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Boston...will it ever be optimised?


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I know your mods, they are quality as well.. far as i can see.. although i haven't, and cant use them.. because i hardly ever use the settlement system, as i cant walk while using it. In all their wisdom, Beth used, and probably hard-coded my movement keys for operating it.


If your using the arrow keys for moving like I do (SouthPaw Myself) You can use a custom F4SE keybinding to fix this or in one of the updates Beth did add a key combo for people who use the arrow keys. I use the F4SE method myself but if I remember correctly the key combo is Shift + vanilla Bound Arrow movement key while in workshop mode.


Edit: Well I just went to check what the key was, I can't figure it out with vanilla. I know I've used it in between F4SE updates but for some reason it's not working anymore. Thought it was shift or return near the arrow keys.

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Would be nice if any player would think of that before asking for features.


I don't mind when players ask politely, and encourage input, but I hate it when someone comes in ranting at me about all the ways in which what I've done sucks so much and how it would be so much better if I'd just redo it to meet their exact standards/ideas. smh.


How's your F4 jewel coming along?



Slowly! But that's not the CK's fault, I just have a lot going on irl. I do absolutely hate writing dialogue for the player in the CK, though. It's so cumbersome. Miss being able to quickly rip through an entire conversation using the NV version of the Geck. It would take no time at all to write a branching, complex, etc conversation. Not terribly surprising that Obs built the better dialogue tool.






I know how much effort you put into your mods.. your mod "Willow" for NV is the sole reason i have 400 hours on that shitty game. I cant wait for a similar mod for FO4.


I do think of how much work goes into making mods.. and I realize a voiced protagonist isn't making things easier for modders that make either companions with the quality of Willow, or quest-mods.. . I only wanted to say that you modders have a ton of credit.. for me anyway.. as you make games way better... and i do understand the limitations you have to work with.



Thanks :smile: I appreciate it. I don't usually mind doing all the work to get a mod done, but the dialogue stuff in the FO4CK irritates me every time I have to work with it :tongue:

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Cheesus, and now i'm a "lair" for stating that my game runs pretty smooth with 115-120 fps, with some dips here and there in boston.


I would suggest all of you bitter people to go look up adaptive v-sync and then just go f***ing activate it in whatever program you use for that...Bunch of dingdongs

Edited by Arneercool
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I know I'd be a minority and you'd get a lot of those "this sux" if doing it silent.. but why not go that way? You'd have more freedom if you didn't get 2 craps about the awful voiced idea.



When I started building the mod that was my plan, but I hated playing with the silent protag. It just screamed at me, "You're playing modded content!" I hated that more than I dislike the vanilla player dialogue. So, I decided to embrace the vanilla protag dialogue. I'm done with all the scenes I need/want to write so that pain is mostly behind me :)

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I know your mods, they are quality as well.. far as i can see.. although i haven't, and cant use them.. because i hardly ever use the settlement system, as i cant walk while using it. In all their wisdom, Beth used, and probably hard-coded my movement keys for operating it.


If your using the arrow keys for moving like I do (SouthPaw Myself) You can use a custom F4SE keybinding to fix this or in one of the updates Beth did add a key combo for people who use the arrow keys. I use the F4SE method myself but if I remember correctly the key combo is Shift + vanilla Bound Arrow movement key while in workshop mode.


Edit: Well I just went to check what the key was, I can't figure it out with vanilla. I know I've used it in between F4SE updates but for some reason it's not working anymore. Thought it was shift or return near the arrow keys.




Thanks.. ill look into that.. i use F4Se, so that wouldn't be any trouble... and make my life easier for the times i do have to use that thing.

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If your interested I have made a (Mostly) fully functional SouthPaw UI with edited interface files so the screen shows all of the new keys. I had it uploaded here for a while but, with all the updates and lack of interest I stopped supporting it.


Now that the game updates are mostly done I could upload it again.


It requires F4SE and the keys go something like this,


Movement, Arrows


Activate - L Ctrl

Ready/Reload - L Alt

Jump - L Shift

VATS - Return (For enabling VATS and selecting body parts)

Hot keys - Num Pad 1-9 (More but I'm not going to explain all of them now)

POV/Workshop mode - Num Pad Astrics (Or whatever it's called Upper right top button on the num Pad between divide and Minus)

Workshop mode selection and navigation - Home, End, Del, PgDn

Always run - Home

Pip-boy - Del

Bash/Grenade - End


well that's the basics to get an idea of how I set the keys for myself, Some are still set with the vanilla binding and can be changed. Some are set via F4SE and there are still some keys like the ones for navigating the inspection view that are hardcoded to multiple keys so I had to choose the menu I felt was most important and accept where the others bound to.


Lastly I do have a (Again Mostly) Decoded F4SE CustomControlMap.txt that is not for use in game but will tell you what most of the lines mean and how to change them.


If you want ether or both just let me know and I'll make them available. Also let me know if you need help creating your own CustomControlMap, it's not all that complicated once you understand how it works but when you first see a full page of mostly odd looking numbers and letters it can be a little intimidating.

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Lol... yeah..but you know what ?.. i think i wouldn't mind at all if my character had only a few repeating lines, or even none at all..



Always hated playing a silent character...


Took you 4 days to completely change your view, eh?

Edited by Athanasa
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The pre-combined meshes were laziness, pure and simple. Because the ydidn't want to spend the time actually properly design/draw/craft/create high quality, optimized scenery. The same laziness is seen throughout the game in all areas, but particularly in DT Boston.


And out in the wasteland for instance, instead of placing an already existing "branch" or "twigs" mesh onto a spot, they simply bury an entire fracken tree mesh 95% into the ground, because that was the currently selected item, and not just once but in some place I've seen 8 FULL tree meshes buried almost completely in the ground, just to show a little clump of twigs. Now the tree meshes aren't all that large on their own, but when repeated 1000's of times it starts to add up.


Or roads ... instead of using the proper terrain editing brushes to alter the terrain details, ahh frack it, well just drop 10 meshes over the top of the existing ground, to "simulate" buckled toads.


I've used TCL to wander around under the "ground" in a few spots, and the amount of, what can only be called totally useless and superfluous "crap" that has been left behind, buried out of sight, is ridiculous!


And don't even get me started on the sheer number of "Trash", "Debris", "General Clutter", "Grass, "Grass Mound" and "Grass Mound with Dirt" meshes that are piled up willy nilly on top of each other in such profusion Yeah gods, does it surprise anyone that the game slows down with all that crap being loaded on top of all the actual terrain, buildings, items and NPC's/Characters?


They've been burying things for years, some of those small embedded rocks in the ground you find in Oblivion, they're buried boulders and not small ones, going into wireframe mode in that game reveals some shocking things.


Cheesus, and now i'm a "lair" for stating that my game runs pretty smooth with 115-120 fps, with some dips here and there in boston.


I would suggest all of you bitter people to go look up adaptive v-sync and then just go f***ing activate it in whatever program you use for that...Bunch of dingdongs


At those framerates you would be having serious issues, you don't go over 60 in Beths games, if you do all sorts of things go wrong.

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