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Why Trump Won


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In defense of popular votes, the history of our country since Nixon is that of an ever-increasing chasm between popular will and the laws passed by our federal government (btw compare this same disenfranchisement process in pre-war Germany), and just like our national debt, obscene trade policies and imbalances with enslaved countries etc etc, it's ridiculous to claim the situation can be sustained forever. Our labor force, middle class and way of life were sold out by a traitorous felon president 45 years ago, and we've been dealing with a so-called "recession" ever since. News flash, dumbass America, IT'S NOT A RECESSION. It's a permanent realignment of economic power in the world. If you believe China has been dealing with the same "recession" since Nixon, guess again. It's where most of our economy lost to "the recession" was forcibly relocated. Countless billions have been spent in China, India and elsewhere to expand their manufacturing sectors, at the cost of ours.


With a single decision to "open the gate to China" Nixon cemented our eventual future as a banana republic for 1.5 billion enslaved Chinese Communists. It's simply taken four decades to eliminate our middle class and reduce our currency to Monopoly money that neither has nor can have any value other than an increasingly, perpetually and infinitely broken promise of repayment. The issue transcends both political party and ideology.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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Considering if America was not the great country it still is (and has potential to stay), the world would surely be at least as bad a place if not worse. The history of civilisation is an ugly one.

My point is really that 'you don't realise what you have till you don't have it any more' and America does have quite a unique position, it just needs to realise it and not let it go to its head (the difficult part).

I do wonder if we got over ourselves and all put as much effort into making things work as we do planning ways to destroy each other, we might actually survive as a species. I think we all like to think we are in charge and control though, so I guess nothing like that will happen till we all find a common purpose perhaps through some kind of real-time mass communication.

Well maybe at this point it is simply optimism or bust!

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What we need is a unifying event.... Alien invasion, or something, that brings EVERYONE together, in a common cause. Of course, any alien invasion would have VASTLY superior technology, and we would probably just get wiped out in fairly short order.... So, maybe not such a good idea. :D

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What we need is a unifying event.... Alien invasion, or something, that brings EVERYONE together, in a common cause. Of course, any alien invasion would have VASTLY superior technology, and we would probably just get wiped out in fairly short order.... So, maybe not such a good idea. :D


Steven Green, Disclosure Project...find him on youtube. He has your alien invasion.

John Moore...or something: climate change that leaves 100 miles or more of all coasts under water.



Trump won because left is concentrated in urban locations, right in rural...leaving it to Electoral Vote. And Hillary conceded already...

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Yeah alien invasion would be some serious stuff... but I'm sure we'd at least stop arguing and give it our best shot. But before and hopefully in spite of that ever happening there are a few things we could galvanise around already. That was what Globalisation™ was supposed to be trying to do, but that has all gone toxic now despite probably having some noble ideas originally - well I at least hope so.


The problems are still there even if the plan has kinda changed - not saying it didn't need to either. Question is will we be able to replace it with something better before the wolves are eventually at the door. I think the greatest most unifying 'mission' for mankind is surviving the combination of artificial intelligence and possibility of a nuclear war. After that it will the depletion of resources, disease, famine, and yeah... climate change.


I think personally we have all the reason we need to pull our finger out and get it together. But I agree that some 'kick up the ass' would be best to be something everyone can relate to despite language, geography or culture barriers.


Maybe a close shave with an asteroid or something... or a mission to colonise the Moon and Mars... or maybe a self-sufficient re-usable green revolution. C'mon peoples, let's make the world great again! :yes:

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Trump won because he had Dark Forces behind his campaign. That is the only explanation why something so evil could happen to my country. As a Native American I expect to be deported back to India in the coming years. Go figure.



The Rabbit

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According to a chart on The Washington Post... His net worth has been on a fairly steady rise since the last recession

Have you been listening to a word I said? If Trump had invested his inherited fortune in a neutral investment like an index fund, he'd have more money. He has underperformed the market. He is, by definition, a below-average businessman, and all his “deals” have been simple exchanges of money for entertainment and to feed his ego.




It amazes me that people are still peddling this BS. Let me break it down for you:


Trump was already a billionaire by the time he received his inheritance.


There were no index funds when Trump started his career. The ones that developed were largely unproven until the mid/late 1980s when the market started to pick up. Also, let's just lol at not playing the market directly.


If he had put his money into an index fund, then there wouldn't be countless physical assets and real estate. He would not have created thousands of jobs or paid millions in local taxes and regulations. Why don't you support the local community MB?

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To jump in and try to answer the original question, I think the reason Trump won was Hillary's "...Put a lot of coal miners out of work." comment. I know we've had a West Virginian explain to us that coal is dying anyway, and she promised retraining, but that is missing what actually happened. Hillary never had a chance to carry coal country, not after eight years of Obama's war on coal. What that remark did do was send a message to everyone employed in any type of manufacturing that their industry might be next. We've had a decade of government job retraining, and people now have a pretty good idea of exactly how useless that is. Hence the Rust Belt suddenly turned a little redder.


"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth." - Theodore Roosevelt

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