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Worst part in dark brotherhood?


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Just before you gotta do the purification, he's so much nicer. Once he told me that he's so happy to see me he could burst. lol

Khajiit: "I'm so happy to see you, I could burst!"


Me: "Here, let me help..." *launches Deadly Reflex combustion spell at him*


I've never gotten to see if his attitude toward me changes or not, because honestly, I keep a great distance when passing him so I wouldn't have to hear his random comments toward me. Someone should have told him that first impressions make all the difference... :verymad:

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Someone has probally said this before..but my saddest most disappointing moment during the dark brotherhood quest was when i realized as the top dog..my job was to listen to some dead grandma issue me orders in which i then tell to this really tall ugly elf chick..then i sit on my butt for a week and do it all over again..i tried asking for a demotion but she kept praising me and saying it was an honor to be in my presence....ahh....she will be missed..
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Worst part in the Dark Brotherhood questline for me is seeing Lucien Lachance dead and not being able to say or do anything just stand there and wait until we could go to Bravil. Also I really hate killing all people in the Sanctuary. Sure it's an assassins guild where members kill for pleasure and money but it has the nicest people (except M'raaj-Dar but as everyone knows already he becomes nice guy in the end) and the last thing I really hate is that in the end you're left with some stupid High Elf and some three murderers who always crap their pants every time you talk with them. :rolleyes: and also you end up as a leader of destroyed organization that will never be rebuild. :verymad:
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Frankly I hate being leader of any of the guilds. They all feel gutted and useless after the quests are over. The brotherhood is especially bad. I'm thinking of completing some but not all of the quests for the guilds so the original leaders still remain. I just noticed today that the brotherhood members have the must unique interactions with one another of any guild.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see where people are coming from with the Mraaj'Dar hate, but I actually like him the most. All the other characters (aside from the orc) are kind of too "creepy cultist" for me. We're a guild of people who murder for money. We're the only guild directly associated with serving a deity, but still. Cut the pretense please. I don't understand the love for Lucien either. He's the worst with the creepiness. He's actually the reason it took me so long to join the Brotherhood. A guild of people who are gonna act like him? No thank you.


I guess a part of it is, I don't like a game where everybody likes my character. Unless it's something like Infamous where the entire crowd beats up your enemies for you. But you have to earn that, it's not given from the start.

Thinking about it from his point of view, why should he be falling all over you just because you're a member of the same band of murderers as him? It was more of an accomplishment to finally earn his favor, unlike everyone else who lovebombed you from the start. And plus he was funny. He even breaks the fourth wall a little in his merchant dialog. "You got a deal, idiot... Now I can sell it for five times its worth!" Every merchant does that, but he's the only one that admits it.


Getting the orders to kill Mraaj'Dar along with everyone else was the worst bit for me, and RP-wise was the reason my character Jangle-Tail finally decided to quit the guild. I'll admit there was also a little Feline Solidarity influencing his actions... J-T also researches his targets and decides on whether or not he wants to go through with a contract. He also has his own set of morals that, though skewed from the norm, aren't something he's willing to break, even if it means having some ghost come after him while he sleeps.


(This is a little off-topic, but I kinda wanna say it. It's actually been a little unsettling, reading certain posts here talking about how Lucien is such a sexy and charismatic person, when to me he just screams "I am a cult-master. Relinquish your will to me and I'll give you affection. But only if you do what I say. If you disobey me, I'll show you no mercy." The whole "loving family" bit is also a tried and true cult tactic. I mentioned it before, "lovebombing". I dunno, maybe lots of posters here are into D/s. That's alright. It just unnerves me to see someone like Lucien be characterized that way. The creepiness would probably count as my second choice for "worst part of the DB". Yeah, Sorry for the tangent, it's just been on my mind.)

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