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Should I upgrade?

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I'm looking to get into Mass Effect Andromeda and Star Citizen.


Graphics Card: AMD Raedon R9 380 4GB

Processor: AMD FX-4130 Quad Core 3.8 Ghz

Motherboard: MSI MS 7974.

Monitor: AOC monitor, 1600x900 32 bit. (Upgrading soon.)

Memory: 8192MB RAM

My computer can get pretty weak in modded games I play, but do you think this will pass?

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Your GPU is still good for a year or two yet. I'm not familiar with the requirements for the upcoming games you mentioned, but my guess would be that you'd have to play them at roughly medium to medium-high graphics settings. Could someone who IS familiar with those upcoming games chime in here please?


Now your CPU is a bit weak. If I'm correct, that mobo is an AM3+ socket, yes? If so, maybe an upgrade to a FX-8350 (4GHz) would do well for you and give you a bit of headroom for a GPU upgrade down the road. It will run you about a $150. for a new one from the reputable sellers.


Aheh, while researching my suggestion, I noticed you've asked the above ALL over the place, LOL. Nothing wrong with that. Getting lots of second opinions is a good thing.

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Honestly, with your GPU you are fine. a 380 could likely play even new games High/Ultra (more High, less Ultra if you want to maintain 60fps)


as someone said your CPU is a bit lacking and could be your bottleneck. my friend did what LeddBate suggested and upgrade his AMD CPU in socket, but honestly didn't fund much of an improvement. AMD just isn't that good, especially that series of chips. If you were really looking to invest/upgrade I would consider going over to Intel (which my friend did do and did notice a huge performance increase).


The rest looks fine. 8GB RAM is still fine.

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I would highly suggest upgrading your CPU. You can either wait for Zen or upgrade to an Intel Skylake build. Even a more budget oriented CPU like Intel's i3 6100 should generally speaking be better than your FX 4130. Do not stay with the AM3+ platform though, it's a dead end platform that really will be a waste of your money at this point. Your GPU is pretty good though and should serve you just fine. Also, you might want to consider upgrading to 16GB of RAM. It's not really crucial, but it is a fairly cheap thing to upgrade and would help moving forward. Games are using a lot more system resources these days, so it seems wise to prepare for the future now.

Edited by DaddyDirection
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What is your budget? If you can wait till amd ryzen cpu's hit the market i would do that and compare the intel cpu compared to ryzen cpu offerings price wise. The new b350 amd motherboards will be a sweet spot price with the ryzen cpu. Also look to ebay for a decent used intel skylake cpu like a i5 6500 or 6600 non k if you do not overclock. Your gpu is ok but if i had the $$$ and was starting over i would go with a gtx1060 6gb or rx 480 8gb for 1080p gaming. Your cpu is and i'm sorry to say this but a dog by today's standards when it comes to gaming. Let us know which way you go and if you got any questions ask there are plenty of peeps here who will tell you the truth and not let you waste your $$$ by being a fanboy to certain brands.

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