etc, and they're the only ones who can close it. And if you can believe it, access to rare metals in China (for, uh, our Pentagon and "national security") is the excuse du jour by the feds to claim it's impossible to fix the problem.


Also imo the first step to rebuilding America's political system is to rehabilitate the intentionally corrupted terms liberal and conservative. We've had a century of intentional polarization on virtually all issues by a two-party cartel that has maintained its power almost exclusively by keeping us pointing fingers at each other, instead of where the fingers of blame belong: the two-party cartel itself. Runaway, tax-and-spend government is not "liberal", it's socialist. And borrow-and-spend bankrupting of America's federal government, by pretending fair trade with enslaved Communist countries is even possible, is not "conservative", it's treason to our Constitution.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Also imo the first step to rebuilding America's political system is to rehabilitate the intentionally corrupted terms liberal and conservative. We've had a century of intentional polarization on virtually all issues by a two-party cartel that has maintained its power almost exclusively by keeping us pointing fingers at each other, instead of where the fingers of blame belong: the two-party cartel itself. Runaway, tax-and-spend government is not "liberal", it's socialist. And borrow-and-spend bankrupting of America's federal government, by pretending fair trade with enslaved Communist countries is even possible, is not "conservative", it's treason to our Constitution.


Have you actually listened to anything Trump has said, or are you just relying on other people telling you what he said? I ask because you condemn him in one paragraph, and then come out with this in the next. A paragraph that could have been lifted from one of Trump's many speeches.


The man will not take office for another month. His announced cabinet picks give me great hope that he really does mean to "drain the swamp." Remember, for the first time in more than a century we have a President elect who is not beholden to either political party or to a special interest. I was a reluctant Trump voter (I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but I was almost certain what Hillary was planning to do,) but given the six week temper tantrum the left has been throwing since the election, I'm still shaking from how big of a bullet the country just dodged.

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Also imo the first step to rebuilding America's political system is to rehabilitate the intentionally corrupted terms liberal and conservative. We've had a century of intentional polarization on virtually all issues by a two-party cartel that has maintained its power almost exclusively by keeping us pointing fingers at each other, instead of where the fingers of blame belong: the two-party cartel itself. Runaway, tax-and-spend government is not "liberal", it's socialist. And borrow-and-spend bankrupting of America's federal government, by pretending fair trade with enslaved Communist countries is even possible, is not "conservative", it's treason to our Constitution.


Have you actually listened to anything Trump has said, or are you just relying on other people telling you what he said? I ask because you condemn him in one paragraph, and then come out with this in the next. A paragraph that could have been lifted from one of Trump's many speeches.


The man will not take office for another month. His announced cabinet picks give me great hope that he really does mean to "drain the swamp." Remember, for the first time in more than a century we have a President elect who is not beholden to either political party or to a special interest. I was a reluctant Trump voter (I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but I was almost certain what Hillary was planning to do,) but given the six week temper tantrum the left has been throwing since the election, I'm still shaking from how big of a bullet the country just dodged.


Drain the swamp? Is that some kind of troll?


Look at Trump's cabinet picks so far:


Secretary of State - Rex Tillerson, CEO ExxonMobil Corporation

Attorney General - Sen. Jeff Sessions

Secretary of Health and Human Services - Rep. Tom Price (the ACA will be defunded immediately)

Secretary of Commerce - Wilbur Ross (aka "King of Bankruptcy")

Secretary of Defense - Gen. James Mattis

Secretary of "Department of Homeland Security" - Gen. John Kelly

Secretary of Energy - Rick Perry (think fracked and permanently polluted Texas)



Trump is draining the swamp directly into the White House. Simply watch what happens. As mentioned elsewhere I give Trump six months in office before impeachment proceedings begin due to incompetence and/or legal scandal, and if he starts getting in the way of the machine's agenda it will happen even sooner.


