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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Tentative beta release around mid March (hopefully...)? ALL ABOARD THE BEHIPPO AND SKSE HYPE TRAIN! CHO CHOO!!! Edited by SantinoMastrangioli1
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How big is the SKSE team? It feels like it is onlu behippo who is working on it :tongue:


There are only three of us currently: Ian, Brendan and I. Brendan has mostly been investigation F4SE in the very recent past, but he's did the lion's share of getting the papyrus internals back online for SKSE64. Ian did all of the initial, basic set up for the engine but has been really busy in real life.

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How big is the SKSE team? It feels like it is onlu behippo who is working on it :tongue:


There are only three of us currently: Ian, Brendan and I. Brendan has mostly been investigation F4SE in the very recent past, but he's did the lion's share of getting the papyrus internals back online for SKSE64. Ian did all of the initial, basic set up for the engine but has been really busy in real life.

Real life? What's that? Never heard of that... must be something special in Skyrim to find (^__^)

On a serious note, like everybody else here, thank you guys very much for all your work. It is kinda sad we can not give you something in return due to your policy to not take any money. Would be cool if you let us know how to thank you the right way (*^o^*)

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so beta mid-march.. how do you get to participate in the beta? or am i misunderstanding.. is it like a beta-test where only a few will get to use, or a just more of a beta-version? either way, super happy that it is coming along this quickly!


huge thanks to the team!

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How big is the SKSE team? It feels like it is onlu behippo who is working on it :tongue:


There are only three of us currently: Ian, Brendan and I. Brendan has mostly been investigation F4SE in the very recent past, but he's did the lion's share of getting the papyrus internals back online for SKSE64. Ian did all of the initial, basic set up for the engine but has been really busy in real life.


Only 3 of you? Lol good lord. I wish I was rich so I could hire some help for you guys haha.

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so beta mid-march.. how do you get to participate in the beta? or am i misunderstanding.. is it like a beta-test where only a few will get to use, or a just more of a beta-version? either way, super happy that it is coming along this quickly!


huge thanks to the team!


Mid-march we should have an open beta of SKSE64 available for anyone comfortable using beta software to try. Hopefully soon after we'll have an official non-beta release. There may be some closed alpha/beta tests before hand, but those will be done with a very small hand-picked group of modders to help with regression testing and ensuring the new versions of the functions work properly with their mods.

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