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Infinite Loading Screen


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My game's run way way smoother since I deleted a few hundred saves. Placed a bunch in a backup folder too


Way smoother - the elevator rides are also much quicker.

Must be coincidence or wishful thinking as saves that aren't in use don't influence the current save that's being played, at all. It's like saying your white kitchen wall looks way more colourful since you've put a can of green paint beside it.


The only thing that could have happened is that your drive was getting full and that deleting the saves has given the game more space to add saves, but even then the impact would be minor.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm having the same isue however it is affecting all saves, essentially making my game unplayable, this started just after the 1.9.4 update, until then I had no issues I have 16gb of ram an i7 and a mid range gpu, I've started a new game w/o mods and with mods and either way I cannot progress past the load screen, I've been one while writing this post and it's about 11 minutes, yesterday I left for work and 9 hrs later was still in a load screen
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I'm having the same isue however it is affecting all saves, essentially making my game unplayable, this started just after the 1.9.4 update, until then I had no issues I have 16gb of ram an i7 and a mid range gpu, I've started a new game w/o mods and with mods and either way I cannot progress past the load screen, I've been one while writing this post and it's about 11 minutes, yesterday I left for work and 9 hrs later was still in a load screen
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I'm having the same isue however it is affecting all saves, essentially making my game unplayable, this started just after the 1.9.4 update, until then I had no issues I have 16gb of ram an i7 and a mid range gpu, I've started a new game w/o mods and with mods and either way I cannot progress past the load screen, I've been one while writing this post and it's about 11 minutes, yesterday I left for work and 9 hrs later was still in a load screen
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  • 2 years later...

same s*** here ... funiest part- before i was running game with about 120mods (game and mods was on loose files)on i7 second generation and integrated graphics,and it newer happens. Now AMD Ryzen 2900 with grafics card eqvivalent gtx 1070 8gb,and16gb\ram, and

running fckin Ba2 .... and getting one problem after another, and not talking about some modding work where you need to extract every fckin file before editing and pack em again. Why the hell they cant leave the game as it was when iv bought it?My look Fallout 4 its the best single player game ever and im sure it gonna stay so for 5 years more(like Skyrim), maby even longer, if they not screw it total with some more new file system and fckin updates...

Edited by rollan5
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rollan- yeah, I hear ya man. It's been a bear trying to get thru these last two updates.

GTA 5 used to update every month, or every other month, just to break the scripting system we had to use, to be able to mod the game. THAT was over the top.

might give this a try. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42497

recently released, supposed to make older versions of the game compatible with the newer mods. I dunno if I'd say the verdict is out on it yet tho.

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I use the load accelerator mod. It uncaps framerate while in loading screens. Actually works pretty good. (game loading is tied to frame rate.) It has dramatically reduced the frequency of infinite load screens.


I have also noticed that the game just essentially stops loading anything during the ILS.... I used task manager to monitor RAM/HDD usage, and noticed the game simply was not reading ANYTHING from the disk. No clue WHY it does that.....

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I use the load accelerator mod. It uncaps framerate while in loading screens. Actually works pretty good. (game loading is tied to frame rate.) It has dramatically reduced the frequency of infinite load screens.


I have also noticed that the game just essentially stops loading anything during the ILS.... I used task manager to monitor RAM/HDD usage, and noticed the game simply was not reading ANYTHING from the disk. No clue WHY it does that.....

Might be a coded pause. I know that they've got one coded in to pause/delay before allowing you to click Skip before you can start a new character.

It is interesting tho, that if I have my ini files set up to bypass any of those introductions, the game goes into "not responding" mode, for juuuuust about the same amount of time that it takes for those to load. Odd coincidence? Dun't think so, but I dunno for sure.

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