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First bad thing to say about Steam since HL2


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So I've just moved in to my new place and I won't have a landline broadband connection until later on this month. I'm using a mobile 3G broadband dongle which, despite my not wanting to like it, is actually extremely stable and good. Only thing is it's not proper internet, it's a bit like being behind a proxy, so I can't use Steam. No problem because Steam has an offline mode, you'd think, right? Wrong. It seems in recent months Valve have updated Steam so that you can no longer use Steam offline without first logging in to Steam and telling it go in to offline mode. That, quite frankly, is ridiculously stupid.


This means if your internet goes down, or something happens which means you cannot login to Steam, you cannot play any of your Steam games unless you logged out from Steam the last time you used it and told it to work in offline mode. Similarly, if you have Steam setup so it remembers your username and password you're crap out of luck. Pants-on-head-stupid.


If anyone has any idea how to get around this utterly daft mechanism so I can play the 80-odd single player games I have on my Steam account, so I don't have to crack the games, I'd appreciate it.

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I've had a bit of hit and miss with getting it to restart in offline mode, with the internet connection being completely disabled on my computer over the last couple of months. However like I said it's been a very hit and miss thing, and I've had to be completely offline for to work,
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I have the same issue for offline mode. Since I have no internet up at my farm my 80 something game library is also useless. My cousin had some luck with bethesda games using a obse/4gb launcher. It didn't work for me, but what he did was click steam and leave its "start in offline mode" menu open. Than he would launch either Skyrim or Fallout while the menu was left in background. It may or may not work.
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I'll save you from yourself

From those demons of the night

They promise fame and fortune

All that you eagerly desire.


I'll save you from yourself

From those voices calling you

Sell your soul to evil

Then you'll be dancing forever.




Era - Sentence


Once you gave up control of your own, neither promises nor talk of goodwill can protect you from being handled like the puppet you did of yourself - words of wisdom.


PS: I opened an exception to Steam for Skyrim. If not for any other reason so I can be fair when talking about it. But now this might mean my retirement from gaming too if the marketing is irreversibly going in that direction, anyway there are still many old games more deserving than the lot coming up these days.

Edited by nosisab
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I'm sorry you did not see the relation with the topic.


Edit: I'm not actually contrary to the idea of a place like steam, just it is taking too much and getting too far in that relation with the consumer, well, actually the whole IP thing is.

Edited by nosisab
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