IMO we've been electing outright despots to lead our country since Nixon, regardless of party, and I can think of nobody more appropriate to see a failed, bankrupt and now outright fascist federal government to its final demise than the very king of the prostitutes. If that sounds extreme, Ben Franklin predicted exactly this eventual fate, well over two centuries ago. Our corrupted political system allows for no option other than electing despots and traitors. So imo the only option is to abolish our Executive Branch entirely. Again if it sounds extreme, according to history it's a natural progression in government that countries from Britain to China have gone through. It had an essential function during our revolutionary years, in absence of formal declarations of war from Congress it's become nothing but a playground for fascism, military adventurism and special interest corruption.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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IMO we've been electing outright despots to lead our country since Nixon, regardless of party, and I can think of nobody more appropriate to see a failed, bankrupt and now outright fascist federal government to its final demise than the very king of the prostitutes. If that sounds extreme, Ben Franklin predicted exactly this eventual fate, well over two centuries ago. Our corrupted political system allows for no option other than electing despots and traitors. So imo the only option is to abolish our Executive Branch entirely. Again if it sounds extreme, according to history it's a natural progression in government that countries from Britain to China have gone through. It had an essential function during our revolutionary years, in absence of formal declarations of war from Congress it's become nothing but a playground for fascism, military adventurism and special interest corruption.



Just an FYI Britain has an executive branch, and if you look at China it has a ruling council ( a de facto) executive branch.

You have a very broad over inclusive concept of fascism if you think the feds are fascist. That term is vastly overused.

Actually Ben preferred the idea of governmental inertia so I doubt he would have favored much of any political party's executives post 1803..since he did not agree that the Feds had the authority to make the Louisiana Purchase.

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The reference was to extended history. Most governments develop from more oligarchical forms to less, e.g. China no longer has emporers and Britain's law is no longer dictated by their kings and queens etc. The issue of whether China's ruling Communist regime qualifies as a legitimate government of anyone is by no means settled except in China, apparently.


Franklin's prediction was that the American people would eventually become so corrupted that we would be incapable of anything other than despotic government. IMO this has been our reality since 1968 and arguably going back even further. How many trillions of dollars would our country be ahead if we had abolished the Executive Branch in response to Nixon's resignation?


Also the word fascist is hardly overused today. If anything it's horribly underused imo. We've managed to outdo Orwell on several fronts, not the least of which is having every internet site address, computer keystroke and mouse movement by U.S. citizens captured by or at least made available to our federal government, without a warrant. You know, for our national security. Meanwhile the feds continue pushing hard for an "internet kill switch", to give themselves God-like power over the internet and communications ability of the American people. You know, for our national security. Our 4th Amendment continues to be ignored and negated at our borders and airports, U.S. citizens can be and routinely are denied travel with no accountability or even an explanation. Etc. The Third Reich has absolutely nothing on our federal government at this point except gas chambers and both will share the same inevitable fate.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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The reference was to extended history. Most governments develop from more oligarchical forms to less, e.g. China no longer has emporers and Britain's law is no longer dictated by their kings and queens etc. The issue of whether China's ruling Communist regime qualifies as a legitimate government of anyone is by no means settled except in China, apparently.


Franklin's prediction was that the American people would eventually become so corrupted that we would be incapable of anything other than despotic government. IMO this has been our reality since 1968 and arguably going back even further. How many trillions of dollars would our country be ahead if we had abolished the Executive Branch in response to Nixon's resignation?


Also the word fascist is hardly overused today. If anything it's horribly underused imo. We've managed to outdo Orwell on several fronts, not the least of which is having every internet site address, computer keystroke and mouse movement by U.S. citizens captured by or at least made available to our federal government, without a warrant. You know, for our national security. Meanwhile the feds continue pushing hard for an "internet kill switch", to give themselves God-like power over the internet and communications ability of the American people. You know, for our national security. Our 4th Amendment continues to be ignored and negated at our borders and airports, U.S. citizens can be and routinely are denied travel with no accountability or even an explanation. Etc. The Third Reich has absolutely nothing on our federal government at this point except gas chambers and both will share the same inevitable fate.


The term fascist is as overused as racist or sexist and it's lost all impact because of it, it's just another insult the liberal left throw at those who hold a different opinion to them. The name calling is one of the lefts biggest problems, it no longer tries to argue its case, instead it hurls abuse at it opponents and then wonders why people increasingly want nothing to do with it. As for comparing the US government to the Third Reich words fail me.


As for the UK, it's true that the executive has less power but that doesn't stop it doing whatever the hell it likes, occasionally it will be reigned in but it always gets its way, do you remember the vote the UK had over bombing Syria? it was held up as a prime example of the executive being held to account by parliament, the Prime Minister at the time couldn't go ahead, here we are now several years down the line and guess what? RAF planes are bombing in both Syria and Iraq.

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