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[LE] Skyrim Tutorials

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A simple question: Is it possible to permanently alter the trajectory of the sun in the game, so that during midday it would blaze from a 60-70 degree angle, instead of being the flat toplight it is now. Are there any tutorials for altering basic elements such as this? Edited by lapinkarhu
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Is there a way to attach a static object to dynamic object, say like attaching a chest to passenger cart, so that they move together? The static object does not need to do anything other than stick to the moving object. Is it necessary to join the meshes and re texture the hole thing, or is this a simple creation kit function? If the former, is there a tutorial?


Thanks for any help with this!

I would like to know more about doing something like this, hass anyone found anything out?

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I'm looking for a well made, concise tutorial on building a very basic outdoor-style (no loading to enter/exit) player abode (something very much like the Alchemist's Shack) that includes details on navmeshing and how to place it in your desired area/location.


Thx in advance!

Edited by ZedLeppelin
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Hi I'm new to making so I started with these tutorials but i'm stuck at this part (Click on the Do Clipping button as shown in picture Adding the Mirror modifier. Select all the vertices that are along the z axis and move them to the right using the red arrow (or to the left, if you have cut the left half of the cube). This will align all those vertices along the z axis, wihtout leaving holes.) here are the links






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I'd like to request a tutorial on followers with custom voice acting, assuming you know how to make followers and add a new voice type/dialogue - just what needs to be set and where. I have googled it and I can't find anything at all.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to attach a static object to dynamic object, say like attaching a chest to passenger cart, so that they move together? The static object does not need to do anything other than stick to the moving object. Is it necessary to join the meshes and re texture the hole thing, or is this a simple creation kit function? If the former, is there a tutorial?


Thanks for any help with this!

I would like to know more about doing something like this, hass anyone found anything out?



You could give this Papyrus command a try.

Edited by steve40
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  • 2 weeks later...
how do i install a saved game? it says put in a save file and the launch game and click load. but there is no option to load and when i go on new game i'm not in a seat and the helgen gates aren't open how do i overcome this!!??
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