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Oh, that neighbor


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That's really sad to hear about that cat. Not in every country there is laws against animal cruelty.


Well, On topic:

When I moved to UK, First house, in London:

Our neighbor where racist. we where targetted by colored yobs that lived in the streets. We had to go through burned bins, hate messages and broken windows. And ofc, it's against the law to hit young kids so we where f***ed simply put.


We moved to outside of manchester - salford:

Once again targetted by racist yobs. Our neighbor where okay. 1 of them suicided inside his own house.


We moved to eccles - still manchester:

People in the street where cool, our neighbors wasnt. They where loud, drunk and had no respect for anyone. There dogs barked the whole day and since my father had 2 heart attacks he would like peace and quiet so we moved to:


Manchester - Trafford:

Currently where we live. IT's a tiny house but at least we aren't bothered by anyone

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I'm so sorry about your kitty. :(


My partner lives in new Zealand and has horrid neighbors: loud parties, rude, domestic fights. The woman's sister broke in, my partner reported it, and now they're even more rude to her. She overheard them talking about her cat, and worries they mean to harm it out of spite. I'll be catching the first flight there to kick their asses flat if that happens. I visited for none months in 2010, and I love that cat, too. Her previous neighbors were very nice.


Here, my room mate is very nice and a cool lady, we've been friends for nearly 20 years. We share a condo, and most of the neighbors are decent people. The lady in the penthouse is a bit condescending and bossy, and there's a couple of people who are mental (one's condition has no official diagnosis but she has delusions, and the other has some paranoia, mostly around someone stole her plants/books/etc.) but are otherwise harmless. I'm pretty lucky.

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Great...someone just moved into the place above us a few days ago. Was weird hearing the squeaky upstairs floor again. But, yeah, they've been here for 3 days and last night I heard them screaming at each other :facepalm: and what sounded like something being thrown. I don't know if they are just stressed out because they just moved but I sure hope we have some quiet upstairs neighbours for once. The last two enjoyed blasting music at 3a.m. on weekends and playing "computer chair jousting" :wallbash:


Sometimes I hate living in a "college kid" place, but the places are incredibly cheap and if you walk across the street and cross the parking lot, you are in downtown. All the other apartments in and around Main St. are double the rent of this place. It's a steal to live here, but you gotta put up with a 100 year old building with crappy heat, original windows, and echoing hallways :P

Edited by Illiad86
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The people in the dorm to our right are fine, but to our left play music every night and yell as loud as they can AFTER they were suppossed to stop. IT DRIVES US INSANE.


be noisy back at them!


some years ago this guy i knew was invited to move in with a girl he liked, along with other roomates.

he had high hopes, which were quickly crushed :D upon getting there, she revealed she allready has a bf "tadaaa!" and he had to listen to them, at night, and it was driving him insane, his nickname for her was "miss f----aloud" <---you can guess


so i recommended to him that he... be loud back.

you know.

when being by his lonesome, at night :]

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Well, I can't say I had any issues with the neighbors while living in my parents' house, but I've had some dodgy neighbors while living in my student flat over the last two years. Seeing as I live in a town which is mostly inhabited by students, people generally come and go on a yearly basis, so there's a few new people around every year.


The first year I lived there, a Zimbabwean man lived next to me, and would spend lots of time at my flat. When I brought anyone over (especially girls), he'd come over. What's worse, when I brought a girl over he'd lay moves on her, while I'm sitting right there. :O I eventually got fed up with this about halfway through the year and told him that if he keeps doing this I'll start calling the cops and report him for trespassing. He spent the rest of the year giving me death stares every time he saw me.


Then last year the Zimbabwean moved out, and in moves two young guys who have a morbid love of rap. And not even good rap (as if there is such a thing), but the real garbage like Soulja Boy. They'd play it all day long, every day and until late into the nights. Numerous complaints later, both to them and the body corporate and even the police (who never came out), they still wouldn't stop, so I started waiting until I was certain they were asleep, then I'd start blasting the most offensive, noisy death metal I could find.

That is, until the upstairs neighbor started complaining about me putting up a racket, but you have to understand that at this point I was tired. I was already spending most of my nights sleeping in the living room (my room was right next to theirs, so their music was loudest there) and I was willing to to do just about anything to get them to stop, so I wrote a nice, sarcastic letter asking them to stop playing their music so loud and so late into the nights. Then I pinned it to their door using an old pocket knife.

Aside from two minor incidents, never really had issues with them after that. :P

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When i lived in an apartment, the guys below me would never shut up. 2 obnoxious 20 something guys who would invite mates around every couple days and get real noisy due to excessive consumption of alcohol.

I went out to JB Hi-Fi and got a 12 speaker system, including 2 1000w 18" subs. I put all of them face down and plowed some dubstep into the floor.

It was quieter for about 2 minutes...

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The first really bad one I had was an incredibly vulgar 20 something who lived in the apartment above me. He had an equaly vulgar girlfriend. They often spent their mornings talking on the balcony about things they hated, which included Islam, people from Asia, people from Africa, people from the Middle East, people from New Zealand, Christians. To be honest, they were probably the most repulsive people I've ever seen. With incidents ranging from the female standing on the balcony one morning and vomiting all over a (very likeable) young Sudanese man who lived one door down, through to them beating a possum to death with a rock, and several less mentionable incidents of shear vulgarity.


I didn't actualy have to do anything about them, one day I got home from work and there was a squadcar outside the apartment block, after which, the male never returned and the female moved out days later.


The second is my current neighbour, who to be fair, is a nice guy, but like me, is majorly into cars. Unfortunately for everyone in the street his daily driver is a work ute(mini-truck, for you Americans) with a very nonstandard, and very very loud Chevy smallblock V8 under the hood. He doesn't drive it like a madmen, but even at idle, it's noisy as heck.

Edited by Vindekarr
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One neighbor is a old, mostly blind man who is retired. Really nice guy. The other neighbors are elusive. The neighbors behind us annoy me, because we lose power often during the fall, winter, and early spring, and they have a generator that goes on whenever the power goes off. Including the dead of night when they don't even need power. And they have a pet dog that does nothing but howl all night. So, whenever the power goes off, their loud generator and dog wakes up the entire block.
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Gotta love American suburbs.

Neighbors are generally nice. I have a Marine veteran on the left. A quiet Russian family on the right. Another very great elderly neighbor across from us.

We even clean snow for each other, with pretty much the first one to wake up to clean most of it up (usually not a problem with snow plows).

It's just a generally nice enviornment and only one incident happend, which was more funny then unsettling. But well I am more or less okay with a Marine veteran getting out to drink then confusing his home for mine, resulting with him sleeping on our couch :biggrin:

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