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petition to bring Dark Souls for PC


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soo all you guys (not talking those on this thread specifically, talking PC players in general) do is complain when a PC game is ported to consoles and it ruining the games, and consoles in general ruin the PC games....but now your begging to have a console game ported to the PC?.....nice bit of hypocrisy right there.


already played and beat the game, so i could care less if it gets ported.....i highly doubt it will though. if anything you will see a Demon Souls 3 come out for all platforms.


also note, petitions dont exactly work, at least not with From Software....the Demons/Dark Souls community had a petition to get the servers back to the way they were before in Demons Souls (the way they are in Dark Souls, ruined the game imo), and it was never changed. and we are talking a petition directly from the community, on the official forums.


That is all.

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soo all you guys (not talking those on this thread specifically, talking PC players in general) do is complain when a PC game is ported to consoles and it ruining the games, and consoles in general ruin the PC games....but now your begging to have a console game ported to the PC?.....nice bit of hypocrisy right there.


already played and beat the game, so i could care less if it gets ported.....i highly doubt it will though. if anything you will see a Demon Souls 3 come out for all platforms.


also note, petitions dont exactly work, at least not with From Software....the Demons/Dark Souls community had a petition to get the servers back to the way they were before in Demons Souls (the way they are in Dark Souls, ruined the game imo), and it was never changed. and we are talking a petition directly from the community, on the official forums.


Sorry, but that's just a stereotype of "PC gamers".

Most people (Like me) would love to make PC games available on consoles. My favorite developers would make more money then, and more players would enjoy what I do.

Does it always have to come to such comments? No, not all PC gamers are pirates or elitists or selfish. And not all console gamers are stupid or children or other stereotypic nonsense.

There's a wall between PC gamers and Console gamers and it's ruining the gaming community in general.


Please, let's keep this thread on topic and only talk about the petition.

Which has by the way reached 51,000 52,800 53,640 signatures.

Edited by Iv000
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But at the same time I shake my head at some developers that don't want to make a PC version of their game, despite the growing number of PCs that can outperform any of the consoles. Or worse - They ditch the PC altogether, and make games on consoles, and their excuse is that there isn't any money gained on the PC market. I'm looking at you, Epic; I don't have to remind you where you got started, do I? :mad:
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your right, i shouldnt use those PC buttholes on YouTube as a generalization. idiotic and clearly not all the way thought threw rant withdrawn. i am sorry :(


all im saying is dont get your hopes up. the community couldnt even get something in game changed. never mind non community members asking them to make a game for an entirely unrelated console console.


as i said, the most this petition will do is say the PC community is interested in the game, and that if you come out with a Demons Souls 3, you should make it all consoles. which i agree with. though idk how fluid it would be using PC controls. (not talking using a controller hooked up to your PC)

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your right, i shouldnt use those PC buttholes on YouTube as a generalization. idiotic and clearly not all the way thought threw rant withdrawn. i am sorry :(


all im saying is dont get your hopes up. the community couldnt even get something in game changed. never mind non community members asking them to make a game for an entirely unrelated console console.


as i said, the most this petition will do is say the PC community is interested in the game, and that if you come out with a Demons Souls 3, you should make it all consoles. which i agree with. though idk how fluid it would be using PC controls. (not talking using a controller hooked up to your PC)

Personally, I'm pessimistic on this one. I doubt the devs will give us a response.

At least I can support the things I like.


Also, I really appreciate your apology. :smile:



Well, the moderator at the Namco forums said if the feedback would be big enough that it may be possible.

But then again, he is just a moderator. (No offense to our beloved moderators here at the Nexus!)


Also, every major gaming site on the internet is supporting us.:



TotalBiscuit (You can see his video in the OP) and Notch too.

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TB added a nice bit of info: Namco and From are both interested in this, they wanted to make sure that the PC community was interested too. This way of showing interest sprouted up, and so if it gets a massive amount of signatures (already has a considerable amount) then it will most likely happen.
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you guys arent hearing me :P they said the same thing to our petition about going back to the area servers over the P2P servers. they told us that they heard what we were saying and that they were going to fix stuff....what they fixed were some in game glitched and rebalanced a couple of things. it was nice, ppl had asked for those changes. but its not the fix everyone thought they were getting.....idk how many that petition got. an im sure there was more then one. but my point being, petitions dont always do what we want them to do....best case scenario (cause i dont see them porting it) is Demons Souls 3 will be all platforms.....its like the dont mind fixing a couple of small things, but dont wanna take on anything big....idk. im a hurt fan honestly. they really messed up a lot about this game compared to Demons Souls. and by a lot, i mean how they set up the servers. they made it extremely hard to play with specific ppl (you can play with randoms no prob) but the allure and last appeal of Demons Souls was playing with my friends...hell im still playing with a friend who just got that game....in Dark Souls, well its possible, but its all by chance that you see his sign to summon him, unless you want to spend 10 minutes spamming the sign until he sees it....just sucks tbh. and ruing the game for me. instead of going and playing multiple times and platinuming it and everything, i played it once, and havent really had any desires to go back cause i cant play with friends. :/



Sony has no say about it. thats why this game is called Dark Souls and not Demons Souls 2, cause Sony owns the name Demons Souls. but considering From went from Ps3 only, to Ps3 and 360, it would be no surprise to see their third game go all platforms.



my one tip. is unless they work out how to play this game with a mouse and keyboard...i dont see that being a very comfortable method, so you might wanna look into getting a controller. :)


Also, I really appreciate your apology. :smile:


thank you/your welcome (not sure which is appropriate lol)

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