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[LE] Skyrim Tutorials

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I see a lot of stuff about making or altering armour, but I sure don't see much about items/objects. That is to say, suppose I make a butterchurn. It doesn't do anything, and it can't be interacted with, it's just "eye candy", much the same as a crate or a table would be.


Let's pretend I used my fave modelling program and saved a successful NIF file.


Let's pretend I used my fave painting program to make the texture and saved a successful DDS and n_DDS.


Now what?


(If you link to a vid on this, could it please be one that either is subtitled, or can be figured out by the deaf?)


I'd like to know something similar, I'm trying to create an item that should interact about the same way as simple coins on the ground do, however it looks like there's something I'm missing, as I can't seem to get my custom nif to show up in CK =/ So a tutorial on how to do those things would be nice indeed :I

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Anyone knows a tutorial how to give custom races own combat voices?

sorry but you may as well give up! as this has been asked many times by myself and others over the months without a single reply from anyone who has done it.

at this stage i think its impossible

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I just started making a video that covers a bit of information about 3ds Max and how to setup a skeleton for animation. I'll admit its pretty bare right now, but it includes a ton of information. I plan on releasing more tutorials, but this is what I think I'll have overall:


1. Setting up a rig for Skyrim animation in 3ds Max - includes navigating around in the viewports, some technical information about the skeletons, animation helpers, and importer plugin issues.


2. A tutorial that covers making an animation from scratch without having to convert ones that already do exist. I will mention how to reuse animations briefly, but I would like to teach using nothing but the rig and Havok's Content Tools.


3. Creating a character animation that includes an AnimObject. Most AnimObjects are stationary and are linked to an existing bone, but I think I found a way to actually animate one without having it be welded to a bone.


4. Creating a(n) clothing/armor model without using any existing clothing/armor, save for adding the correct material branches in Nifskope, and using a base body. I will make this as easy as possible, so even someone who can't model can make a simple piece of clothing work ingame.


I will try to keep these brief and simple, so it encourages more people to try using 3ds Max. The only thing I haven't been able to do is morph work, but I'm not too worried about that right now.


Anyway here's a link to my first tutorial:


An introduction to 3ds Max and Skyrim: Navigation basics and setting up a character rig


This one has no audio, but has annotations describing what I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and how things work. It is more a less a reference, but you can easily follow what I'm doing if your interested. I recommend watching it atleast one time before actually doing it though.


My new tutorials will include audio though because I am experimenting with video compression and audio for my slow internet connection.


I don't know how long it will take to make each of these tutorials, so have some patience if your interested. The only thing I assume is that you have the importer/exporter installed, and you have extracted the nif files from Skyrim's .bsa's.

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How to make big NPC battles 200 vs 200~ i can spawn them by console command but cant make them all fight one of sides just stand and not attack.

Such big battles can make only in CK? or how? pls help

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Anyone knows a tutorial how to give custom races own combat voices?

sorry but you may as well give up! as this has been asked many times by myself and others over the months without a single reply from anyone who has done it.

at this stage i think its impossible


I just figured it out after 6 hours of trial and error. Here is a quick tutorial I posted on a different forum:


Step 1. Create custom voice type.

Step 2. Add created voice type to the "VoicesPlayer", "DefaultNPCVoiceTypes", "VoicesCommonCombatant", "VoicesCommonAdult", "VoicePowerVoicesListNoDraugr", "VoicePowerVoicesListwithTsun", and "VoicePowerVoicesList" forms.

Step 3. Hardest part: create or supply the sound files. There is a certain naming format that should be followed and you can look at the pre-existing files to learn what you need to name each file for each "line". Then they have to be in fuz or xwm format.

Step 4. Create folder "Data/Sound/Voice/skyrim.esm".

Step 5. Create a folder within the "skyrim.esm" folder that matches the editor ID of the voice type you created in step 1. Place all the sound files from step 3 in here.

Step 6. Congratulations, you are now one step closer to achieving CHIM.

Step 7. (optional) Add some greetings, taunts, etc. that are marked with the NOT PLAYER tag for when you fight NPCs of the custom race.


You can transplant the files from any mod that is based on replacing a default voice type (like femaleeventoned) into the new folder.

Edited by rinoaff33
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Is there a GOOD tutorial around for importing bows? I found a very basic one on YT that just shows how to copy/paste your own one over an original bow using the original bones - but i would like a more detailed one, an explanation how these bones/weighting works would be fine and if it's possible to create your own bones? And i would like how it works together with the animations...atm i try to replace the crossbow with a musket but using the original bones the whole model get's f*cked up when i shoot because it is still attached to the bowstring...and to fix that i need to understand the whole thing :D
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Does anyone know how to create a new skill tree? I know one can edit existing ones and there's evidence that one can create new ones, but I can't find a tutorial on how to create the new ones. any help would be appreciated.
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