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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Will there be a non replacer version that just adds the guns?


It's basically as Moldy said - but check out the FAQ in the second post for more info.



In other news all the high-poly models for the Thompson are done now, and I'm starting on the UV maps.

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Do plan do anything about the horrible double barrel shotgun model that looks like raiders created them by melting steel and throwing it on the handle and waiting for it to dry which might have been been what Bethesda wanted ð¤. Also is the m79 going to use the same animations as the double barrel? Thanks for all the hard work ðŽ.
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You say that about the double barrel,but most real world double barrels look very similar to it. The one in the game is simply old and weathered. It's extremely difficult to get visual variety in such a simple weapon; The number of moving parts can be counted on both hands,so what is there to make it look nice,without impairing functionality? Personally,I'd give all the metal parts a good sandblasting and oiling,and replace the wooden furniture with something else. Maybe maple,or birch. And give it a good stain and varnish,to preserve it. Adding festoonery to it will just make handling it more difficult.


As for the M79,I think Antistar's using the gun from another mod,and that uses the double barrel's animations,far as I can tell. From my personal use,I think it fits.

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Replacing the assets for the double-barrel shotgun is a possibility if a great resource for it pops up, but it's a fairly low priority.


The M79 is currently using the double-barrel animations, yeah. They're not a perfect match, but they could be worse.

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Will there be an option for the double barrel in WARS to discharge both barrels at once,or,in Warframe fashion,one barrel when the click is pressed,and the other when released? Because,sometimes,something just needs both barrels of buckshot,straight to the nose.

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Will there be an option for the double barrel in WARS to discharge both barrels at once,or,in Warframe fashion,one barrel when the click is pressed,and the other when released? Because,sometimes,something just needs both barrels of buckshot,straight to the nose.

IIRC, Isathar has implemented this as a firemode for the double barrel in Ammotweaks. Can't remember for my life where in the documentation I saw that though.

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Bro, i just saw the L85 animations videos. Are you going to reskin it? I do remember you saying that it had placeholder textures or something, but i could be horribly wrong... And about the Barrett, which animations will it have? Is it animated already?

Btw, are you accepting suggestions for a possible next version? I was thinking about having Masterkey shotguns (Not those modern M26 MASS, maybe something like Billy's Rifle on the first Predator movie) and some 1911 variations in-game.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw the 1911 in the "Unconfirmed section"

Edited by WaterHazard
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